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string.find (Don't understand)


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It's used to find a string in a string, Ex :
string.find( getPlayerName ( getLocalPlayer ( ) ), 'papam77' ) 

This will return true if the local player name included papam77 in it

so i can use it for finding gamemode, script and something like this ?

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Not like that, It finds a strings in a string, Like when you search in a book for a page, It do the same for strings, Ex :

BadWords = { 'word1', 'word2' } 
addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerChat', root, function( msg, msgtype ) 
    if msgtype == 0 then 
        for k,v in ipairs( BadWords ) do 
            if string.find( msg, v ) then 
                cancelEvent ( ) 
end ) 

This will cancel a chat message if that message included any word in the BadWords table .

If you could tell me what are you trying to do it would be easier for me to help : )

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It's used to find a string in a string, Ex :
string.find( getPlayerName ( getLocalPlayer ( ) ), 'papam77' ) 

This will return true if the local player name included papam77 in it

Wrong, it doesn't return true if it found a match.

lua.org quote:

If it finds a match, then find returns the indices of s where this occurrence starts and ends; otherwise, it returns nil.
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It's used to find a string in a string, Ex :
string.find( getPlayerName ( getLocalPlayer ( ) ), 'papam77' ) 

This will return true if the local player name included papam77 in it

Wrong, it doesn't return true if it found a match.

lua.org quote:

If it finds a match, then find returns the indices of s where this occurrence starts and ends; otherwise, it returns nil.

I really don't know now :D

How can add it for any gamemode or script ?

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You can use it to find substring (string inside) of the string.

start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "wor" ) -- would return 7 and 9  (7 is where it was found, and 9 is where it ends) 
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "hel" ) -- would return nil because "hel" is not found in the string 
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "Hel" ) -- would return 1 and 3 (found "Hel" at 1 and ended at 3) 

You have to remember that the second string (the string you are searching) is a "pattern" and that means you can do special searches like in Regular Expression to find for example date in a string

start, end = string.find( "Today is 29/04/2013", "%d%d/%d%d/%d%d%d%d" )  
-- it would return 10 and 19  (date starts at character 10 and ends at character 19) 

There are more special (or magic) characters you can use, eg:

start, end, day, month, year = string.find( "Today is 29/04/2013", "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)" )  
-- it would return 5 values: 10, 19 (like example above -^-) and also 3 more values captured between ( and )  => 29 04 2013 

You can tell the function to ignore any special characters in the pattern and search for simple string:

start, end = string.find( "Your clan is [clan]", "[clan]", 1, true )  
-- the 3rd parameter 1 tell the function where to start searching for the substring, the last parameter tell the func to ignore any special characters (in this case: [ and ] are special chars) 
-- the result would be 14 and 19 (found at 14 and ends at 19) 

The string.find function is powerful but you can use the this example to find any simple substring you want ignoring any "magic" characters

If you want to get string in between [ and ] (for example to get player's clan) then you can use the pattern as follows:

start, end, clan = string.find( "[MYCLAN]PlayerName", "%[(%w+)%]" ) -- it would return 1, 8 and "MYCLAN"  (found at 1, ends at 8 and the capture (%w+) => MYCLAN) 

"%[(%w+)%]" => %[ this means you want to find [ in your string, then (%w+) means you want to capture all the letters after [, and then %] means you want to finish looking for pattern at ]

Like I said it's a powerful function but you need to know how the function works and what is Regular Expression because these 2 share the same logic. You said you read over and over again but can't understand, if you still don't understand then I'm not sure how to help you.

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You can use it to find substring (string inside) of the string.
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "wor" ) -- would return 7 and 9  (7 is where it was found, and 9 is where it ends) 
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "hel" ) -- would return nil because "hel" is not found in the string 
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "Hel" ) -- would return 1 and 3 (found "Hel" at 1 and ended at 3) 

You have to remember that the second string (the string you are searching) is a "pattern" and that means you can do special searches like in Regular Expression to find for example date in a string

start, end = string.find( "Today is 29/04/2013", "%d%d/%d%d/%d%d%d%d" )  
-- it would return 10 and 19  (date starts at character 10 and ends at character 19) 

There are more special (or magic) characters you can use, eg:

start, end, day, month, year = string.find( "Today is 29/04/2013", "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)" )  
-- it would return 5 values: 10, 19 (like example above -^-) and also 3 more values captured between ( and )  => 29 04 2013 

You can tell the function to ignore any special characters in the pattern and search for simple string:

start, end = string.find( "Your clan is [clan]", "[clan]", 1, true )  
-- the 3rd parameter 1 tell the function where to start searching for the substring, the last parameter tell the func to ignore any special characters (in this case: [ and ] are special chars) 
-- the result would be 14 and 19 (found at 14 and ends at 19) 

The string.find function is powerful but you can use the this example to find any simple substring you want ignoring any "magic" characters

If you want to get string in between [ and ] (for example to get player's clan) then you can use the pattern as follows:

start, end, clan = string.find( "[MYCLAN]PlayerName", "%[(%w+)%]" ) -- it would return 1, 8 and "MYCLAN"  (found at 1, ends at 8 and the capture (%w+) => MYCLAN) 

"%[(%w+)%]" => %[ this means you want to find [ in your string, then (%w+) means you want to capture all the letters after [, and then %] means you want to finish looking for pattern at ]

Like I said it's a powerful function but you need to know how the function works and what is Regular Expression because these 2 share the same logic. You said you read over and over again but can't understand, if you still don't understand then I'm not sure how to help you.

Thank you ^^

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You can use it to find substring (string inside) of the string.
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "wor" ) -- would return 7 and 9  (7 is where it was found, and 9 is where it ends) 
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "hel" ) -- would return nil because "hel" is not found in the string 
start, end = string.find( "Hello world", "Hel" ) -- would return 1 and 3 (found "Hel" at 1 and ended at 3) 

You have to remember that the second string (the string you are searching) is a "pattern" and that means you can do special searches like in Regular Expression to find for example date in a string

start, end = string.find( "Today is 29/04/2013", "%d%d/%d%d/%d%d%d%d" )  
-- it would return 10 and 19  (date starts at character 10 and ends at character 19) 

There are more special (or magic) characters you can use, eg:

start, end, day, month, year = string.find( "Today is 29/04/2013", "(%d+)/(%d+)/(%d+)" )  
-- it would return 5 values: 10, 19 (like example above -^-) and also 3 more values captured between ( and )  => 29 04 2013 

You can tell the function to ignore any special characters in the pattern and search for simple string:

start, end = string.find( "Your clan is [clan]", "[clan]", 1, true )  
-- the 3rd parameter 1 tell the function where to start searching for the substring, the last parameter tell the func to ignore any special characters (in this case: [ and ] are special chars) 
-- the result would be 14 and 19 (found at 14 and ends at 19) 

The string.find function is powerful but you can use the this example to find any simple substring you want ignoring any "magic" characters

If you want to get string in between [ and ] (for example to get player's clan) then you can use the pattern as follows:

start, end, clan = string.find( "[MYCLAN]PlayerName", "%[(%w+)%]" ) -- it would return 1, 8 and "MYCLAN"  (found at 1, ends at 8 and the capture (%w+) => MYCLAN) 

"%[(%w+)%]" => %[ this means you want to find [ in your string, then (%w+) means you want to capture all the letters after [, and then %] means you want to finish looking for pattern at ]

Like I said it's a powerful function but you need to know how the function works and what is Regular Expression because these 2 share the same logic. You said you read over and over again but can't understand, if you still don't understand then I'm not sure how to help you.

As you told me in PM: Write to thread. So okay.

I need with string.find, find gamemode race for lobby. How can do that ?

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What do you mean "gamemode race for lobby"?

He is trying to make something like "FFS Gaming" "Twisted Gaming" .. etc As what i understand .

It doesn't explain anything. I still don't understand.

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In that case you first need to make gamemodes that work together. You can't simply run all the gamemodes you have on your server and make a selection window for this. You have to modify all the gamemodes to work as 1. That is a lot of work and string.find on its own will not make it all possible.

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In that case you first need to make gamemodes that work together. You can't simply run all the gamemodes you have on your server and make a selection window for this. You have to modify all the gamemodes to work as 1. That is a lot of work and string.find on its own will not make it all possible.

And how can make gamemodes which work together ?

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First, you need to know how to script. Then you need to research the gamemodes and find out how they interact with players so that the gamemodes will not interrupt themselves. Then start modifying the gamemodes.

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