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0.3 Client

Guest mr.bopeep

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Congrats on the improved Anti-Cheat, that should get past the script kiddies who know how to use a hexeditor. Anyways just to tell the devs, we've {sk} developed a work around. We are not distributing this either, as Ive stated to you guys before, its a challenge and we like challenges, and before your piss-ant followers start flamming me, we are helping you in the long run. Its beta testing ^_^

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Well, instead of spouting this stuff in public areas, how about you PM with and work together with us to try and break cheating, since it does not help anyone.

We are not hackers, and we only have so much of the things that hackers can do. So if someone that can break what we have done works with us, we can truly have a great product that is as cheat free as can be.

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