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Walking Underwater


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addEventHandler ( 'onResourceStart', resourceRoot, 
    function ( ) 
        for _,p in next, getElementsByType ( 'player' ) do 
            local acc = getPlayerAccount ( p ); 
            if isGuestAccount ( acc ) then return end; 
            local accName = getAccountName ( acc ); 
            if isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.'..accName, aclGetGroup ( 'Admin' ) ) then 
                setElementData ( p, 'isAdmin', true ); 
addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogin', root, 
    function ( _,acc ) 
        local accName = getAccountName ( acc ) 
        if isObjectInACLGroup ( 'user.'..accName, aclGetGroup ( 'Admin' ) ) then 
            setElementData ( source, 'isAdmin', true ); 
addEventHandler ( 'onPlayerLogout', root, 
    function ( ) 
        setElementData ( source, 'isAdmin', false ); 


function noDamage ( ) 
    if isElementInWater ( localPlayer ) and getElementData ( localPlayer, 'isAdmin' ) == true then 
        cancelEvent ( ); 
cancel = false; 
addCommandHandler ( 'water', 
    function ( ) 
        if cancel == false then 
            addEventHandler ( 'OnClientPlayerDamage', root, noDamage ); 
            cancel = true; 
            removeEventHandler ( 'OnClientPlayerDamage', root, noDamage ); 

We know you're a professional, but why not let him learn a little bit?

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1) 'OnClientPlayerDamage' event doesn't existed. You should know. Right is 'onClientPlayerDamage'

2) You just cancel damage in water but author this topic wants to walk underwater. Why? So you need just change a position of player.

3) Better storage in element data player's acl group instead of isAdmin/Moderator, ...

Edited by Guest
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1) 'OnClientPlayerDamage' event doesn't existed. You should know. Right is 'onClientPlayerDamage'

2) You just cancel damage in water but author this topic wants to walk underwater.

About the "On" thing, It's just a typing mistake, But you're right, All i thought about was the damage and not the ability to walk .

Abologise =D + Thanx for the info ..

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