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createPed & setCameraTarget...

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So i have come across a problem on the client side with:

fakeCar = createVehicle(vehModel, 0, 0, 0) 
fakePed = createPed(263, 0, 0, 0, 0, false) or outputChatBox('False') 
warpPedIntoVehicle(fakePed, fakeCar) 

setCameraTarget says that there is an expected number at argument one, well I assume this is bugging with the other client side option. fakePed variable also isn't working in an other function, it isn't local so it should work. So it creates the ped and the vehicle and puts the ped in the car, but I can't watch the ped, and I also cannot use: setPedControlState(fakePed, 'accelerate', vehAccelerate) in the other function.

I am almost done with this code, and before you ask vehAccelerate is defined and is correct.

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This function allows you to set a player's camera to follow other elements instead. Currently supported element type is:


That's probably why it shows you the warning message. Remember, ALL players are peds but NOT ALL peds are players. You should use the other variant of the function and if it needs to follow the ped then you'll need to use onClientPreRender.

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