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Map unloading


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I need help for something.

So i edited the race gamemode to be able to warp a player in another dimension, on a special map (shooter map).

I also managed to make it possible to stay on this map as long as you want, even on race map change you stay there.

The only problem is that when a race map is started(loaded), the shooter map disappear, or unload.

The player is still in the same dimension, but the map simply unload.

Also when i rewarp the player in the dimension, the map reappear.

I looked in the racemap.lua of the race gamemode and the rest of the mode,

but it seems like i can't find why it always unload the map.

I don't know if it is really from the race mode unloading every maps on mapchange, or if it's from another script.

So here's the problem, how could i stop this map unloading on my shooter map ?

I hope this is understandable, if you need any precision to help me, write it.

Thanks in advance.

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Thank you for replying.

I looked into the map manager, and i found nothing about this problem, this resource simply start/stop map resource. Actually my "shootermap" isn't affected by this, as i load the map in another resource, plus i have the same problem if i load the map using createObject as script.

I tested something, i made the shootermap in the dimension 0, and the map doesn't disappear, so this problem seems to occur only when it's in another dimension.

Pretty strange, maybe a particularity from the startResource function?

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