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More Actual Structure

Guest CheesyMoo

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Sorry if this has been said before but I think the game needs more structure.

Everytime I play it seems like just utter chaos, people running around and killing eachother with no actual, missions, or goals. You have the stunt and deathmatch modes which are good, you just need like round times, HORSE or something like that to actualy make the game have a objective, not just goofing off.

I understand it's still beta-testing or whatever, just my thoughts.

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Yeah it does. And it got some buggd that need to be fixed. For MOST of the people its not a problem. But sometimes you always see Cops and robbers only! No matter what i choose i see my oppenents as robbers and they see me and others as cops.

And yes it neds objectives. At least stealing a car or destroying something.

and much better if there are CPU people.

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yop but lot of people dont knwo how to run mtama, thats really sad :(

so i just played 1 team manhunt in a server located in Mars...

Maybe the team can make an *.bat or something that do it auto.

Personnally i dont have server, for admins it can be lot usefull cause now, only dm or stunt is played :\

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