SuleymanM Posted January 31, 2013 Share Posted January 31, 2013 Hi all, In server-game i cant press ENTER ... In console say: "ERROR: Client triggered serverside event onRequestKillPlayer, but event is not added serverside" Please mans how solve? Link to comment
manve1 Posted January 31, 2013 Share Posted January 31, 2013 The error means that you didnt addEvent on server side. Link to comment
manve1 Posted January 31, 2013 Share Posted January 31, 2013 by adding the event on server side? Link to comment
SuleymanM Posted February 1, 2013 Author Share Posted February 1, 2013 how add? I find in all forums/sites (MTA`s ) and not found that problem/bug Link to comment
Blaawee Posted February 1, 2013 Share Posted February 1, 2013 show me your client side Link to comment
SuleymanM Posted February 1, 2013 Author Share Posted February 1, 2013 race_client.lua mean? race_client.lua: g_Root = getRootElement()g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()) g_Me = getLocalPlayer() g_ArmedVehicleIDs = table.create({ 425, 447, 520, 430, 464, 432 }, true) g_WaterCraftIDs = table.create({ 539, 460, 417, 447, 472, 473, 493, 595, 484, 430, 453, 452, 446, 454 }, true) g_ModelForPickupType = { nitro = 2221, repair = 2222, vehiclechange = 2223 } g_HunterID = 425 g_Checkpoints = {} g_Pickups = {} g_VisiblePickups = {} g_Objects = {} local player = getLocalPlayer() local root = getRootElement () local Spectators = {} local scrX, scrY = guiGetScreenSize() repair = true g_NextMap = "Random" function setNextMap ( mapname ) g_NextMap = mapname end addEvent ( "setNextMap", true ) addEventHandler ( "setNextMap", g_Root, setNextMap ) local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local sx, sy = guiGetScreenSize() setElementData ( player, "FPS" , 0 ) addEventHandler ( "onClientRender" , root , function ( ) if not startTick then startTick = getTickCount ( ) end if not frames then frames = 0 end frames = frames + 1 currentTick = getTickCount ( ) if currentTick - startTick >= 1000 then setElementData ( player, "FPS" , frames ) startTick = nil frames = nil end end ) function getServerName() return getElementData(root, "serverName") or 0 end function getFPSLimit() return getElementData(root, "FPSLimit") or 0 end function create2DRectangle ( ) if not zize then size = math.round((sx/1000), 2) zize = true end dxDrawColorText ('##00ff00Next Map: #FFFFFF' .. g_NextMap, size*5, (screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(size*0.5, 'bankgothic')/2)-size*10, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), size*0.5, 'bankgothic', "left", "top") if (g_MapInfo) then dxDrawColorText ('##00ff00Map: #FFFFFF''', size*5, (screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(size*0.5, 'bankgothic')/2)-size*23.33333, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), size*0.5, 'bankgothic', "left", "top") else dxDrawColorText ('##00ff00Map: #FFFFFFN/A', size*5, (screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(size*0.5, 'bankgothic')/2)-size*23.33333, 100, 100, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), size*0.5, 'bankgothic', "left", "top") end local fps = tostring(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "FPS")) if fps then if fps ~= "false" then if getFPSLimit() < 1 then dxDrawColorText ('##00ff00FPS: #ffffff'..fps, size*5, (screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(size*0.5, 'bankgothic')/2)-size*37, 20, 20, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), size*0.5, 'bankgothic', "left", "top") elseif tonumber(fps) > (getFPSLimit() or 0) then dxDrawColorText ('##00ff00FPS: #00ff00'..fps, size*5, (screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(size*0.5, 'bankgothic')/2)-size*37, 20, 20, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), size*0.5, 'bankgothic', "left", "top") else FPSLimit = 255 / tonumber(getFPSLimit() or 0) string = string.format("#%02X%02X%02X", 255-math.ceil(tonumber(fps)*FPSLimit), math.ceil(tonumber(fps)*FPSLimit), 0) dxDrawColorText ('##00ff00FPS: '..string..fps, size*5, (screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(size*0.5, 'bankgothic')/2)-size*37, 20, 20, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), size*0.5, 'bankgothic', "left", "top") end else dxDrawColorText ('##00ff00FPS: #ff0000'..fps, size*5, (screenHeight - dxGetFontHeight(size*0.5, 'bankgothic')/2)-size*37, 20, 20, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), size*0.5, 'bankgothic', "left", "top") end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(), create2DRectangle) function math.round(number, decimals, method) decimals = decimals or 0 local factor = 10 ^ decimals if (method == "ceil" or method == "floor") then return math[method](number * factor) / factor else return tonumber(("%."..decimals.."f"):format(number)) end end addEventHandler('onClientResourceStart', g_ResRoot, function() g_Players = getElementsByType('player') fadeCamera(false,0.0) -- create GUI local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() g_dxGUI = { ranknum = dxText:create('1', screenWidth - 60, screenHeight - 95, false, 'bankgothic', 2, 'right'), ranksuffix = dxText:create('st', screenWidth - 40, screenHeight - 86, false, 'bankgothic', 1), checkpoint = dxText:create('0/0', screenWidth - 15, screenHeight - 54, false, 'bankgothic', 0.8, 'right'), } g_dxGUI.ranknum:type('stroke', 2, 0, 0, 0, 255) g_dxGUI.ranksuffix:type('stroke', 2, 0, 0, 0, 255) g_dxGUI.checkpoint:type('stroke', 1, 0, 0, 0, 255) g_GUI = { timeleftbg = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2-65, 0, 165, 50, 'img/timeleft.png', false, nil), timeleft = guiCreateLabel(screenWidth/2-70, 24, 100, 30, '', false), timepassed = guiCreateLabel(screenWidth/2+38, 24, 100, 30, '', false), healthbar = FancyProgress.create(250, 1000, 'img/progress_health_bg.png', -60, 90, 170, 30, 'img/progress_health.png', 54, 8, 108, 16), } guiSetFont(g_GUI.timeleft, 'default-bold-small') guiSetFont(g_GUI.timepassed, 'default-bold-small') guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(g_GUI.timeleft, 'center') --g_GUI.speedbar:setProgress(0) hideGUIComponents('timeleftbg', 'timeleft', 'healthbar', 'timepassed', 'ranknum', 'ranksuffix', 'checkpoint') RankingBoard.precreateLabels(10) -- set update handlers g_PickupStartTick = getTickCount() addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updateBars) g_WaterCheckTimer = setTimer(checkWater, 1000, 0) -- load pickup models and textures for name,id in pairs(g_ModelForPickupType) do engineImportTXD(engineLoadTXD('model/' .. name .. '.txd'), id) engineReplaceModel(engineLoadDFF('model/' .. name .. '.dff', id), id) -- Double draw distance for pickups engineSetModelLODDistance( id, 60 ) end if isVersion101Compatible() then -- Dont clip vehicles (1.0.1 function) setCameraClip ( true, false ) end -- Init presentation screens TravelScreen.init() TitleScreen.init() -- Show title screen now setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me, false) end ) ------------------------------------------------------- -- Title screen - Shown when player first joins the game ------------------------------------------------------- TitleScreen = {} TitleScreen.startTime = 0 function TitleScreen.init() local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local adjustY = math.clamp( -30, -15 + (-30- -15) * (screenHeight - 480)/(900 - 480), -15 ); g_GUI['titleImage'] = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2-400, screenHeight/2-230+adjustY, 800, 500, 'img/title.png', false) hideGUIComponents('titleImage') end function showGUIComponents('titleImage') guiMoveToBack(g_GUI['titleImage']) TitleScreen.startTime = getTickCount() TitleScreen.bringForward = 0 addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, TitleScreen.update) end function TitleScreen.update() local secondsLeft = TitleScreen.getTicksRemaining() / 1000 local alpha = math.min(1,math.max( secondsLeft ,0)) guiSetAlpha(g_GUI['titleImage'], alpha) if alpha == 0 then hideGUIComponents('titleImage') removeEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, TitleScreen.update) end end function TitleScreen.getTicksRemaining() return math.max( 0, TitleScreen.startTime - TitleScreen.bringForward + 10000 - getTickCount() ) end -- Start the fadeout as soon as possible function TitleScreen.bringForwardFadeout(maxSkip) local ticksLeft = TitleScreen.getTicksRemaining() local bringForward = ticksLeft - 1000 outputDebug( 'MISC', 'bringForward ' .. bringForward ) if bringForward > 0 then TitleScreen.bringForward = math.min(TitleScreen.bringForward + bringForward,maxSkip) outputDebug( 'MISC', 'TitleScreen.bringForward ' .. TitleScreen.bringForward ) end end ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- Travel screen - Message for client feedback when loading maps ------------------------------------------------------- TravelScreen = {} TravelScreen.startTime = 0 function TravelScreen.init() local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() g_GUI['travelImage'] = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2-213, screenHeight/2-90, 426, 256, 'img/travelling.png', false, nil) g_dxGUI['travelText1'] = dxText:create('Travelling To Next Map:', screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2-130, false, 'bankgothic', 0.60, 'center' ) g_dxGUI['travelText2'] = dxText:create('', screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2-100, false, 'bankgothic', 0.70, 'center' ) g_dxGUI['travelText3'] = dxText:create('', screenWidth/2, screenHeight/2-70, false, 'bankgothic', 0.70, 'center' ) g_dxGUI['travelText1']:color(0, 255, 0) g_dxGUI['travelText3']:color(0, 255, 0) hideGUIComponents('travelImage', 'travelText1', 'travelText2') end function mapName, authorName ) TravelScreen.startTime = getTickCount() g_dxGUI['travelText2']:text("Map: "..mapName) g_dxGUI['travelText3']:text(authorName and "Author: " .. authorName or "") showGUIComponents('travelImage', 'travelText1', 'travelText2', 'travelText3') guiMoveToBack(g_GUI['travelImage']) end function TravelScreen.hide() hideGUIComponents('travelImage', 'travelText1', 'travelText2', 'travelText3') end function TravelScreen.getTicksRemaining() return math.max( 0, TravelScreen.startTime + 3000 - getTickCount() ) end ------------------------------------------------------- -- Called from server function notifyLoadingMap( mapName, authorName ) fadeCamera( false, 0.0, 0,0,0 ) -- fadeout, instant, black mapName, authorName ) end -- Called from server function initRace(vehicle, checkpoints, objects, pickups, mapoptions, ranked, duration, gameoptions, mapinfo, playerInfo) outputDebug( 'MISC', 'initRace start' ) unloadAll() g_Players = getElementsByType('player') g_MapOptions = mapoptions g_GameOptions = gameoptions g_MapInfo = mapinfo g_PlayerInfo = playerInfo triggerEvent('onClientMapStarting', g_Me, mapinfo ) --g_dxGUI.mapdisplay:text("Map: " fadeCamera(true) showHUD(false) g_Vehicle = vehicle setVehicleDamageProof(g_Vehicle, true) OverrideClient.updateVars(g_Vehicle) --local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Vehicle) setCameraBehindVehicle(vehicle) --alignVehicleToGround(vehicle) updateVehicleWeapons() setCloudsEnabled(g_GameOptions.cloudsenable) setBlurLevel(g_GameOptions.blurlevel) --g_dxGUI.mapdisplay:visible(g_GameOptions.showmapname) if engineSetAsynchronousLoading then engineSetAsynchronousLoading( g_GameOptions.asyncloading ) end -- checkpoints g_Checkpoints = checkpoints -- pickups local object local pos local colshape for i,pickup in pairs(pickups) do pos = pickup.position object = createObject(g_ModelForPickupType[pickup.type], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3]) setElementCollisionsEnabled(object, false) colshape = createColSphere(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], 3.5) g_Pickups[colshape] = { object = object } for k,v in pairs(pickup) do g_Pickups[colshape][k] = v end g_Pickups[colshape].load = true if g_Pickups[colshape].type == 'vehiclechange' then g_Pickups[colshape].label = dxText:create(getVehicleNameFromModel(g_Pickups[colshape].vehicle), 0.5, 0.5) g_Pickups[colshape].label:color(1000, 100, 10, 0) g_Pickups[colshape].label:type("shadow",2) end end -- objects g_Objects = {} local pos, rot for i,object in ipairs(objects) do pos = object.position rot = object.rotation g_Objects = createObject(object.model, pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], rot[1], rot[2], rot[3]) end if #g_Checkpoints > 0 then g_CurrentCheckpoint = 0 showNextCheckpoint() end -- GUI showGUIComponents('healthbar') hideGUIComponents('timeleftbg', 'timeleft', 'timepassed') guiSetText(g_GUI.timepassed, msToTimeStr(0)) g_HurryDuration = g_GameOptions.hurrytime if duration then launchRace(duration) end fadeCamera( false, 0.0 ) -- Min 3 seconds on travel message local delay = TravelScreen.getTicksRemaining() delay = math.max(50,delay) setTimer(TravelScreen.hide,delay,1) -- Delay readyness until after title TitleScreen.bringForwardFadeout(3000) delay = delay + math.max( 0, TitleScreen.getTicksRemaining() - 1500 ) -- Do fadeup and then tell server client is ready setTimer(fadeCamera, delay + 750, 1, true, 10.0) setTimer(fadeCamera, delay + 1500, 1, true, 2.0) setTimer( function() triggerServerEvent('onNotifyPlayerReady', g_Me) end, delay + 3500, 1 ) outputDebug( 'MISC', 'initRace end' ) setTimer( function() setCameraBehindVehicle( g_Vehicle ) end, delay + 300, 1 ) end -- Called from the server when settings are changed function updateOptions ( gameoptions, mapoptions ) -- Update g_GameOptions = gameoptions g_MapOptions = mapoptions -- Apply updateVehicleWeapons() setCloudsEnabled(g_GameOptions.cloudsenable) setBlurLevel(g_GameOptions.blurlevel) --g_dxGUI.mapdisplay:visible(g_GameOptions.showmapname) if engineSetAsynchronousLoading then engineSetAsynchronousLoading( g_GameOptions.asyncloading ) end end function launchRace(duration) g_Players = getElementsByType('player') if type(duration) == 'number' then showGUIComponents('timeleftbg', 'timeleft', 'timepassed') guiLabelSetColor(g_GUI.timeleft, 0, 255, 0) guiLabelSetColor(g_GUI.timepassed, 0, 255, 0) g_Duration = duration addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updateTime) end setVehicleDamageProof(g_Vehicle, false) g_StartTick = getTickCount() end addEventHandler('onClientElementStreamIn', g_Root, function() local colshape = table.find(g_Pickups, 'object', source) if colshape then local pickup = g_Pickups[colshape] if pickup.label then pickup.label:color(1000, 0, 255, 0) pickup.label:visible(false) pickup.labelInRange = false end g_VisiblePickups[colshape] = source end end ) addEventHandler('onClientElementStreamOut', g_Root, function() local colshape = table.find(g_VisiblePickups, source) if colshape then local pickup = g_Pickups[colshape] if pickup.label then pickup.label:color(1000, 0, 255, 0) pickup.label:visible(false) pickup.labelInRange = nil end g_VisiblePickups[colshape] = nil end end ) function updatePickups() local angle = math.fmod((getTickCount() - g_PickupStartTick) * 360 / 2000, 360) local g_Pickups = g_Pickups local pickup, x, y, cX, cY, cZ, pickX, pickY, pickZ for colshape,elem in pairs(g_VisiblePickups) do pickup = g_Pickups[colshape] if pickup.load then setElementRotation(elem, 0, 0, angle) if pickup.label then cX, cY, cZ = getCameraMatrix() pickX, pickY, pickZ = unpack(pickup.position) x, y = getScreenFromWorldPosition(pickX, pickY, pickZ + 2.85, 0.08 ) local distanceToPickup = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(cX, cY, cZ, pickX, pickY, pickZ) if distanceToPickup > 80 then pickup.labelInRange = false pickup.label:visible(false) elseif x then if distanceToPickup < 60 then if isLineOfSightClear(cX, cY, cZ, pickX, pickY, pickZ, true, false, false, true, false) then if not pickup.labelInRange then if pickup.anim then pickup.anim:remove() end pickup.anim = Animation.createAndPlay( pickup.label, Animation.presets.dxTextFadeIn(500) ) pickup.labelInRange = true pickup.labelVisible = true end if not pickup.labelVisible then pickup.label:color(15, 192, 252, 255) end pickup.label:visible(true) else pickup.label:color(15, 192, 252, 255) pickup.labelVisible = false pickup.label:visible(false) end else if pickup.labelInRange then if pickup.anim then pickup.anim:remove() end pickup.anim = Animation.createAndPlay( pickup.label, Animation.presets.dxTextFadeOut(1000) ) pickup.labelInRange = false pickup.labelVisible = false pickup.label:visible(true) end end local scale = (60/distanceToPickup)*0.7 pickup.label:scale(scale) pickup.label:position(x, y, false) else pickup.label:color(0, 255, 0, 255) pickup.labelVisible = false pickup.label:visible(false) end if Spectate.fadedout then pickup.label:visible(false) -- Hide pickup labels when screen is black end end else if pickup.label then pickup.label:visible(false) if pickup.labelInRange then pickup.label:color(0, 255, 0, 255) pickup.labelInRange = false end end end end end addEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updatePickups) addEventHandler('onClientColShapeHit', g_Root, function(elem) local pickup = g_Pickups[source] outputDebug( 'CHECKPOINT', 'onClientColShapeHit' .. ' elem:' .. tostring(elem) .. ' g_Vehicle:' .. tostring(g_Vehicle) .. ' isVehicleBlown(g_Vehicle):' .. tostring(isVehicleBlown(g_Vehicle)) .. ' g_Me:' .. tostring(g_Me) .. ' getElementHealth(g_Me):' .. tostring(getElementHealth(g_Me)) .. ' source:' .. tostring(source) .. ' pickup:' .. tostring(pickup) ) if elem ~= g_Vehicle or not pickup or isVehicleBlown(g_Vehicle) or getElementHealth(g_Me) == 0 then return end if pickup.load then handleHitPickup(pickup) end end ) function handleHitPickup(pickup) if pickup.type == 'vehiclechange' then if pickup.vehicle == getElementModel(g_Vehicle) then return end g_PrevVehicleHeight = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(g_Vehicle) end triggerServerEvent('onPlayerPickUpRacePickupInternal', g_Me,, pickup.respawn) playSoundFrontEnd(46) end function unloadPickup(pickupID) for colshape,pickup in pairs(g_Pickups) do if == pickupID then pickup.load = false setElementAlpha(pickup.object, 0) return end end end function loadPickup(pickupID) for colshape,pickup in pairs(g_Pickups) do if == pickupID then setElementAlpha(pickup.object, 255) pickup.load = true if isElementWithinColShape(g_Vehicle, colshape) then handleHitPickup(pickup) end return end end end function vehicleChanging( changez, newModel ) if getElementModel(g_Vehicle) ~= newModel then outputConsole( "Vehicle change model mismatch (" .. tostring(getElementModel(g_Vehicle)) .. "/" .. tostring(newModel) .. ")" ) end local newVehicleHeight = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(g_Vehicle) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Vehicle) if g_PrevVehicleHeight and newVehicleHeight > g_PrevVehicleHeight then z = z - g_PrevVehicleHeight + newVehicleHeight end if changez then z = z + 1 end setElementPosition(g_Vehicle, x, y, z) g_PrevVehicleHeight = nil updateVehicleWeapons() checkVehicleIsHelicopter() end function updateVehicleWeapons() if g_Vehicle then local weapons = not g_ArmedVehicleIDs[getElementModel(g_Vehicle)] or g_MapOptions.vehicleweapons toggleControl('vehicle_fire', weapons) if getElementModel(g_Vehicle) == g_HunterID and not g_MapOptions.hunterminigun then weapons = false end toggleControl('vehicle_secondary_fire', weapons) end end function vehicleUnloading() g_Vehicle = nil end function updateBars() if g_Vehicle then g_GUI.healthbar:setProgress(getElementHealth(g_Vehicle)) local vx, vy, vz = getElementVelocity(g_Vehicle) end end function updateTime() local tick = getTickCount() local msPassed = tick - g_StartTick if not isPlayerFinished(g_Me) then guiSetText(g_GUI.timepassed, msToTimeStr(msPassed)) end local timeLeft = g_Duration - msPassed guiSetText(g_GUI.timeleft, msToTimeStr(timeLeft > 0 and timeLeft or 0)) if g_HurryDuration and g_GUI.hurry == nil and timeLeft <= g_HurryDuration then startHurry() end end addEventHandler('onClientElementDataChange', g_Me, function(dataName) if dataName == 'race rank' and not then setRankDisplay( getElementData(g_Me, 'race rank') ) end end, false ) function setRankDisplay( rank ) end addEventHandler('onClientElementDataChange', g_Root, function(dataName) if dataName == 'race.finished' then if isPlayerFinished(source) then Spectate.dropCamera( source, 2000 ) end end if dataName == 'race.spectating' then if isPlayerSpectating(source) then Spectate.validateTarget( source ) -- No spectate at this player end end end ) function checkWater() if g_Vehicle then if not g_WaterCraftIDs[getElementModel(g_Vehicle)] then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(g_Me) local waterZ = getWaterLevel(x, y, z) if waterZ and z < waterZ - 0.5 and not isPlayerRaceDead(g_Me) and not isPlayerFinished(g_Me) and g_MapOptions then if g_MapOptions.firewater then blowVehicle ( g_Vehicle, true ) else setElementHealth(g_Me,0) triggerServerEvent('onRequestKillPlayer',g_Me) end end end -- Check stalled vehicle if not getVehicleEngineState( g_Vehicle ) then setVehicleEngineState( g_Vehicle, true ) end -- Check dead vehicle if getElementHealth( g_Vehicle ) == 0 and not isPlayerRaceDead(g_Me) and not isPlayerFinished(g_Me)then setElementHealth(g_Me,0) triggerServerEvent('onRequestKillPlayer',g_Me) end end end function showNextCheckpoint(bOtherPlayer) g_CurrentCheckpoint = g_CurrentCheckpoint + 1 local i = g_CurrentCheckpoint g_dxGUI.checkpoint:text((i - 1) .. ' / ' .. #g_Checkpoints) if i > 1 then destroyCheckpoint(i-1) else createCheckpoint(1) end makeCheckpointCurrent(i,bOtherPlayer) if i < #g_Checkpoints then local curCheckpoint = g_Checkpoints local nextCheckpoint = g_Checkpoints[i+1] local nextMarker = createCheckpoint(i+1) setMarkerTarget(curCheckpoint.marker, unpack(nextCheckpoint.position)) end if not then setElementData(g_Me, 'race.checkpoint', i) end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Show checkpoints and rank info that is relevant to the player being spectated local prevWhich = nil local cpValuePrev = nil local rankValuePrev = nil function updateSpectatingCheckpointsAndRank() local which = getWhichDataSourceToUse() -- Do nothing if we are keeping the last thing displayed if which == "keeplast" then return end local dataSourceChangedToLocal = which ~= prevWhich and which=="local" local dataSourceChangedFromLocal = which ~= prevWhich and prevWhich=="local" prevWhich = which if dataSourceChangedFromLocal or dataSourceChangedToLocal then cpValuePrev = nil rankValuePrev = nil end if or dataSourceChangedToLocal then local watchedPlayer = getWatchedPlayer() if g_CurrentCheckpoint and g_Checkpoints and #g_Checkpoints > 0 then local cpValue = getElementData(watchedPlayer, 'race.checkpoint') or 0 if cpValue > 0 and cpValue <= #g_Checkpoints then if cpValue ~= cpValuePrev then cpValuePrev = cpValue setCurrentCheckpoint( cpValue, and watchedPlayer ~= g_Me ) end end end local rankValue = getElementData(watchedPlayer, 'race rank') or 0 if rankValue ~= rankValuePrev then rankValuePrev = rankValue setRankDisplay( rankValue ) end end end -- "local" If not spectating -- "spectarget" If spectating valid target -- "keeplast" If spectating nil target and dropcam -- "local" If spectating nil target and no dropcam function getWhichDataSourceToUse() if not then return "local" end if then return "spectarget" end if Spectate.hasDroppedCamera() then return "keeplast" end return "local" end function getWatchedPlayer() if not then return g_Me end if then return end if Spectate.hasDroppedCamera() then return nil end return g_Me end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function checkpointReached(elem) outputDebug( 'CP', 'checkpointReached' .. ' ' .. tostring(g_CurrentCheckpoint) .. ' elem:' .. tostring(elem) .. ' g_Vehicle:' .. tostring(g_Vehicle) .. ' isVehicleBlown(g_Vehicle):' .. tostring(isVehicleBlown(g_Vehicle)) .. ' g_Me:' .. tostring(g_Me) .. ' getElementHealth(g_Me):' .. tostring(getElementHealth(g_Me)) ) if elem ~= g_Vehicle or isVehicleBlown(g_Vehicle) or getElementHealth(g_Me) == 0 or then return end if g_Checkpoints[g_CurrentCheckpoint].vehicle then g_PrevVehicleHeight = getElementDistanceFromCentreOfMassToBaseOfModel(g_Vehicle) end triggerServerEvent('onPlayerReachCheckpointInternal', g_Me, g_CurrentCheckpoint) playSoundFrontEnd(43) if g_CurrentCheckpoint < #g_Checkpoints then showNextCheckpoint() else g_dxGUI.checkpoint:text(#g_Checkpoints .. ' / ' .. #g_Checkpoints) local rc = getRadioChannel() setRadioChannel(0) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch", g_Root, onChange) playSound("audio/mission_accomplished.mp3") setTimer(changeRadioStation, 8000, 1, rc) if g_GUI.hurry then Animation.createAndPlay(g_GUI.hurry, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(500), destroyElement) g_GUI.hurry = false end destroyCheckpoint(#g_Checkpoints) triggerEvent('onClientPlayerFinish', g_Me) toggleAllControls(false, true, false) end end function onChange() cancelEvent() end function changeRadioStation(rc) removeEventHandler("onClientPlayerRadioSwitch", g_Root, onChange) setRadioChannel(tonumber(rc)) end function startHurry() if not isPlayerFinished(g_Me) then local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() local w, h = resAdjust(370), resAdjust(112) g_GUI.hurry = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2 - w/2, screenHeight - h - 40, w, h, 'img/hurry.png', false, nil) guiSetAlpha(g_GUI.hurry, 0) Animation.createAndPlay(g_GUI.hurry, Animation.presets.guiFadeIn(800)) Animation.createAndPlay(g_GUI.hurry, Animation.presets.guiPulse(1000)) end guiLabelSetColor(g_GUI.timeleft, 0, 0, 205) end function setTimeLeft(timeLeft) g_Duration = (getTickCount() - g_StartTick) + timeLeft end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Spectate ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Spectate = {} = false = nil Spectate.blockUntilTimes = {} Spectate.savePos = false Spectate.manual = false Spectate.droppedCameraTimer = Timer:create() Spectate.tickTimer = Timer:create() Spectate.fadedout = true Spectate.blockManual = false Spectate.blockManualTimer = nil -- Request to switch on function Spectate.start(type) outputDebug( 'SPECTATE', 'Spectate.start '..type ) assert(type=='manual' or type=='auto', "Spectate.start : type == auto or manual") Spectate.blockManual = false if type == 'manual' then if then return -- Ignore if manual request and already on end Spectate.savePos = true -- Savepos and start if manual request and was off elseif type == 'auto' then Spectate.savePos = false -- Clear restore pos if an auto spectate is requested end if not then Spectate._start() -- Switch on here, if was off end end -- Request to switch off function Spectate.stop(type) outputDebug( 'SPECTATE', 'Spectate.stop '..type ) assert(type=='manual' or type=='auto', "Spectate.stop : type == auto or manual") if type == 'auto' then Spectate.savePos = false -- Clear restore pos if an auto spectate is requested end if then Spectate._stop() -- Switch off here, if was on end end function Spectate._start() outputDebug( 'SPECTATE', 'Spectate._start ' ) triggerServerEvent('onClientNotifySpectate', g_Me, true ) assert(not, "Spectate._start - not") local screenWidth, screenHeight = guiGetScreenSize() g_GUI.specprev = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2 - 100 - 58, screenHeight - 123, 58, 82, 'img/specprev.png', false, nil) g_GUI.specprevhi = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2 - 100 - 58, screenHeight - 123, 58, 82, 'img/specprev_hi.png', false, nil) g_GUI.specnext = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2 + 100, screenHeight - 123, 58, 82, 'img/specnext.png', false, nil) g_GUI.specnexthi = guiCreateStaticImage(screenWidth/2 + 100, screenHeight - 123, 58, 82, 'img/specnext_hi.png', false, nil) g_GUI.speclabel = guiCreateLabel(screenWidth/2 - 100, screenHeight - 100, 200, 70, '', false) Spectate.updateGuiFadedOut() guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(g_GUI.speclabel, 'center') guiLabelSetColor(g_GUI.speclabel, 1000, 100, 10) hideGUIComponents('specprevhi', 'specnexthi') if Spectate.savePos then savePosition() end Spectate.setTarget( Spectate.findNewTarget(g_Me,1) ) bindKey('arrow_l', 'down', Spectate.previous) bindKey('arrow_r', 'down', MovePlayerAway.start() Spectate.setTarget( ) Spectate.validateTarget( Spectate.tickTimer:setTimer( Spectate.tick, 500, 0 ) end -- Stop spectating. Will restore position if Spectate.savePos is set function Spectate._stop() Spectate.cancelDropCamera() Spectate.tickTimer:killTimer() triggerServerEvent('onClientNotifySpectate', g_Me, false ) outputDebug( 'SPECTATE', 'Spectate._stop ' ) assert(, "Spectate._stop -") for i,name in ipairs({'specprev', 'specprevhi', 'specnext', 'specnexthi', 'speclabel'}) do if g_GUI[name] then destroyElement(g_GUI[name]) g_GUI[name] = nil end end unbindKey('arrow_l', 'down', Spectate.previous) unbindKey('arrow_r', 'down', MovePlayerAway.stop() setCameraTarget(g_Me) = nil = false if Spectate.savePos then Spectate.savePos = false restorePosition() end end function Spectate.previous(bGUIFeedback) Spectate.setTarget( Spectate.findNewTarget(,-1) ) if bGUIFeedback then setGUIComponentsVisible({ specprev = false, specprevhi = true }) setTimer(setGUIComponentsVisible, 100, 1, { specprevhi = false, specprev = true }) end end function Spectate.setTarget( Spectate.findNewTarget(,1) ) if bGUIFeedback then setGUIComponentsVisible({ specnext = false, specnexthi = true }) setTimer(setGUIComponentsVisible, 100, 1, { specnexthi = false, specnext = true }) end end --------------------------------------------- -- Step along to the next player to spectate local playersRankSorted = {} local playersRankSortedTime = 0 function Spectate.findNewTarget(current,dir) -- Time to update sorted list? local bUpdateSortedList = ( getTickCount() - playersRankSortedTime > 1000 ) -- Need to update sorted list because g_Players has changed size? bUpdateSortedList = bUpdateSortedList or ( #playersRankSorted ~= #g_Players ) if not bUpdateSortedList then -- Check playersRankSorted contains the same elements as g_Players for _,item in ipairs(playersRankSorted) do if not table.find(g_Players, item.player) then bUpdateSortedList = true break end end end -- Update sorted list if required if bUpdateSortedList then -- Remake list playersRankSorted = {} for _,player in ipairs(g_Players) do local rank = tonumber(getElementData(player, 'race rank')) or 0 table.insert( playersRankSorted, {player=player, rank=rank} ) end table.sort(playersRankSorted, function(a,b) return(a.rank > b.rank) end) playersRankSortedTime = getTickCount() end local pos = table.find(playersRankSorted, 'player', current) or 1 for i=1,#playersRankSorted do pos = ((pos + dir - 1) % #playersRankSorted ) + 1 if Spectate.isValidTarget(playersRankSorted[pos].player) then return playersRankSorted[pos].player end end return nil end --------------------------------------------- function Spectate.isValidTarget(player) if player == nil then return true end if player == g_Me or isPlayerFinished(player) or isPlayerRaceDead(player) or isPlayerSpectating(player) then return false end if ( Spectate.blockUntilTimes[player] or 0 ) > getTickCount() then return false end if not table.find(g_Players, player) or not isElement(player) then return false end local x,y,z = getElementPosition(player) if z > 20000 then return false end if x > -1 and x < 1 and y > -1 and y < 1 then return false end return true end -- If player is the current target, check to make sure is valid function Spectate.validateTarget(player) if and player == then if not Spectate.isValidTarget(player) then Spectate.previous(false) end end end function Spectate.dropCamera( player, time ) if and player == then if not Spectate.hasDroppedCamera() then setCameraMatrix( getCameraMatrix() ) = nil Spectate.droppedCameraTimer:setTimer(Spectate.cancelDropCamera, time, 1, player ) end end end function Spectate.hasDroppedCamera() return Spectate.droppedCameraTimer:isActive() end function Spectate.cancelDropCamera() if Spectate.hasDroppedCamera() then Spectate.droppedCameraTimer:killTimer() Spectate.tick() end end sW, sH = guiGetScreenSize() function drawSpectating() front = "default" if == true then dxDrawColorText ('Currently spectating:', sW/2, sH-99, 200, 70, tocolor(0,204, 255, 255), 1.0, front, "center", "1", false, false, true) end if and Spectate.savePos then dxDrawColorText ("Press 'B' to join", sW/2, sH-55, 200, 70, tocolor(0,255,0, 255), 1.0, front, "center", "1", false, false, true) end if and then dxDrawColorText (getPlayerName(, "true", "true", "true") , sW/2, sH-85, 200, 70, tocolor(255,255, 255, 255), 1.0, front, "center", "1", false, false, true) elseif then dxDrawColorText ("No one to spectate", sW/2, sH-85, 200, 70, tocolor(0,255,0, 255), 1.0, front, "center", "1", false, false, true) end end addEventHandler('onClientRender', root, drawSpectating) function Spectate.setTarget( player, lol) if Spectate.hasDroppedCamera() then return end = true = player if then if Spectate.getCameraTargetPlayer() ~= then setCameraTarget( end else local x,y,z = getElementPosition(g_Me) x = x - ( x % 32 ) y = y - ( y % 32 ) z = getGroundPosition ( x, y, 5000 ) or 40 setCameraTarget( g_Me ) setCameraMatrix( x,y,z+10,x,y+50,z+60) end if and Spectate.savePos then end end function getPositionInFrontOfElement(element, x, y, z) if element then local matrix = getElementMatrix ( element ) local offX = x * matrix[1][1] + y * matrix[2][1] + z * matrix[3][1] + 1 * matrix[4][1] local offY = x * matrix[1][2] + y * matrix[2][2] + z * matrix[3][2] + 1 * matrix[4][2] local offZ = x * matrix[1][3] + y * matrix[2][3] + z * matrix[3][3] + 1 * matrix[4][3] return offX, offY, offZ end end function Spectate.blockAsTarget( player, ticks ) Spectate.blockUntilTimes[player] = getTickCount() + ticks Spectate.validateTarget(player) end function Spectate.tick() if and Spectate.getCameraTargetPlayer() and Spectate.getCameraTargetPlayer() ~= then if Spectate.isValidTarget( then setCameraTarget( return end end if not or ( Spectate.getCameraTargetPlayer() and Spectate.getCameraTargetPlayer() ~= ) or not Spectate.isValidTarget( then Spectate.previous(false) end end function Spectate.getCameraTargetPlayer() local element = getCameraTarget() if element and getElementType(element) == "vehicle" then element = getVehicleController(element) end return element end g_SavedPos = {} function savePosition() g_SavedPos.x, g_SavedPos.y, g_SavedPos.z = getElementPosition(g_Me) g_SavedPos.rz = getPedRotation(g_Me) g_SavedPos.vx, g_SavedPos.vy, g_SavedPos.vz = getElementPosition(g_Vehicle) g_SavedPos.vrx, g_SavedPos.vry, g_SavedPos.vrz = getElementRotation(g_Vehicle) end function restorePosition() setElementPosition( g_Me, g_SavedPos.x, g_SavedPos.y, g_SavedPos.z ) setPedRotation( g_Me, g_SavedPos.rz ) setElementPosition( g_Vehicle, g_SavedPos.vx, g_SavedPos.vy, g_SavedPos.vz ) setElementRotation( g_Vehicle, g_SavedPos.vrx, g_SavedPos.vry, g_SavedPos.vrz ) end addEvent ( "onClientScreenFadedOut", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientScreenFadedOut", g_Root, function() Spectate.fadedout = true Spectate.updateGuiFadedOut() end ) addEvent ( "onClientScreenFadedIn", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientScreenFadedIn", g_Root, function() Spectate.fadedout = false Spectate.updateGuiFadedOut() end ) addEvent ( "onClientPreRender", true ) addEventHandler ( "onClientPreRender", g_Root, function() if isPlayerRaceDead( g_Me ) then setCameraMatrix( getCameraMatrix() ) end updateSpectatingCheckpointsAndRank() end ) function Spectate.updateGuiFadedOut() if g_GUI and g_GUI.specprev then if Spectate.fadedout then setGUIComponentsVisible({ specprev = false, specnext = false, speclabel = false }) else setGUIComponentsVisible({ specprev = true, specnext = true, speclabel = true }) end end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- MovePlayerAway - Super hack - Fixes the spec cam problem ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MovePlayerAway = {} MovePlayerAway.timer = Timer:create() MovePlayerAway.posX = 0 MovePlayerAway.posY = 0 MovePlayerAway.posZ = 0 MovePlayerAway.rotZ = 0 = 0 function MovePlayerAway.start() local element = g_Vehicle or getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) or g_Me MovePlayerAway.posX, MovePlayerAway.posY, MovePlayerAway.posZ = getElementPosition(element) MovePlayerAway.posZ = 34567 + math.random(0,4000) MovePlayerAway.rotZ = 0 = math.max(1,getElementHealth(element)) setElementHealth( element, 2000 ) setElementHealth( g_Me, 90 ) MovePlayerAway.update(true) MovePlayerAway.timer:setTimer(MovePlayerAway.update,500,0) triggerServerEvent("onRequestMoveAwayBegin", g_Me) end function MovePlayerAway.update(nozcheck) -- Move our player far away local camTarget = getCameraTarget() if not getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) then setElementPosition( g_Me, MovePlayerAway.posX-10, MovePlayerAway.posY-10, MovePlayerAway.posZ ) end if getPedOccupiedVehicle(g_Me) then if not nozcheck then if camTarget then MovePlayerAway.posX, MovePlayerAway.posY = getElementPosition(camTarget) if getElementType(camTarget) ~= "vehicle" then outputDebug( 'SPECTATE', 'camera target type:' .. getElementType(camTarget) ) end if getElementType(camTarget) == 'ped' then MovePlayerAway.rotZ = getPedRotation(camTarget) else _,_, MovePlayerAway.rotZ = getElementRotation(camTarget) end end end local vehicle = g_Vehicle if vehicle then fixVehicle( vehicle ) setElementFrozen ( vehicle, true ) setElementPosition( vehicle, MovePlayerAway.posX, MovePlayerAway.posY, MovePlayerAway.posZ ) setElementVelocity( vehicle, 0,0,0 ) setVehicleTurnVelocity( vehicle, 0,0,0 ) setElementRotation ( vehicle, 0,0,MovePlayerAway.rotZ ) end end setElementHealth( g_Me, 90 ) if camTarget and camTarget ~= getCameraTarget() then setCameraTarget(camTarget) end end function MovePlayerAway.stop() triggerServerEvent("onRequestMoveAwayEnd", g_Me) if MovePlayerAway.timer:isActive() then MovePlayerAway.timer:killTimer() local vehicle = g_Vehicle if vehicle then setElementVelocity( vehicle, 0,0,0 ) setVehicleTurnVelocity( vehicle, 0,0,0 ) setElementFrozen ( vehicle, false ) setVehicleDamageProof ( vehicle, false ) setElementHealth ( vehicle, ) end setElementVelocity( g_Me, 0,0,0 ) end end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Camera transition for our player's respawn ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function remoteStopSpectateAndBlack() Spectate.stop('auto') fadeCamera(false,0.0, 0,0,0) -- Instant black end function remoteSoonFadeIn( bNoCameraMove ) setTimer(fadeCamera,250+500,1,true,1.0) -- And up if not bNoCameraMove then setTimer( function() setCameraBehindVehicle( g_Vehicle ) end ,250+500-150,1 ) end setTimer(checkVehicleIsHelicopter,250+500,1) end ----------------------------------------------------------------------- function raceTimeout() removeEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updateTime) if g_CurrentCheckpoint then destroyCheckpoint(g_CurrentCheckpoint) destroyCheckpoint(g_CurrentCheckpoint + 1) end guiSetText(g_GUI.timeleft, msToTimeStr(0)) if g_GUI.hurry then Animation.createAndPlay(g_GUI.hurry, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(500), destroyElement) g_GUI.hurry = nil end triggerEvent("onClientPlayerOutOfTime", g_Me) toggleAllControls(false, true, false) end function unloadAll() triggerEvent('onClientMapStopping', g_Me) for i=1,#g_Checkpoints do destroyCheckpoint(i) end g_Checkpoints = {} g_CurrentCheckpoint = nil for colshape,pickup in pairs(g_Pickups) do destroyElement(colshape) if pickup.object then destroyElement(pickup.object) end if pickup.label then pickup.label:destroy() end end g_Pickups = {} g_VisiblePickups = {} table.each(g_Objects, destroyElement) g_Objects = {} setElementData(g_Me, 'race.checkpoint', nil) g_Vehicle = nil removeEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updateTime) toggleAllControls(true) if g_GUI then hideGUIComponents('timeleftbg', 'timeleft', 'healthbar', 'timepassed') if g_GUI.hurry then Animation.createAndPlay(g_GUI.hurry, Animation.presets.guiFadeOut(500), destroyElement) g_GUI.hurry = nil end end TimerManager.destroyTimersFor("map") g_StartTick = nil g_HurryDuration = nil if then Spectate.stop('auto') end end function createCheckpoint(i) local checkpoint = g_Checkpoints if checkpoint.marker then return end local pos = checkpoint.position local color = checkpoint.color or { 0, 0, 255 } checkpoint.marker = createMarker(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], checkpoint.type or 'checkpoint', checkpoint.size, color[1], color[2], color[3]) if (not checkpoint.type or checkpoint.type == 'checkpoint') and i == #g_Checkpoints then setMarkerIcon(checkpoint.marker, 'finish') end if checkpoint.type == 'ring' and i < #g_Checkpoints then setMarkerTarget(checkpoint.marker, unpack(g_Checkpoints[i+1].position)) end checkpoint.blip = createBlip(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], 0, isCurrent and 2 or 1, color[1], color[2], color[3]) setBlipOrdering(checkpoint.blip, 1) return checkpoint.marker end function makeCheckpointCurrent(i,bOtherPlayer) local checkpoint = g_Checkpoints local pos = checkpoint.position local color = checkpoint.color or { 1000, 100, 10 } if not checkpoint.blip then checkpoint.blip = createBlip(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], 0, 2, color[1], color[2], color[3]) setBlipOrdering(checkpoint.blip, 1) else setBlipSize(checkpoint.blip, 2) end if not checkpoint.type or checkpoint.type == 'checkpoint' then checkpoint.colshape = createColCircle(pos[1], pos[2], checkpoint.size + 4) else checkpoint.colshape = createColSphere(pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], checkpoint.size + 4) end if not bOtherPlayer then addEventHandler('onClientColShapeHit', checkpoint.colshape, checkpointReached) end end function destroyCheckpoint(i) local checkpoint = g_Checkpoints if checkpoint and checkpoint.marker then destroyElement(checkpoint.marker) checkpoint.marker = nil destroyElement(checkpoint.blip) checkpoint.blip = nil if checkpoint.colshape then destroyElement(checkpoint.colshape) checkpoint.colshape = nil end end end function setCurrentCheckpoint(i, bOtherPlayer) destroyCheckpoint(g_CurrentCheckpoint) destroyCheckpoint(g_CurrentCheckpoint + 1) createCheckpoint(i) g_CurrentCheckpoint = i - 1 showNextCheckpoint(bOtherPlayer) end function isPlayerRaceDead(player) return not getElementHealth(player) or getElementHealth(player) < 1e-45 or isPlayerDead(player) end function isPlayerFinished(player) return getElementData(player, 'race.finished') end function isPlayerSpectating(player) return getElementData(player, 'race.spectating') end addEventHandler('onClientPlayerJoin', g_Root, function() table.insertUnique(g_Players, source) end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerSpawn', g_Root, function() Spectate.blockAsTarget( source, 2000 ) -- No spectate at this player for 2 seconds end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerWasted', g_Root, function() if not g_StartTick then return end local player = source local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) if player == g_Me then if #g_Players > 1 and (g_MapOptions.respawn == 'none' or g_MapOptions.respawntime >= 10000) then if Spectate.blockManualTimer and isTimer(Spectate.blockManualTimer) then killTimer(Spectate.blockManualTimer) end TimerManager.createTimerFor("map"):setTimer(Spectate.start, 2000, 1, 'auto') end else Spectate.dropCamera( player, 1000 ) end end ) addEventHandler('onClientPlayerQuit', g_Root, function() table.removevalue(g_Players, source) Spectate.blockUntilTimes[source] = nil Spectate.validateTarget(source) -- No spectate at this player end ) addEventHandler('onClientResourceStop', g_ResRoot, function() unloadAll() removeEventHandler('onClientRender', g_Root, updateBars) killTimer(g_WaterCheckTimer) showHUD(true) setPedCanBeKnockedOffBike(g_Me, true) end ) ------------------------ -- Make vehicle upright function directionToRotation2D( x, y ) return rem( math.atan2( y, x ) * (360/6.28) - 90, 360 ) end function alignVehicleWithUp() local vehicle = g_Vehicle if not vehicle then return end local matrix = getElementMatrix( vehicle ) local Right = Vector3D:new( matrix[1][1], matrix[1][2], matrix[1][3] ) local Fwd = Vector3D:new( matrix[2][1], matrix[2][2], matrix[2][3] ) local Up = Vector3D:new( matrix[3][1], matrix[3][2], matrix[3][3] ) local Velocity = Vector3D:new( getElementVelocity( vehicle ) ) local rz if Velocity:Length() > 0.05 and Up.z < 0.001 then -- If velocity is valid, and we are upside down, use it to determine rotation rz = directionToRotation2D( Velocity.x, Velocity.y ) else -- Otherwise use facing direction to determine rotation rz = directionToRotation2D( Fwd.x, Fwd.y ) end setElementRotation( vehicle, 0, 0, rz ) end ------------------------ -- Script integrity test setTimer( function () if g_Vehicle and not isElement(g_Vehicle) then outputChatBox( "Race integrity test fail (client): Your vehicle has been destroyed. Please panic." ) end end, 1000,0 ) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Commands and binds -- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function kill() if then if Spectate.savePos then triggerServerEvent('onClientRequestSpectate', g_Me, false ) end else Spectate.blockManual = true triggerServerEvent('onRequestKillPlayer', g_Me) Spectate.blockManualTimer = setTimer(function() Spectate.blockManual = false end, 3000, 1) end end addCommandHandler('kill',kill) addCommandHandler('Commit suicide',kill) bindKey ( next(getBoundKeys"enter_exit"), "down", "Commit suicide" ) function spectate() if then if Spectate.savePos then triggerServerEvent('onClientRequestSpectate', g_Me, false ) end else if not Spectate.blockManual then triggerServerEvent('onClientRequestSpectate', g_Me, true ) end end end addCommandHandler('spectate',spectate) addCommandHandler('Toggle spectator',spectate) bindKey("b","down","Toggle spectator") function setPipeDebug(bOn) g_bPipeDebug = bOn outputConsole( 'bPipeDebug set to ' .. tostring(g_bPipeDebug) ) end fileDelete("race_client.lua") Link to comment
Blaawee Posted February 1, 2013 Share Posted February 1, 2013 add this in the server side addEvent('onRequestKillPlayer', true) addEventHandler('onRequestKillPlayer', g_Root, function() if checkClient( false, source, 'onRequestKillPlayer' ) then return end local player = source if stateAllowsKillPlayer() then setElementHealth(player, 0) toggleAllControls(player,false, true, false) end end ) Link to comment
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