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Login Panel before Gamemode starts


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I wanted to create a Login Panel for if you join the server. But this I wanted to do:

If you join the server, then BEFORE you joining the Game(mode) your camera will be set to a special target and then you need to login with a Login Panel, and after logging in, then you join the Game(mode)

So my question is: Where I need to script that Login Panel so you can't join the game until you are logged in? (It's a Race Gamemode and I know how to script a Login Panel)

Hope you guys understand it and sorry for my bad English :P

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I heard, if I want to script it how I wanted to, that you need to start the Login Panel as a gamemode and after logging in join the Race, but you will need to rescript Race if you want to let it work. If you join TG (TwistedGamers) or FFS (For F*** Sake) you get first a Login Panel and then you can chose what you want to join. Something like that I wanted. But I can't script it so I think I will just only make a Login Panel after joining Race, like normally. But thanks for the help anyway! :)

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