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MySQL Integration

Lloyd Logan

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I created a topic on this ages ago, but I never found my answer! In big scripts Such as vG, MTA:RP, Vedic etc. there is a folder called mysql, without this the resources using mysql wouldn't work. How do i connect my server to mysql? I am using it as a simple storage. People said to execute querys and stuff, but how does my server get a resource like "mysql"? I am using XAMPP, i have the modules, how to I "integrate MTA SERVER with MySQL?

Thanks Lloyd

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Click it, it has examples.

**facepalm** Sorry! So will i need the modules for this to work?

No. dbConnect is a built-in mta function.

So if this were the line in my mysql folder,

test_db = dbConnect( "mysql", "dbname=testdb;host=", "-----", "---------", "share=1" ) 

If I made a login panel, would it all be in the login resource?

such as :

executeSQLQuery("INSERT INTO accounts(account,pass,) VALUES(?,?,?)", playerAccount, playerPassword) 

Would this be correct in my login_client script?

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