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Blinking text


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Or, if you're using "dxDrawText" you can use "math.random" for the alpha.

Blinking is usually subsequent, using math.random is not needed. If I saw unordered blinking in a server I'd cut my throat. I have a very fast reaction time, I can count in milliseconds, so I would notice this, not sure of others.

If it was DX Text, I'd either use a timer to modify an Alpha Variable, or I would add this to the onClientRender:

speed = 20 
blink = (blink or 0) + 1 
if blink == (speed / 2) then 
    alpha = 255 
elseif blink == speed then 
    alpha = 0 

You would need to add the alpha value to your DX Text.

P.S ( Reason I can count in milliseconds is because I meditate and I also play very time dependent games )

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