h4x7o0r Posted January 16, 2013 Share Posted January 16, 2013 First of all, i have to mention that i've already seen other topics regarding this subject and tried to put the code together, but i couldn't figure it out how to make it work. I've also read that the scoreboard resource itself, can't display images so it should be modified to make it work so the following code should be added (somewhere after the line 704 from dxscoreboard_client) : elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) else Some user suggested to post the entire scoreboard_client script because my scoreboard could be kinda different. So here's my dxscoreboard_client.lua -- THESE CAN BE CHANGED triggerKey = "tab" -- default button to open/close scoreboard settingsKey = "F7" -- default button to open the settings window drawOverGUI = true -- draw scoreboard over gui? seperationSpace = 80 -- the space between top/bottom screen and scoreboard top/bottom in pixels -- BUT DON'T TOUCH THESE scoreboardToggled = false scoreboardForced = false scoreboardDrawn = false forceScoreboardUpdate = false useAnimation = true scoreboardIsToggleable = false showServerInfo = false showGamemodeInfo = false showTeams = true useColors = true drawSpeed = 1 scoreboardScale = 1 teamHeaderFont = "clear" contentFont = "default-bold" columnFont = "default-bold" serverInfoFont = "default" rmbFont = "clear" cBlack = tocolor( 0, 0, 0 ) cWhite = tocolor( 255, 255, 255 ) cSettingsBox = tocolor( 255, 255, 255, 150 ) MAX_PRIRORITY_SLOT = 500 scoreboardColumns = {} resourceColumns = {} scoreboardDimensions = { ["width"] = 0, ["height"] = 0, ["phase"] = 1, ["lastSeconds"] = 0 } scoreboardTicks = { ["lastUpdate"] = 0, ["updateInterval"] = 500 } scoreboardContent = {} firstVisibleIndex = 1 sortBy = { ["what"] = "__NONE__", ["dir"] = -1 } -- -1 = dec, 1 = asc sbOutOffset, sbInOffset = 1, 1 sbFont = "clear" sbFontScale = 0.68 serverInfo = {} fontScale = { -- To make all fonts be equal in height ["default"] = 1.0, ["default-bold"] = 1.0, ["clear"] = 1.0, ["arial"] = 1.0, ["sans"] = 1.0, ["pricedown"] = 0.5, ["bankgothic"] = 0.5, ["diploma"] = 0.5, ["beckett"] = 0.5 } selectedRows = {} addEvent( "onClientPlayerScoreboardClick" ) addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), function ( resource ) cScoreboardBackground = tocolor( defaultSettings.bg_color.r, defaultSettings.bg_color.g, defaultSettings.bg_color.b, defaultSettings.bg_color.a ) cSelection = tocolor( defaultSettings.selection_color.r, defaultSettings.selection_color.g, defaultSettings.selection_color.b, defaultSettings.selection_color.a ) cHighlight = tocolor( defaultSettings.highlight_color.r, defaultSettings.highlight_color.g, defaultSettings.highlight_color.b, defaultSettings.highlight_color.a ) cHeader = tocolor( defaultSettings.header_color.r, defaultSettings.header_color.g, defaultSettings.header_color.b, defaultSettings.header_color.a ) cTeam = tocolor( defaultSettings.team_color.r, defaultSettings.team_color.g, defaultSettings.team_color.b, defaultSettings.team_color.a ) cBorder = tocolor( defaultSettings.border_color.r, defaultSettings.border_color.g, defaultSettings.border_color.b, defaultSettings.border_color.a ) cServerInfo = tocolor( defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.r, defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.g, defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.b, defaultSettings.serverinfo_color.a ) cContent = tocolor( defaultSettings.content_color.r, defaultSettings.content_color.g, defaultSettings.content_color.b, defaultSettings.content_color.a ) bindKey( triggerKey, "down", "Toggle scoreboard", "1" ) bindKey( triggerKey, "up", "Toggle scoreboard", "0" ) bindKey( settingsKey, "down", "Open scoreboard settings", "1" ) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), drawScoreboard ) triggerServerEvent( "onClientDXScoreboardResourceStart", getRootElement() ) readScoreboardSettings() triggerServerEvent( "requestServerInfo", getRootElement() ) colorPicker.constructor() end ) addEventHandler( "onClientPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), function() selectedRows[source] = nil end ) function sendServerInfo( output ) serverInfo = output end addEvent( "sendServerInfo", true ) addEventHandler( "sendServerInfo", getResourceRootElement( getThisResource() ), sendServerInfo ) function toggleScoreboard( _, state ) state = iif( state == "1", true, false ) if scoreboardIsToggleable and state then scoreboardToggled = not scoreboardToggled elseif not scoreboardIsToggleable then scoreboardToggled = state end end addCommandHandler( "Toggle scoreboard", toggleScoreboard ) function openSettingsWindow() if scoreboardDrawn then local sX, sY = guiGetScreenSize() if not (windowSettings and isElement( windowSettings ) and guiGetVisible( windowSettings )) then createScoreboardSettingsWindow( sX-323, sY-350 ) showCursor( true ) elseif isElement( windowSettings ) then destroyScoreboardSettingsWindow() end end end addCommandHandler( "Open scoreboard settings", openSettingsWindow ) addCommandHandler( "scoreboard", function () scoreboardToggled = not scoreboardToggled end ) function iif( cond, arg1, arg2 ) if cond then return arg1 end return arg2 end function doDrawScoreboard( rtPass, onlyAnim, sX, sY ) if #scoreboardColumns ~= 0 then -- -- In/out animation -- local currentSeconds = getTickCount() / 1000 local deltaSeconds = currentSeconds - scoreboardDimensions.lastSeconds scoreboardDimensions.lastSeconds = currentSeconds deltaSeconds = math.clamp( 0, deltaSeconds, 1/25 ) if scoreboardToggled or scoreboardForced then local phases = { [1] = { ["width"] = s(10), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = s(10), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = 0, ["decToHeight"] = 0 }, [2] = { ["width"] = s(40), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = s(10), ["decToHeight"] = s(5) }, [3] = { ["width"] = calculateWidth(), ["height"] = s(30), ["incToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["incToHeight"] = calculateHeight(), ["decToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["decToHeight"] = s(5) } } if not useAnimation then scoreboardDimensions.width = calculateWidth() scoreboardDimensions.height = calculateHeight() scoreboardDimensions.phase = #phases end local maxChange = deltaSeconds * 30*drawSpeed local maxWidthDiff = math.clamp( -maxChange, phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth - scoreboardDimensions.width, maxChange ) local maxHeightDiff = math.clamp( -maxChange, phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight - scoreboardDimensions.height, maxChange ) if scoreboardDimensions.width < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = scoreboardDimensions.width + maxWidthDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].width if scoreboardDimensions.width > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth end elseif scoreboardDimensions.width > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth and not scoreboardDrawn then scoreboardDimensions.width = scoreboardDimensions.width - maxWidthDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].width if scoreboardDimensions.width < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth then scoreboardDimensions.width = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth end end if scoreboardDimensions.height < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = scoreboardDimensions.height + maxHeightDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].height if scoreboardDimensions.height > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight end elseif scoreboardDimensions.height > phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight and not scoreboardDrawn then scoreboardDimensions.height = scoreboardDimensions.height - maxHeightDiff * phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].height if scoreboardDimensions.height < phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then scoreboardDimensions.height = phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight end end if scoreboardDimensions.width == phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToWidth and scoreboardDimensions.height == phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase].incToHeight then if phases[scoreboardDimensions.phase + 1] then scoreboardDimensions.phase = scoreboardDimensions.phase + 1 else if not scoreboardDrawn then bindKey( "mouse2", "both", showTheCursor ) bindKey( "mouse_wheel_up", "down", scrollScoreboard, -1 ) bindKey( "mouse_wheel_down", "down", scrollScoreboard, 1 ) addEventHandler( "onClientClick", getRootElement(), scoreboardClickHandler ) if not (windowSettings and isElement( windowSettings )) then showCursor( false ) end triggerServerEvent( "requestServerInfo", getRootElement() ) end scoreboardDrawn = true end end elseif scoreboardDimensions.width ~= 0 and scoreboardDimensions.height ~= 0 then local phases = { [1] = { ["width"] = s(10), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = s(10), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = 0, ["decToHeight"] = 0 }, [2] = { ["width"] = s(40), ["height"] = s(5), ["incToWidth"] = calculateWidth(), ["incToHeight"] = s(5), ["decToWidth"] = s(10), ["decToHeight"] = s(5) }, [3] = { ["width"] = calculateWidth(), Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 17, 2013 Author Share Posted January 17, 2013 so anyone who can help ? Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 17, 2013 Share Posted January 17, 2013 What is the problem? what doesn't work? any errors? Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 17, 2013 Author Share Posted January 17, 2013 As some ppl related before, the scoreboard itself can't render images by default so it needs to have inserted some other rows. Here's the related topic where those things have been discussed before: https://forum.multitheftauto.com/viewtop ... 91&t=41069 I should insert that part of script somewhere between (700-710 line) but idk where exactly. When i've tried to put it somewhere , the resource has stopped working, that' why i've posted all code. Thank you for you time. LE: No errors or stuff, just flag with the image isn't rendered. Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 17, 2013 Share Posted January 17, 2013 Try to place this: elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) After line #703 ( just after the end ). Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 17, 2013 Author Share Posted January 17, 2013 Thank you for your reply. Looks like i'm having different code or different code numbering. In my editor this is what i'm having at 703 line : You mean after "end" at line 708 ? Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 Warning: scoareboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:719:Bad usage @ 'dxDrawImage' [Can't load file] end local partOfName = string.sub( playerName, firstCodePos, secondCodePos ) local textLength = dxGetTextWidth( partOfName, fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos+s(1), y+s(1), topX+x+s(1+column.width), y+s(11)+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( 0, 0, 0, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText( partOfName, xPos, y, topX+x+s(column.width), y+dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ), tocolor( r or 255, g or 255, b or 255, a or 255 ), fontscale(contentFont, s(1)), contentFont, "left", "top", true, false, drawOverGUI ) xPos = xPos + textLength end elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) elseif type( content ) == "table" and column.name ~= "name" then if content.type == "image" and content.src then local itemHeight = dxGetFontHeight( fontscale(contentFont, scoreboardScale), contentFont ) content.height = content.height or itemHeight content.width = content.width or itemHeight local itemWidth = itemHeight/content.height * content.width This is the line #719: dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 Add it so it checks if the file exists with: fileExists Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 You've been right, the flags weren't in that location. Thank you very much for your help. Now i'm having something like this : To be more explicit, i'm using 2 scripts (1 for Home and 1 for Country) Home exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn('Home') function showcountry() local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) if flag then setElementData(source,"Home",":admin/client/images/flags/"..flag..".png") else flag = "N/A" end end addEventHandler("onPlayerJoin",getRootElement(),showcountry) and Country (https://community.multitheftauto.com/index.php?p= ... ls&id=1995) -- IMPORTANT: If you don't want to read this just don't read it -- and please if you change the script, keep my credits. --[[ ****************************************** * * PROJECT: Country ID Project v1.1.1 * * Made by: Timic * Thanks to: lil_Toady * ****************************************** >> Description "Hello, thanks for using this resource, I'm very glad to update it to 1.1 and improve it I'll still continue this project, so report every bug on the community." ========================================== >> Installation Just open countryid.zip and then you'll have to insert it into a folder, so create a folder called countryid and then put files into the folder you created. You'll also have to put this folder into "<HARD DISK>:\Program Files\<Your MTA folder>\server\mods\deathmatch\resources\" folder. If your server was running at the time of installation, just type: refresh in console or /refresh in chat box. Of course you must be logged in as admin to use these commands. IMPORTANT: Of course you'll have to put it in the ACL.xml file. (ACL means Access Control List) Example: a) Open ACL.XML b) Add after <group name="Admin"> the following line c) <object name="resource.CountryID" /> d) Save it e) Restart the server f) Type in console refresh or type /refresh in chatbox g) Start it (Type in console start or type /start in chatbox) ========================================== >> LICENCE NO WARRANTY THE SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED IN THE HOPE THAT IT WILL BE USEFUL, BUT WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. IT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. ]] g_Root = getRootElement() function Initiate() country = getPlayerCountry(source) if country == nil or country == false then country = "n/a" end setElementData(source, "country", country) end addEventHandler('onPlayerJoin', g_Root, Initiate) addEventHandler("onResourceStart",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),function() -- You can remove this if you want outputChatBox('#ffffff[C_ID] #ffff00Initiating CID system... #ffffffDONE', getRootElement(), 255, 100, 100, true) call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","country", getRootElement(), 9, 50) setTimer( function() country = getPlayerCountry(source) if country == nil or country == false then country = "n/a" end setElementData(source, "country", country) end, 4000, 1) end ) aCountries = {} function getPlayerCountry ( player ) return getIpCountry ( getPlayerIP ( player ) ) end function getIpCountry ( ip ) local ip_group = tonumber ( gettok ( ip, 1, 46 ) ) local ip_code = ( gettok ( ip, 1, 46 ) * 16777216 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 2, 46 ) * 65536 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 3, 46 ) * 256 ) + ( gettok ( ip, 4, 46 ) ) if ( #aCountries == 0 ) then loadIPGroups () end if ( not aCountries[ip_group] ) then aCountries[ip_group] = {} end for id, group in ipairs ( aCountries[ip_group] ) do if ( ( group.rstart <= ip_code ) and ( ip_code <= group.rend ) ) then return group.rcountry end end return false end -- Load all IP groups from "conf/IpToCountryCompact.csv" function loadIPGroups () unrelPosReset() local readFilename = "conf/IpToCountryCompact.csv"; local hReadFile = fileOpen( readFilename, true ) if not hReadFile then outputHere ( "Cannot read " .. readFilename ) return end local buffer = "" while true do local endpos = string.find(buffer, "\n") -- If can't find CR, try to load more from the file if not endpos then if fileIsEOF( hReadFile ) then break end buffer = buffer .. fileRead( hReadFile, 500 ) end if endpos then -- Process line local line = string.sub(buffer, 1, endpos - 1) buffer = string.sub(buffer, endpos + 1) local parts = split( line, string.byte(',') ) if #parts > 2 then local rstart = tonumber(parts[1]) local rend = tonumber(parts[2]) local rcountry = parts[3] -- Relative to absolute numbers rstart = unrelRange ( rstart ) rend = unrelRange ( rend ) local group = math.floor( rstart / 0x1000000 ) if not aCountries[group] then aCountries[group] = {} end local count = #aCountries[group] + 1 aCountries[group][count] = {} aCountries[group][count].rstart = rstart aCountries[group][count].rend = rend aCountries[group][count].rcountry = rcountry end end end fileClose(hReadFile) end -- Make a stream of absolute numbers relative to each other local relPos = 0 function relPosReset() relPos = 0 end function relRange( v ) local rel = v - relPos relPos = v return rel end -- Make a stream of relative numbers absolute local unrelPos = 0 function unrelPosReset() unrelPos = 0 end function unrelRange( v ) local unrel = v + unrelPos unrelPos = unrel return unrel end -- IP2C logging function outputHere( msg ) --outputServerLog ( msg ) outputChatBox ( msg ) end ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Set to true to enable commands "makecsv" and "iptest" -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local makeAndTestCompactCsv = false if makeAndTestCompactCsv then local makeCor -- Takes a 'IPV4 CSV' file sourced from [url=http://software77.net/geo-ip/]http://software77.net/geo-ip/[/url] -- and makes a smaller one for use by Admin addCommandHandler ( "makecsv", function () local status = makeCor and coroutine.status(makeCor) if (status == "suspended") then outputHere( "Please wait" ) return end makeCor = coroutine.create ( makeCompactCsvWorker ) coroutine.resume ( makeCor ) end ) function makeCompactCsvWorker () outputHere ( "makeCompactCsv started" ) relPosReset() local readFilename = "conf/IpToCountry.csv"; local hReadFile = fileOpen( readFilename, true ) if not hReadFile then outputHere ( "Cannot read " .. readFilename ) return end local writeFilename = "conf/IpToCountryCompact.csv"; local hWriteFile = fileCreate( writeFilename, true ) if not hWriteFile then Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 You'll need to draw the text after the image on the scoreboard script, instead of adding country column too. Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 Thanks again mate. elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText ( -- this way ? elseif type( content ) == "table" and column.name ~= "name" then Idk how can i call content from another resource with different name. Oh that's way to complex for me, thank you for all your help. Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 Remove the scoreboard "country" column, use the same position of the image, but change the X position. Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 The country resource has a separate script that's adding a column from there to scoreboard (isn't like this one being in a comparison (elseif column.name =="home")), so i think u told me to remove this line from country resource : call(getResourceFromName("scoreboard"),"addScoreboardColumn","country", getRootElement(), 9, 50) but my problem is how can i take the content exported from country without adding a new column? i think i should use dxDrawText dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText ( topX+5 , y+s(1), ... ) Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content, 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText ( topX+theX + 5, y+s(1), 16, 11, getElementData ( player, "country" ), cWhite, 1, "default", "right", "bottom", true, false, drawOverGUI ) Try it. Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 WARNING: scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:720: Bad argument @'dxDrawText' [Expected number at argument 5, got boolean] WARNING : scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:720: Bad argument @ 'getElementData' [Expected element at argument 1, got nil] Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 Change where you set the flag to this: exports.scoreboard:addScoreboardColumn ( 'Home' ) function showcountry ( ) local flag = exports.admin:getPlayerCountry ( source ) or "N/A" if ( flag ) then setElementData ( source, "Home", { ":admin/client/images/flags/".. flag ..".png", flag } ) end end addEventHandler ( "onPlayerJoin", root, showcountry ) And on scoreboard: elseif column.name == "Home" then dxDrawImage( topX+theX, y+s(1), 16, 11, content [ 1 ], 0, 0, 0, cWhite, drawOverGUI ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( content [ 2 ] ), topX+theX + 5, y+s(1), 16, 11, cWhite, 1, "default", "right", "bottom", true, false, drawOverGUI ) Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 WARNING: scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:719: Bad argument @'dxDrawText' [Expected material at argument 5, got nil] Hmm , but should modify the country resource ? i'm asking u because the flag was present before and only country text need to appear. Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 WARNING: scoreboard\dxscoreboard_client.lua:719: Bad argument @'dxDrawText' [Expected material at argument 5, got nil] same Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 Are you sure that it's from dxDrawText that error? the argument 5 of dxDrawText is the height. Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 yes, that's what it says to me. But i think country resource should be modified because i can see the flag but can't see the name of the country [uS_FLAG US} for example. Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 So, it's drawing the image, but not the country code? Link to comment
h4x7o0r Posted January 18, 2013 Author Share Posted January 18, 2013 Yes the image (flag) is present but no text. Link to comment
Castillo Posted January 18, 2013 Share Posted January 18, 2013 That error doesn't make any sense, argument 5 is for height size. Link to comment
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