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[TUT] Join Country - Revamped Scripting (Admin is outdated)

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Hello all! I am not sure how many people have noticed that the Admin resource has outdated IP tables, and sometimes people which joined my server had the an unknown location. There is a simple way of overcoming this issue using Application programming interface (API), this allows us to access other websites applications to obtain data and in this case we will access a constantly updated IP API to get the location. This code can be easily melded into any purpose and even the possibility of blocking certain countries from joining the server.

We will be using http://ipinfodb.com to collect the players country. IPInfoDB provides you with 2 calls per second, anything more is delayed by one second, this is good because we can then store this data in a table! IPInfoDB says that they are using a less accurate database, but its very accurate, they update it themselves, and if you answer the register properly you will only be helping.


  • Title Case function (Add it to your code):
function titlecase(str) 
    for word in string.gfind(str, "%S+") do           
        local first = string.sub(word,1,1) 
        result = (result .. string.upper(first) .. 
            string.lower(string.sub(word,2)) .. ' ') 
    return result 


1) Getting an API key from IPInfoDB

  • A) Goto
B) Fill in the details on the register page and click register.
C) You will need to go to your email to confirm your account.
D) When you log-in you will now see your API Key at the bottom of the grey box, keep that somewhere, we will need it shortly.
EXAMPLE: API Key aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2) Creating the join code

addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, 
        fetchRemote("http://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-country/?key=Your_API_Key&format=xml&ip="..getPlayerIP(source), countryResult, "", false, source) 

Replace Your_API_Key with your API key from IPInfoDB. The above code is downloading the source of a file which contains info on the player's country. Now we need to create the function called countryResult, this contains the returned data.

3) Returning the page data sent from the fetchRemote()

  • This function contains the data returned from the fetchRemote, aka the Country and the IP. Add the below to your code:
function countryResult(responseData, errno, thePlayer) 
    startEntry, endEntry = responseData:find('') 
    startEnding, endEnding = responseData:find('', endEntry+1) 
    country = titlecase(responseData:sub(endEntry+1, startEnding - 1)) 
    startEntry, endEntry = responseData:find('') 
    startEnding, endEnding = responseData:find('', endEntry+1) 
    ip = responseData:sub(endEntry+1, startEnding - 1) 
    oldIPS[ip] = country 
    outputChatBox('#0099FF[JOIN]#FFFFFF '.. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..'#FFFFFF has joined from '..(country), root, 255, 100, 100,true) 

4) Storing the ip and country to save server bandwidth.

  • Use tables of this. Firstly put a table at the beggining at line one:
oldIPS = { } 

Now add this to the beginning of your onPlayerJoin event:

if oldIPS[getPlayerIP(source)] then 
            outputChatBox('#0099FF[JOIN]#FFFFFF '.. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..'#FFFFFF has joined from '..(oldIPS[getPlayerIP(source)]), root, 255, 100, 100,true) 

5) Adding a simple output for when a player changes their nickname

  • Add the below to your code:
addEventHandler('onPlayerChangeNick', root, 
    function(oldNick, newNick) 
        outputChatBox('#0099FF[NICK]#FFFFFF ' .. oldNick .. '#FFFFFF is now known as ' .. newNick, root, 255, 100, 100,true) 

6) Adding the quit message and using the table to get the country

  • This uses the stored countries to output the players country when they quit, add the below to your code:
addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', root, 
        outputChatBox('#0099FF[QUIT]#FFFFFF ' .. getPlayerName(source) .. '#FFFFFF has left from '.. oldIPS[getPlayerIP(source)] .. ' [' .. reason .. ']', root, 255, 100, 100,true) 

Full Code (If your copying the full code, then replace the Your_API_Key with the key you obtained from Step 1:

oldIPS = { } 
function titlecase(str) 
    for word in string.gfind(str, "%S+") do           
        local first = string.sub(word,1,1) 
        result = (result .. string.upper(first) .. 
            string.lower(string.sub(word,2)) .. ' ') 
    return result 
function countryResult(responseData, errno, thePlayer) 
    startEntry, endEntry = responseData:find('') 
    startEnding, endEnding = responseData:find('', endEntry+1) 
    country = titlecase(responseData:sub(endEntry+1, startEnding - 1)) 
    startEntry, endEntry = responseData:find('') 
    startEnding, endEnding = responseData:find('', endEntry+1) 
    ip = responseData:sub(endEntry+1, startEnding - 1) 
    oldIPS[ip] = country 
    outputChatBox('#0099FF[JOIN]#FFFFFF '.. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..'#FFFFFF has joined from '..(country), root, 255, 100, 100,true) 
addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', root, 
        if oldIPS[getPlayerIP(source)] then 
            outputChatBox('#0099FF[JOIN]#FFFFFF '.. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..'#FFFFFF has joined from '..(oldIPS[getPlayerIP(source)]), root, 255, 100, 100,true) 
        fetchRemote("http://api.ipinfodb.com/v3/ip-country/?key=Your_API_Key&format=xml&ip="..getPlayerIP(source), countryResult, "", false, source) 
addEventHandler('onPlayerChangeNick', root, 
    function(oldNick, newNick) 
        outputChatBox('#0099FF[NICK]#FFFFFF ' .. oldNick .. '#FFFFFF is now known as ' .. newNick, root, 255, 100, 100,true) 
addEventHandler('onPlayerQuit', root, 
        outputChatBox('#0099FF[QUIT]#FFFFFF ' .. getPlayerName(source) .. '#FFFFFF has left from '.. oldIPS[getPlayerIP(source)] .. ' [' .. reason .. ']', root, 255, 100, 100,true) 

Edited by Guest
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