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Color #3 & #4


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Using function setVehicleColor any car can have up to 4 colors. Most cars using only 1 or 2 colors, but neither car using color #3 and #4. These colors are free. Anyone know, how to modify car model (.dff) in ZModeler to use #3 or #4 color? For example: color #3 as wheel color. I know how to add/modify color #1 and #2 ( [prim] and [sec] in ZModeler ), but i don't know how to do color #3 and #4.

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Using function setVehicleColor any car can have up to 4 colors. Most cars using only 1 or 2 colors, but neither car using color #3 and #4. These colors are free. Anyone know, how to modify car model (.dff) in ZModeler to use #3 or #4 color? For example: color #3 as wheel color. I know how to add/modify color #1 and #2 ( [prim] and [sec] in ZModeler ), but i don't know how to do color #3 and #4.

bool setVehicleColor ( vehicle theVehicle, int r1, int g1, int b1, [int r2, int g2, int b2,] [int r3, int g3, int b3,] [int r4, int g4, int b4] ) 
Required Arguments 
theVehicle: The vehicle that you wish to set the color of. 
r1, g1, b1: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the first (main) color for the vehicle 
Optional Arguments 
r2, g2, b2: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the second color for the vehicle 
r3, g3, b3: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the third color for the vehicle 
r4, g4, b4: Three integers indicating the red, green and blue components of the fourth color for the vehicle 


local uVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle( uPlayer ) 
setVehicleColor( uVehicle, 255,255,255,100,100,100,200,200,200,145,145,145 ) 

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Anyone know, how to modify car model (.dff) in ZModeler to use #3 or #4 color? For example: color #3 as wheel color. I know how to add/modify color #1 and #2 ( [prim] and [sec] in ZModeler ), but i don't know how to do color #3 and #4.

@Vendetta, how add color #3 and #4 in zmodeler? He knows how add it in script :P

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Anyone know, how to modify car model (.dff) in ZModeler to use #3 or #4 color? For example: color #3 as wheel color. I know how to add/modify color #1 and #2 ( [prim] and [sec] in ZModeler ), but i don't know how to do color #3 and #4.

@Vendetta, how add color #3 and #4 in zmodeler? He knows how add it in script :P

well then why he made this topic at scripting section? i dont know how to make it on zmodeler..

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