xXMADEXx Posted February 11, 2013 Share Posted February 11, 2013 I got this save system from community, but there is one bug in it. For some reason, when you die, then respawn you will only get one of you're guns. function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") if (accountData) then local playerMoney = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") local playerSkin = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-skin") local playerHealth = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-health") local playerArmor = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-armor") local playerX = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-x") local playerY = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-y") local playerZ = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-z") local playerInt = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-int") local playerDim = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-dim") local playerWanted = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-wantedlevel") local playerTeam = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-Team") local playerWeaponID0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID0") local playerWeaponID1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID1") local playerWeaponID2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID2") local playerWeaponID3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID3") local playerWeaponID4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID4") local playerWeaponID5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID5") local playerWeaponID6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID6") local playerWeaponID7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID7") local playerWeaponID8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID8") local playerWeaponID9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID9") local playerWeaponID10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID10") local playerWeaponID11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID11") local playerWeaponID12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID12") local playerWeaponAmmo0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0") local playerWeaponAmmo1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1") local playerWeaponAmmo2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2") local playerWeaponAmmo3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3") local playerWeaponAmmo4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4") local playerWeaponAmmo5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5") local playerWeaponAmmo6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6") local playerWeaponAmmo7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7") local playerWeaponAmmo8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8") local playerWeaponAmmo9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9") local playerWeaponAmmo10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10") local playerWeaponAmmo11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11") local playerWeaponAmmo12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12") local scorejob = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "Job") -- Save job prt 1 local scoregroup = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "Group") -- Save Group prt 1 local datajailed = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "Jailed") -- Save jailed prt 1 local vip = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "VIP") -- Save VIP prt 1 spawnPlayer (source, playerX, playerY, playerZ +1, 0, playerSkin, playerInt, playerDim) setPlayerMoney (source, playerMoney) setTimer (setElementHealth, 50, 1, source, playerHealth) setTimer (setPedArmor, 50, 1, source, playerArmor) setTimer (setPlayerWantedLevel, 50, 1, source, playerWanted) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID0, playerWeaponAmmo0, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID1, playerWeaponAmmo1, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID2, playerWeaponAmmo2, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID3, playerWeaponAmmo3, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID4, playerWeaponAmmo4, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID5, playerWeaponAmmo5, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID6, playerWeaponAmmo6, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID7, playerWeaponAmmo7, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID8, playerWeaponAmmo8, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID9, playerWeaponAmmo9, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID10, playerWeaponAmmo10, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID11, playerWeaponAmmo11, true) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID12, playerWeaponAmmo12, true) setElementData(source, "Job", scorejob) -- Save job prt 2 setElementData(source, "Group", scoregroup) -- Save group prt 2 setElementData(source, "Jailed", datajailed) -- Save jailed prt 2 setElementData(source, "VIP", vip) -- Save vip prt 2 setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) else spawnPlayer (source, 1481.0855712891, -1771.2996826172, 18.795753479004, 0,78, 0, 0) setPlayerMoney (source, 200) setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function onLogout () kickPlayer (source, nil, "Logging out is disallowed.") end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), onLogout) function onQuit (quitType, reason, responsibleElement) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then account = getPlayerAccount (source) if (account) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-money", tostring (getPlayerMoney (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-skin", tostring (getPedSkin (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-health", tostring (getElementHealth (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-armor", tostring (getPedArmor (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-R", r) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-G", g) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-B", b) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-x", x) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-y", y) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-z", z) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-int", getElementInterior (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-dim", getElementDimension (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-wantedlevel", getPlayerWantedLevel (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID0", getPedWeapon (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID1", getPedWeapon (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID2", getPedWeapon (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID3", getPedWeapon (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID4", getPedWeapon (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID5", getPedWeapon (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID6", getPedWeapon (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID7", getPedWeapon (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID8", getPedWeapon (source, -- s8) -->) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID9", getPedWeapon (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID10", getPedWeapon (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID11", getPedWeapon (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID12", getPedWeapon (source, 12)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8", getPedTotalAmmo (source, -- s8) -->) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 12)) setAccountData(account, "Job", getElementData(source, "Job")) -- Save job prt 3 setAccountData(account, "Group", getElementData(source, "Group")) -- Save group prt 3 setAccountData(account, "Jailed", getElementData(source, "Jailed")) -- Save jail prt 3 setAccountData(account, "VIP", getElementData(source, "VIP")) -- Save VIP prt 3 end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onQuit) function onWasted(totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth) if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then local weap1 = getPedWeapon (source) local ammo1 = getPedTotalAmmo (source) fadeCamera (source, false) setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 2036.1735839844, -1413.0563964844, 16.9921875, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source)) setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source, source) setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true) setTimer (giveWeapon, 2000, 1, source, weap1, ammo1, true) end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onWasted) --- function setTeam() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) -- gets players account local team = getAccountData (account, "team") -- gets players team if (team) and getTeamFromName(team) then setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(team)) -- sets players team end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setTeam) -- sets players team on login function save() local team = getPlayerTeam(source) -- Gets the players team local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if (team) and not isGuestAccount(account) then -- Checks to see if the player is a guest or not setAccountData(account, "team", getTeamName(team)) --saves team end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), save) -- saves team on quit Link to comment
DNL291 Posted February 11, 2013 Share Posted February 11, 2013 (edited) Try this: function playerLogin (thePreviousAccount, theCurrentAccount, autoLogin) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then local accountData = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") if (accountData) then local playerMoney = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-money") local playerSkin = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-skin") local playerHealth = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-health") local playerArmor = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-armor") local playerX = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-x") local playerY = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-y") local playerZ = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-z") local playerInt = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-int") local playerDim = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-dim") local playerWanted = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-wantedlevel") local playerTeam = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-Team") local playerWeaponID0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID0") local playerWeaponID1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID1") local playerWeaponID2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID2") local playerWeaponID3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID3") local playerWeaponID4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID4") local playerWeaponID5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID5") local playerWeaponID6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID6") local playerWeaponID7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID7") local playerWeaponID8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID8") local playerWeaponID9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID9") local playerWeaponID10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID10") local playerWeaponID11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID11") local playerWeaponID12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponID12") local playerWeaponAmmo0 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0") local playerWeaponAmmo1 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1") local playerWeaponAmmo2 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2") local playerWeaponAmmo3 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3") local playerWeaponAmmo4 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4") local playerWeaponAmmo5 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5") local playerWeaponAmmo6 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6") local playerWeaponAmmo7 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7") local playerWeaponAmmo8 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8") local playerWeaponAmmo9 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9") local playerWeaponAmmo10 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10") local playerWeaponAmmo11 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11") local playerWeaponAmmo12 = getAccountData (theCurrentAccount, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12") local scorejob = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "Job") -- Save job prt 1 local scoregroup = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "Group") -- Save Group prt 1 local datajailed = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "Jailed") -- Save jailed prt 1 local vip = getAccountData(theCurrentAccount, "VIP") -- Save VIP prt 1 spawnPlayer (source, playerX, playerY, playerZ +1, 0, playerSkin, playerInt, playerDim) setPlayerMoney (source, playerMoney) setTimer (setElementHealth, 50, 1, source, playerHealth) setTimer (setPedArmor, 50, 1, source, playerArmor) setTimer (setPlayerWantedLevel, 50, 1, source, playerWanted) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID0, playerWeaponAmmo0) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID1, playerWeaponAmmo1) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID2, playerWeaponAmmo2) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID3, playerWeaponAmmo3) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID4, playerWeaponAmmo4) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID5, playerWeaponAmmo5) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID6, playerWeaponAmmo6) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID7, playerWeaponAmmo7) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID8, playerWeaponAmmo8) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID9, playerWeaponAmmo9) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID10, playerWeaponAmmo10) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID11, playerWeaponAmmo11) giveWeapon(source, playerWeaponID12, playerWeaponAmmo12) setElementData(source, "Job", scorejob) -- Save job prt 2 setElementData(source, "Group", scoregroup) -- Save group prt 2 setElementData(source, "Jailed", datajailed) -- Save jailed prt 2 setElementData(source, "VIP", vip) -- Save vip prt 2 setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) else spawnPlayer (source, 1481.0855712891, -1771.2996826172, 18.795753479004, 0,78, 0, 0) setPlayerMoney (source, 200) setCameraTarget (source, source) fadeCamera(source, true, 2.0) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogin", getRootElement(), playerLogin) function onLogout () kickPlayer (source, nil, "Logging out is disallowed.") end addEventHandler ("onPlayerLogout", getRootElement(), onLogout) function onQuit (quitType, reason, responsibleElement) if not (isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount (source))) then account = getPlayerAccount (source) if (account) then local x,y,z = getElementPosition (source) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-money", tostring (getPlayerMoney (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-skin", tostring (getPedSkin (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-health", tostring (getElementHealth (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-armor", tostring (getPedArmor (source))) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-R", r) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-G", g) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-B", b) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-x", x) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-y", y) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-z", z) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-int", getElementInterior (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-dim", getElementDimension (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-wantedlevel", getPlayerWantedLevel (source)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID0", getPedWeapon (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID1", getPedWeapon (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID2", getPedWeapon (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID3", getPedWeapon (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID4", getPedWeapon (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID5", getPedWeapon (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID6", getPedWeapon (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID7", getPedWeapon (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID8", getPedWeapon (source, 8 )) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID9", getPedWeapon (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID10", getPedWeapon (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID11", getPedWeapon (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponID12", getPedWeapon (source, 12)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo0", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 0)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo1", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 1)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo2", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 2)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo3", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 3)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo4", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 4)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo5", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 5)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo6", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 6)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo7", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 7)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo8", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 8 )) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo9", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 9)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo10", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 10)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo11", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 11)) setAccountData (account, "funmodev2-weaponAmmo12", getPedTotalAmmo (source, 12)) setAccountData(account, "Job", getElementData(source, "Job")) -- Save job prt 3 setAccountData(account, "Group", getElementData(source, "Group")) -- Save group prt 3 setAccountData(account, "Jailed", getElementData(source, "Jailed")) -- Save jail prt 3 setAccountData(account, "VIP", getElementData(source, "VIP")) -- Save VIP prt 3 end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), onQuit) function onWasted(totalAmmo, killer, killerWeapon, bodypart, stealth) if not( isGuestAccount (getPlayerAccount(source)) ) then fadeCamera (source, false) setTimer (spawnPlayer, 1000, 1, source, 2036.1735839844, -1413.0563964844, 16.9921875, 0, getPedSkin (source), 0, 0, getPlayerTeam(source)) setTimer (setCameraTarget, 1250, 1, source, source) setTimer (fadeCamera, 2000, 1, source, true) setTimer( function() for i=0, 12 do local weapon = getPedWeapon(source, i) local ammo = getPedTotalAmmo(source, i) setTimer(giveWeapon, 2100, 1, source, weapon, ammo) end end end addEventHandler ("onPlayerWasted", getRootElement(), onWasted) --- function setTeam() local account = getPlayerAccount(source) -- gets players account local team = getAccountData (account, "team") -- gets players team if (team) and getTeamFromName(team) then setPlayerTeam(source, getTeamFromName(team)) -- sets players team end end addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,setTeam) -- sets players team on login function save() local team = getPlayerTeam(source) -- Gets the players team local account = getPlayerAccount(source) if (team) and not isGuestAccount(account) then -- Checks to see if the player is a guest or not setAccountData(account, "team", getTeamName(team)) --saves team end end addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), save) -- saves team on quit Edited February 11, 2013 by Guest Link to comment
xXMADEXx Posted February 11, 2013 Author Share Posted February 11, 2013 Thanks, but didn't work Link to comment
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