bartje01 Posted December 20, 2012 Share Posted December 20, 2012 Hey all. How can I make this respawn script respawning people without a vehicle? local screen_width, screen_height = guiGetScreenSize() local RESPAWN_KEY = "F" local showRespawn = false local text = "#FF5500Press #FFFFFF"..RESPAWN_KEY.." #FF5500to enter to training mode" local scale = 1.5 local font = "bankgothic" local textWidth = dxGetTextWidth(text:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x", ""), scale, font) local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) local color = tocolor(255, 128, 0, 255) setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", false, true) local running = false local vehicleData = {} local SAVE_INTER = 22500 local saveTimer = nil local reset = true -- reset timer local lastSaved = 0 -- When element data for the player changes, bind or unbind key. addEventHandler("onClientElementDataChange", getLocalPlayer(), function(dataName, oldValue) if(getElementType(source) ~= "player" or dataName ~= "state")then return end local newValue = getElementData(source, dataName) if(newValue == "dead")then reset =true setTimer(function() if(#vehicleData > 0 and running)then showRespawn = true setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", false, true) bindKey(RESPAWN_KEY, "up", respawn) end end, 3000, 1) else unbindKey(RESPAWN_KEY, "up", respawn) showRespawn = false setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", false, true) end if(newValue == "alive" and oldValue ~= "alive")then reset = false end end) -- respawn player, later add "checkpoints" function respawn() reset = false unbindKey(RESPAWN_KEY, "up", respawn) showRespawn = false setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", true, true) local index = #vehicleData local index2 = #vehicleData -- Save memory and go back to later saved positions if dying too fast. local timeWasted = math.floor((getTickCount() - lastSaved)/1000) if(timeWasted <= 7 and index > 1)then table.remove(vehicleData, index) index = #vehicleData outputDebugString("Vehicle data num: "..index.." removed respawn.") end outputDebugString("Respawning with vehicle data index: "..index) triggerServerEvent("onClientRequestRespawn", getLocalPlayer(), vehicleData[index]) if(index2 > 1 and index == index2)then table.remove(vehicleData, index) outputDebugString("Vehicle data num: "..index.." removed.") end end addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() if(reset)then resetTimer(saveTimer) end -- Dont show text if player is not allowed to respawn. if not showRespawn then return end local x, y = screen_width/2 - textWidth/2, screen_height * 0.75 - fontHeight/2 dxDrawColoredText(text, x, y, screen_width, screen_height, color, scale, font) end) -- Save vehicle data, to later spawn with that data. function saveVehicleData() local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(getLocalPlayer()) if(not running or showRespawn or (not vehicle) or reset)then return end local mode = getElementModel(vehicle) if(mode == 425)then return end local lastSaved = getTickCount() local index = #vehicleData + 1 vehicleData[index] = {} local posX, posY, posZ = getElementPosition(vehicle) local rotX, rotY, rotZ = getElementRotation(vehicle) local velX, velY, velZ = getElementVelocity(vehicle) local turnVelX, turnVelY, turnVelZ = getVehicleTurnVelocity(vehicle) local health = getElementHealth(vehicle) local model = getElementModel(vehicle) -- Later add worldSpecialProperty too. vehicleData[index].posX = posX vehicleData[index].posY = posY vehicleData[index].posZ = posZ vehicleData[index].rotX = rotX vehicleData[index].rotY = rotY vehicleData[index].rotZ = rotZ vehicleData[index].velX = velX vehicleData[index].velY = velY vehicleData[index].velZ = velZ vehicleData[index].turnVelX = turnVelX vehicleData[index].turnVelY = turnVelY vehicleData[index].turnVelZ = turnVelZ vehicleData[index].health = health vehicleData[index].model = model vehicleData[index].dimension = getElementDimension(vehicle) vehicleData[index].nitro = nil local upgrades = getVehicleUpgrades(vehicle) for upgradeKey, upgradeValue in ipairs(upgrades) do if(tonumber(upgradeValue) >= 1008 and tonumber(upgradeValue) <= 1010)then vehicleData[index].nitro = tonumber(upgradeValue) end end outputDebugString("Vehicle data num: "..index.." saved.") end saveTimer = setTimer(saveVehicleData, SAVE_INTER, 0) function saveRespawnToSpawnpoint(player) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player) local index = #vehicleData + 1 vehicleData[index] = {} local spawn = getElementsByType("spawnpoint") local posX, posY, posZ = getElementData(spawn[1], "posX"), getElementData(spawn[1], "posY"), getElementData(spawn[1], "posZ") local rotX, rotY, rotZ = getElementData(spawn[1], "rotX"), getElementData(spawn[1], "rotY"), getElementData(spawn[1], "rotZ") local velX, velY, velZ = 0, 0, 0 local turnVelX, turnVelY, turnVelZ = 0, 0, 0 local health = getElementHealth(vehicle) local model = getElementData(spawn[1], "vehicle") -- Later add worldSpecialProperty too. vehicleData[index].posX = posX vehicleData[index].posY = posY vehicleData[index].posZ = posZ vehicleData[index].rotX = rotX vehicleData[index].rotY = rotY vehicleData[index].rotZ = rotZ vehicleData[index].velX = velX vehicleData[index].velY = velY vehicleData[index].velZ = velZ vehicleData[index].turnVelX = turnVelX vehicleData[index].turnVelY = turnVelY vehicleData[index].turnVelZ = turnVelZ vehicleData[index].health = health vehicleData[index].model = model vehicleData[index].dimension = getElementDimension(vehicle) end addEvent("onClientRaceStateChanging", true) addEventHandler("onClientRaceStateChanging", getRootElement(), function(newState, oldState) if(newState == "Running")then local state = tostring(getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "state")) if(state == "waiting")then --[[ reset = false running = true vehicleData = {} saveRespawnToSpawnpoint(getLocalPlayer()) showRespawn = true setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", false, true) bindKey(RESPAWN_KEY, "up", respawn) --]] elseif(state == "alive" or state == "not ready")then reset = false running = true for i = 1, #vehicleData do table.remove(vehicleData, i) end vehicleData = {} saveVehicleData() end end if(newState == "PostFinish" or newState == "NoMap")then reset = true running = false unbindKey(RESPAWN_KEY, "up", respawn) showRespawn = false setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", false, true) end end) addEventHandler("onClientPlayerWasted", getLocalPlayer(), function() if(source ~= getLocalPlayer())then return end reset = true setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", false, true) setTimer(function() --local state = getElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing") or true if(#vehicleData > 0 and running)then showRespawn = true setElementData(getLocalPlayer(), "respawn.playing", false, true) bindKey(RESPAWN_KEY, "up", respawn) end end, 3000, 1) end) local unfreeze = {} addEvent("clientUnfreezeOnReady", true) addEventHandler("clientUnfreezeOnReady", getRootElement(), function(vehicle, vehData) -- source is the vehicle to unfreeze unfreeze.vehicle = vehicle = unfreeze.dim = vehData.dimension unfreeze.x, unfreeze.y, unfreeze.z = vehData.posX, vehData.posY, vehData.posZ unfreeze.vx, unfreeze.vy, unfreeze.vz = vehData.velX, vehData.velY, vehData.velZ unfreeze.tx, unfreeze.ty, = vehData.turnVelX, vehData.turnVelY, vehData.turnVelZ setElementFrozen(vehicle, false) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), unfreezeOnReady) end) function unfreezeOnReady() setElementHealth(unfreeze.vehicle, setElementPosition(unfreeze.vehicle, unfreeze.x, unfreeze.y, unfreeze.z) if(not isElementFrozen(unfreeze.vehicle))then setElementDimension(unfreeze.vehicle, unfreeze.dim) setElementVelocity(unfreeze.vehicle, unfreeze.vx, unfreeze.vy, unfreeze.vz) setVehicleTurnVelocity(unfreeze.vehicle, unfreeze.tx, unfreeze.ty, removeEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), unfreezeOnReady) end end function dxDrawColoredText(text, left, top, right, bottom, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY, clip, wordBreak, postGUI) -- Making them optional. right = right or screen_width bottom = bottom or screen_height while(left < 0) do left = screen_width - math.abs(left) end while(top < 0) do top = screen_height - math.abs(top) end while(right < 0) do right = screen_width - math.abs(right) end Link to comment
bartje01 Posted December 20, 2012 Author Share Posted December 20, 2012 anyone able to help me before sleeping time? Link to comment
Tete omar Posted December 20, 2012 Share Posted December 20, 2012 Are you sure that this code is yours? Link to comment
bartje01 Posted December 20, 2012 Author Share Posted December 20, 2012 Are you sure that this code is yours? Nope it isn't. And if you need the server sided part: local running = false -- if race is running addEvent("onClientRequestRespawn", true) addEventHandler("onClientRequestRespawn", getRootElement(), function(vehicleData) -- source is the player that requested respawn. -- spawn at the position where last saved. triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientCall_race', source, "Spectate.stop", 'manual') triggerEvent('onClientRequestSpectate', source, false) spawnPlayer(source, vehicleData.posX, vehicleData.posY, vehicleData.posZ) local vehicle = exports.race:getPlayerVehicle(source) triggerClientEvent(source, 'onClientCall_race', source, "Spectate.stop", 'manual') setElementData(source, "race.spectating", true) setElementData(source, "status1", "dead") setElementData(source, "status2", "") --setElementData(source, "state", "training") setElementData(source, "race.finished", true) setCameraTarget(source, source) setElementData(vehicle, "race.collideworld", 1) setElementData(vehicle, "race.collideothers", 0) setElementData(source, "race.alpha", 255) setElementData(vehicle, "race.alpha", 255) setElementHealth(vehicle, setElementModel(vehicle, 481) -- fix motor sound. setElementModel(vehicle, tonumber(vehicleData.model)) setElementPosition(vehicle, vehicleData.posX, vehicleData.posY, vehicleData.posZ) setElementRotation(vehicle, vehicleData.rotX, vehicleData.rotY, vehicleData.rotZ) if(vehicleData.nitro ~= nil)then addVehicleUpgrade(vehicle, tonumber(vehicleData.nitro)) end setElementFrozen(vehicle, true) toggleAllControls(source, true) setVehicleLandingGearDown(vehicle, true) setTimer(delayedRespawn, 2000, 1, source, vehicle, vehicleData) end) function delayedRespawn(player, vehicle, vehicleData) triggerClientEvent(player, "clientUnfreezeOnReady", player, vehicle, vehicleData) end addEvent("onRaceStateChanging", true) addEventHandler("onRaceStateChanging", getRootElement(), function(newState, oldState) triggerClientEvent("onClientRaceStateChanging", getRootElement(), newState, oldState) if(newState == "Running")then running = true end if(newState == "PostFinish" or newState == "NoMap")then running = false local player = getElementsByType("player") for i = 1, #player do local replaying = getElementData(player[i], "respawn.playing") if(replaying)then setElementData(source, "race.spectating", false) setElementData(source, "status1", "dead") setElementData(source, "status2", "") setElementData(source, "race.finished", false) end end end end) -- Add training mode before player has played once addEventHandler("onElementDataChange", getRootElement(), function(theName, oldValue) if(getElementType(source) == "player")then if(tostring(getElementData(source, "state")) == "waiting" and running)then --triggerClientEvent(source, "onClientRaceStateChanging", source, "Running", "GridCountdown") end end end) -- Kill when respawned and gets hunter. addEvent("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup", true) addEventHandler("onPlayerPickUpRacePickup", getRootElement(), function(pickupID, pickupType, vehicleModel) if(pickupType == "vehiclechange" and vehicleModel == 425)then local state = getElementData(source, "state") or "dead" if(state == "dead")then setElementHealth(source, 0) end end end) addEventHandler("onClientRender", getRootElement(), function() local player = getElementsByType("player") for i = 1, #player do if(getElementData(player[i], "respawn.playing"))then local alpha = 0 if(player[i] == getLocalPlayer())then alpha = getElementData(player[i], "race.alpha") or 255 end setElementAlpha(player[i], alpha) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(player[i]) if(vehicle ~= false)then end end end end) Link to comment
bartje01 Posted December 20, 2012 Author Share Posted December 20, 2012 Just asking me if this code is mine?/... Jheez. Link to comment
iPrestege Posted December 20, 2012 Share Posted December 20, 2012 Just asking me if this code is mine?/... Jheez. We do not like the stealing other codes . Link to comment
bartje01 Posted December 20, 2012 Author Share Posted December 20, 2012 Just asking me if this code is mine?/... Jheez. We do not like the stealing other codes . You clearly do not understand the meaning of stealing. It's not stealing if the author uploaded it.. Link to comment
bartje01 Posted December 21, 2012 Author Share Posted December 21, 2012 So.. could anyone please help me? Link to comment
tigerman Posted December 21, 2012 Share Posted December 21, 2012 You must change the Race resource. Good luck. Link to comment
bartje01 Posted December 21, 2012 Author Share Posted December 21, 2012 You must change the Race resource. Good luck. Please don't respond if you don't know how to fix it Link to comment
arezu Posted December 21, 2012 Share Posted December 21, 2012 The code is mine from a resource i uploaded to community so he didn't steal it. That code is quite a bit different from what you want, i believe you may need to edit race for player to be able to exit vehicle. You can try contact the scripter of "AMG", he made a script which you can use to play deathmatch (with guns - without vehicle) after you died in deathmatch (race - with vehicle). Link to comment
bartje01 Posted December 21, 2012 Author Share Posted December 21, 2012 The code is mine from a resource i uploaded to community so he didn't steal it.That code is quite a bit different from what you want, i believe you may need to edit race for player to be able to exit vehicle. You can try contact the scripter of "AMG", he made a script which you can use to play deathmatch (with guns - without vehicle) after you died in deathmatch (race - with vehicle). Thankyou, finally a worthy comment. I'll take look in the race recourse myself first. After that I'll try to contact him. Link to comment
Techial Posted December 22, 2012 Share Posted December 22, 2012 EDIT: I'm sorry, I thought you made the script for another resource than race. I apologies. Link to comment
spAik Posted July 22, 2014 Share Posted July 22, 2014 sorry for bringing this old thread back to life. i want to do the same. I deleted the function that the people dont get automatically warped back into a car. But after a few seconds they therefore freeze. What makes them freeze? If I check the Freeze Status with isElementFrozen it return "false" Link to comment
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