AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 hello, i have never used database saving or sql, and i am stuck with this code, it's creating like 20 time my account, and it's not rly working could anyone help me ? function loadPlayerData (player,datatype) sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return 0 else local playerIP = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(player)) if (playerIP) then local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("SELECT accountName FROM userpanel WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") if ( type( playerRootNode ) == "table") then local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel (accountName) VALUES ('"..playerIP.."')") return 0 else local playerData = executeSQLQuery("SELECT "..datatype.." FROM userpanel WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") if (playerData) then outputChatBox('bruh') return playerData else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel ("..datatype..") VALUES ('"..datatype.."') WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") return 0 end end end end end function savePlayerData (player,datatype,newvalue) sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return 0 else local playerIP = getAccountName (getPlayerAccount(player)) if (playerIP) then local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("SELECT accountName FROM userpanel WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") if not (playerRootNode == false) then local newNodeValue = executeSQLQuery("UPDATE userpanel SET "..tostring(datatype).."='"..tostring(newvalue).."' WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") return newNodeValue else local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel (accountName) VALUES ('"..playerIP.."')") local newNodeValue = executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel ("..tostring(datatype)..") VALUES ('"..tostring(datatype).."') WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") return newNodeValue end end end end Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 I don't get this script??? What is 'datatype' suppose to be??? Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Author Share Posted March 12, 2013 Datatype is the data info to be stored/loaded like savePlayerData(thePlayer,"cash",50000) "cash" is the datatype Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 (edited) ok, got it, try this: function loadPlayerData (player,datatype) datatype = tostring(datatype) local sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount (player) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return 0 end local playerIP = getAccountName (sourceAccount) if not playerIP then return 0 end local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("SELECT accountName FROM userpanel WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") if not playerRootNode or playerRootNode[0]=="" then //local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel (accountName) VALUES ('"..playerIP.."')") return 0 else local playerData = executeSQLQuery("SELECT "..datatype.." FROM userpanel WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") if (playerData) then outputChatBox('bruh') return playerData else executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel ("..datatype..") VALUES ('"..datatype.."') WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") return 0 end end end function savePlayerData (player,datatype,newvalue) datatype,newvalue = tostring(datatype),tostring(newvalue) local sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return 0 end local playerIP = getAccountName (sourceAccount) if not playerIP then return 0 end local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("SELECT accountName FROM userpanel WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") if playerRootNode then local newNodeValue = executeSQLQuery("UPDATE userpanel SET "..datatype.."='"..newvalue.."' WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") return newNodeValue else local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel (accountName) VALUES ('"..playerIP.."')") local newNodeValue = executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO userpanel ("..datatype..") VALUES ('"..datatype.."') WHERE accountName='"..playerIP.."'") return newNodeValue end end Edited March 12, 2013 by Guest Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Author Share Posted March 12, 2013 i tried, but it's still making 219 records with the same accountName ... Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 function loadPlayerData ( player, datatype ) local sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return false else local accountName = getAccountName ( sourceAccount ) if ( accountName ) then local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM userpanel WHERE accountName = ?", tostring ( accountName ) ) if ( type ( playerRootNode ) == "table" and #playerRootNode == 0 or not playerRootNode ) then return executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO userpanel ( accountName, ".. tostring ( datatype ) .." ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", tostring ( accountName ), newvalue ) else return playerRootNode [ 1 ] [ datatype ] end end end end function savePlayerData ( player, datatype, newvalue ) local sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return false else local accountName = getAccountName ( sourceAccount ) if ( accountName ) then local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT accountName FROM userpanel WHERE accountName = ?", tostring ( accountName ) ) if ( type ( playerRootNode ) == "table" and #playerRootNode == 0 or not playerRootNode ) then return executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO userpanel ( accountName, ".. tostring ( datatype ) .." ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", tostring ( accountName ), newvalue ) else return executeSQLQuery ( "UPDATE userpanel SET ".. tostring ( datatype ) .." = ? WHERE accountName = ?", newvalue, tostring ( accountName ) ) end end end end Try it. Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Author Share Posted March 12, 2013 tried, and in debugscript it's saying no such column (myaccountname) so with your code it's not adding new account but i appreciate your help Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 Post your function to create the table. Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Author Share Posted March 12, 2013 addEventHandler("onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() executeSQLCreateTable("userpanel", tostring(sqliteData)) end) and the table is fucking long x) Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 Mind posting it? Edit: I just tested it with a table with 2 columns and it works, no errors, no duplicates. Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Author Share Posted March 12, 2013 here it is local sqliteData = "accountName STRING, cash INT, mapsPlayed INT, mapsWon INT, everPurchasedNametagColor INT, level INT, unlockedAchievements INT, totalTimesJoined INT, totalHunters INT, totalToptimes INT, totalMoneyEarned INT, totalMoneySent INT, totalBets INT, totalBetsEarned INT, totalBetsWon INT, totalDeaths INT, totalPlayingTimeMinutes INT, totalPlayingTimeHours INT, totalReactionTests INT, bestReactionTime INT, ach1 INT, ach2 INT, ach3 INT, ach4 INT, ach5 INT, ach6 INT, ach7 INT, ach8 INT, ach9 INT, ach10 INT, ach11 INT, ach12 INT, ach13 INT, ach14 INT, ach15 INT, ach16 INT, ach17 INT, ach18 INT, ach19 INT, ach20 INT, ach21 INT, ach22 INT, ach23 INT, ach24 INT, ach25 INT, ach26 INT, ach27 INT, ach28 INT, ach29 INT, ach30 INT, ach31 INT, ach32 INT, ach33 INT, ach34 INT, ach35 INT, ach36 INT, ach37 INT, ach38 INT, ach39 INT, ach40 INT, everPurchasedSkin INT, everSetCustomVehicleColor INT, useCustomVehicleColor STRING, c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT, c4 INT, hlcRed INT, hlcBlue INT, hlcGreen INT, admin_redo INT, admin_nextmap INT, allowPersonalDetails STRING, allowStats STRING, useCustomNametag STRING, useCustomSkin STRING, soundMessage STRING, soundRequest STRING, showOnDeath STRING, useHunterSkin STRING, chatAcceptMode INT, joinedBefore INT, horn1 INT, horn2 INT, horn3 INT, horn4 INT, horn5 INT, horn6 INT, horn7 INT, lastSetHorn INT, pName STRING, pAge STRING, pEmail STRING, pMsn STIRNG, pSkype STRING, pXfire STRING, pICQ STRING, pXBL STRING, convertedTotal INT" Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 12, 2013 Share Posted March 12, 2013 Read my latest post, I edited it. I used this code to test it: local sqliteData = "accountName STRING, cash INT, mapsPlayed INT, mapsWon INT, everPurchasedNametagColor INT, level INT, unlockedAchievements INT, totalTimesJoined INT, totalHunters INT, totalToptimes INT, totalMoneyEarned INT, totalMoneySent INT, totalBets INT, totalBetsEarned INT, totalBetsWon INT, totalDeaths INT, totalPlayingTimeMinutes INT, totalPlayingTimeHours INT, totalReactionTests INT, bestReactionTime INT, ach1 INT, ach2 INT, ach3 INT, ach4 INT, ach5 INT, ach6 INT, ach7 INT, ach8 INT, ach9 INT, ach10 INT, ach11 INT, ach12 INT, ach13 INT, ach14 INT, ach15 INT, ach16 INT, ach17 INT, ach18 INT, ach19 INT, ach20 INT, ach21 INT, ach22 INT, ach23 INT, ach24 INT, ach25 INT, ach26 INT, ach27 INT, ach28 INT, ach29 INT, ach30 INT, ach31 INT, ach32 INT, ach33 INT, ach34 INT, ach35 INT, ach36 INT, ach37 INT, ach38 INT, ach39 INT, ach40 INT, everPurchasedSkin INT, everSetCustomVehicleColor INT, useCustomVehicleColor STRING, c1 INT, c2 INT, c3 INT, c4 INT, hlcRed INT, hlcBlue INT, hlcGreen INT, admin_redo INT, admin_nextmap INT, allowPersonalDetails STRING, allowStats STRING, useCustomNametag STRING, useCustomSkin STRING, soundMessage STRING, soundRequest STRING, showOnDeath STRING, useHunterSkin STRING, chatAcceptMode INT, joinedBefore INT, horn1 INT, horn2 INT, horn3 INT, horn4 INT, horn5 INT, horn6 INT, horn7 INT, lastSetHorn INT, pName STRING, pAge STRING, pEmail STRING, pMsn STIRNG, pSkype STRING, pXfire STRING, pICQ STRING, pXBL STRING, convertedTotal INT" addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function ( ) executeSQLCreateTable ( "userpanel", tostring ( sqliteData ) ) end ) function loadPlayerData ( player, datatype ) local sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return false else local accountName = getAccountName ( sourceAccount ) if ( accountName ) then local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT * FROM userpanel WHERE accountName = ?", tostring ( accountName ) ) if ( type ( playerRootNode ) == "table" and #playerRootNode == 0 or not playerRootNode ) then return executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO userpanel ( accountName, ".. tostring ( datatype ) .." ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", tostring ( accountName ), newvalue ) else return playerRootNode [ 1 ] [ datatype ] end end end end function savePlayerData ( player, datatype, newvalue ) local sourceAccount = getPlayerAccount ( player ) if isGuestAccount ( sourceAccount ) then return false else local accountName = getAccountName ( sourceAccount ) if ( accountName ) then local playerRootNode = executeSQLQuery ( "SELECT accountName FROM userpanel WHERE accountName = ?", tostring ( accountName ) ) if ( type ( playerRootNode ) == "table" and #playerRootNode == 0 or not playerRootNode ) then return executeSQLQuery ( "INSERT INTO userpanel ( accountName, ".. tostring ( datatype ) .." ) VALUES ( ?, ? )", tostring ( accountName ), newvalue ) else return executeSQLQuery ( "UPDATE userpanel SET ".. tostring ( datatype ) .." = ? WHERE accountName = ?", newvalue, tostring ( accountName ) ) end end end end addCommandHandler ( "save", function ( thePlayer, _, data, value ) savePlayerData ( thePlayer, data, value ) end ) addCommandHandler ( "load", function ( thePlayer, _, data ) local value = loadPlayerData ( thePlayer, data ) outputChatBox ( tostring ( value ) ) end ) "/save cash 1000""/load cash". Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Author Share Posted March 12, 2013 Well im sorry to bother you even more, but it's not adding a new account if the account doesn't exist in the userpanel database so i can't rly test it Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 12, 2013 Author Share Posted March 12, 2013 Ah yeah it's working now, just some shit from me ^^ thx a lot for helping me. Link to comment
AstroBurn Posted March 13, 2013 Author Share Posted March 13, 2013 sorry to up this thread again, your script is working well, but i can't make it works within the script itself, it just doesn't create a new accountName, or even if i make it byusing your command function, it doesn't load/save on it. I am using this for exemple: savePlayerData(source,"level",1) it should set the player's level to one, and create a column if there is none, but it don't do it Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 13, 2013 Share Posted March 13, 2013 Columns get created when you create the table, and if it worked on my script, it also has to work on yours. Link to comment
Brunoo Posted March 14, 2013 Share Posted March 14, 2013 i wonder how to remove tables Link to comment
Castillo Posted March 14, 2013 Share Posted March 14, 2013 executeSQLDropTable ( "userpanel" ) Link to comment
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