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guiSetAlpha problem


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Hello! Heres my login script detail:

beleppanel = guiCreateStaticImage( (screenX-349)/2, 260, 349, 229, "kepek/belepespanel.png", false ) 
felhasznalo_edit = guiCreateEdit(179 ,52 , 150, 18, "", false, beleppanel) 
guiSetAlpha ( felhasznalo_edit, 50 ) 


Its look like this. I want to put a edit box in the picture's "input box" and set the edit box's alpha 0 but when somebody write something the text invisible too:/ Any idea how i can display onli the text.

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I tryed it, but don't work:

beleppanel = guiCreateStaticImage( (screenX-349)/2, 260, 349, 229, "kepek/belepespanel.png", false ) 
felhasznalo_edit = guiCreateEdit(177 ,52 , 150, 18, "", false, beleppanel) 
guiSetProperty( felhasznalo_edit, "AlwaysOnTop", "True" ) 
guiSetAlpha ( felhasznalo_edit, 0 ) 
jelszo_edit = guiCreateEdit(177 ,52 ,150 ,18 ,"", false, beleppanel) 
guiSetAlpha ( jelszo_edit, 0 ) 
guiSetProperty( jelszo_edit, "AlwaysOnTop", "True" ) 
function textMezo () 
    textFelh = guiCreateLabel(187, 52, 150, 18,"proba",false,beleppanel) 
    guiSetFont (textFelh, "clear-normal") 
    editFelhText = guiGetText(felhasznalo_edit) 
    guiSetText (textFelh, editFelhText) 
setTimer ( textMezo, 5000, 1 ) 
guiSetVisible( login_register_window, true ) 

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tempLabels = { }; -- create table of lables that correspond to edit boxes 
function updateLabels( ) -- create function which will be called when edit box will be change (text input) 
    guiSetText( tempLabels[ source ], guiGetText( source ) ); -- set the label text to the same text as the edit box 
beleppanel = guiCreateStaticImage( (screenX-349)/2, 260, 349, 229, "kepek/belepespanel.png", false ) 
felhasznalo_edit = guiCreateEdit(177 ,52 , 150, 18, "", false, beleppanel) 
guiSetAlpha ( felhasznalo_edit, 0 ) 
tempLabels[ felhasznalo_edit  ] = guiCreateLabel( 177 ,52 , 150, 18, "", false, beleppanel); -- create first label for edit box 
guiMoveToBack( tempLabels[ felhasznalo_edit ] ); -- move the label below the editbox 
jelszo_edit = guiCreateEdit(177 ,72 ,150 ,18 ,"", false, beleppanel) 
guiSetAlpha ( jelszo_edit, 0 ) 
tempLabels[ jelszo_edit ] = guiCreateLabel( 177, 72, 150, 18, "", false, beleppanel); -- create another label for the next edit box 
guiMoveToBack( tempLabels[ jelszo_edit ] ); -- move the label below the editbox 
addEventHandler( "onClientGUIChanged", jelszo_edit, updateLabels, false ); -- whenever jelszo_edit text is changed then call updateLabels function 
addEventHandler( "onClientGUIChanged", felhasznalo_edit, updateLabels, false ); -- same here 

You may have to play with the location of the labels to make sure they align with the caret (the line you showed on the screenshot) and the edit boxes themselves.

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