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Lowering window the chat down?


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You don't need scripts -_- Change it in SETTINGS.

in the settings do not have the displacement of the chat !

there is only the color, size, font, transparency !

but there is no function to lower the down !





And where is this feature :?::?::?::?::?::?: ?


I connected to the server and everything was in place!

was downloading mods and I had lost icon card , life , and becoming a chat below!

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You mean, when you enter on that server, the chat appears in the bottom of screen? and if you enter in another, it's back in the top of screen?

Yes !

I can not find the server !

Here, too, at the bottom of Chat !

https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ew&id=6772


I know that there are some scripts to move Window life, armor, money, but Window to chat - I can not find !

generally have at least some options to move it down ?

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You mean, when you enter on that server, the chat appears in the bottom of screen? and if you enter in another, it's back in the top of screen?

Yes !

I can not find the server !

Here, too, at the bottom of Chat !

https://community.multitheftauto.com/ind ... ew&id=6772


I know that there are some scripts to move Window life, armor, money, but Window to chat - I can not find !

generally have at least some options to move it down ?

This my photo. I extend the lines because I am admin on Proyecto SX xD

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