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help - blip zombie


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hi guys i have problem

want if destroy zombie and destroy blip zombie

blips = { } 
addEvent ( "onZombieSpawn", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "onZombieSpawn", root, 
    function ( ) 
        for _, v in ipairs ( getElementsByType ( "ped" ) ) do 
            if getElementData ( v, "zombie" ) then 
                if ( not blips [ v ] ) then 
                    blips [ v ] = createBlipAttachedTo ( v, 0 ) 
addEvent ( "onZombieWasted", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "onZombieWasted", root, 
    function ( ) 
        if ( isElement ( blips [ source ] ) ) then 
            destroyElement ( blips [ source ] ) 

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What you're doing is creating new blip for every zombie every time a zombie spawns. then you end up with plenty of blips attached to all zombies.

This is what you're doing:

spawned 1st zombie:

- loop through all peds and check if they have "zombie" data (only 1 zombies found)

- if a ped from the loop is a zombie create new blip for him (just 1 blip - that's fine)

spawned 2nd zombie:

- loop through all peds and check if they have "zombie" data (2 zombies found)

- if a ped from the loop is a zombie then create new blip for him (loop found 2 zombies to create 2 new blips, 1st zombie will have 2 blips now, the new zombie will have 1 blip)

spawned 3rd zombie:

- loop through all peds and check if they have "zombie" data (3 zombies found)

- if a ped from the loop is a zombie then create new blip for him (loop found 3 zombies to create 3 new blips, 1st zombie will have 3 blips now, 2nd zombie will have 2 blips now, the new zombie will have 1 blip)

When they die you destroy only the latest blip for the dying zombie, what about the other blips that you created in the pointless loop? They stay on the map.

See what you're doing wrong?

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What you're doing is creating new blip for every zombie every time a zombie spawns. then you end up with plenty of blips attached to all zombies.

This is what you're doing:

spawned 1st zombie:

- loop through all peds and check if they have "zombie" data (only 1 zombies found)

- if a ped from the loop is a zombie create new blip for him (just 1 blip - that's fine)

spawned 2nd zombie:

- loop through all peds and check if they have "zombie" data (2 zombies found)

- if a ped from the loop is a zombie then create new blip for him (loop found 2 zombies to create 2 new blips, 1st zombie will have 2 blips now, the new zombie will have 1 blip)

spawned 3rd zombie:

- loop through all peds and check if they have "zombie" data (3 zombies found)

- if a ped from the loop is a zombie then create new blip for him (loop found 3 zombies to create 3 new blips, 1st zombie will have 3 blips now, 2nd zombie will have 2 blips now, the new zombie will have 1 blip)

When they die you destroy only the latest blip for the dying zombie, what about the other blips that you created in the pointless loop? They stay on the map.

See what you're doing wrong?

blip no destroyed !

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