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How to tell if a ped facing another ped?


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To check if the ped is facing another you need to find the rotation, to check if the ped can see the other you have to check if the client player is some element so that the function doesn't get called for all because the function uses the local player.

So, you would do this:

if ( thePlayerElement == localPlayer ) then 
    if ( isElementInPhotograph ( otherElement ) ) then 
        --do something 

Be sure to copy the function to your file, it's not a built-in one.

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To check if the ped is facing another you need to find the rotation, to check if the ped can see the other you have to check if the client player is some element so that the function doesn't get called for all because the function uses the local player.

So, you would do this:

if ( thePlayerElement == localPlayer ) then 
    if ( isElementInPhotograph ( otherElement ) ) then 
        --do something 

Be sure to copy the function to your file, it's not a built-in one.

I got the seeing part but not the rotation part. For example if the ped crouch sideways but still behind another ped, the ped sees it.

Edit: IsElementOnScreen doesn't work for peds only players.

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Ah, well.. You're really talking about peds and not players.. Then I don't know how would you see if a ped can see some element, peds aren't user-controlable and so I don't think you can check if the ped is seeing another element. But you should not rely on my words, because I may be wrong.

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