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I need some help ..


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I would like some help with my server. The thing is that I have most of my clan asking me to add sounds .. I want to add this to the gamemode: Stealth. When the person is logging/registering he should hear music in the background .. I have various other music files but I have no idea how to script for it.. When playing the Stealth gamemode once the round has ended it either says "Red team has won the round", "Blue team has won the round" or "the round was a tie" I want to put music here while the text is being displayed .. The text lasts for 5-7 seconds and I want to put the music there. Could someone please help me? I am talking about putting the sound in the background when it says "Red team wins the round" etc.



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Use function playSound to play any sounds (wich is included in the meta.xml too) to a client.

You can use onPlayerLogin and triggerClientEvent to play sound when somebody logged in.

To play your music when those text appear you have to edit the gamemode script and put the playSound function in the right place, and don't forget to add your sounds to the meta.xml!

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