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Need HELP !


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probably use a regular expressions like so

username = 'whatever32$#@(*$59' 
if username:match('[a-zA-Z0-9]+') ~= nil then  
    print 'It is alright' 
    print 'It contains illegal characters or is not long enough' 

tested for syntax and functionality

the regex I used ([a-zA-Z0-9]+) means: allow any character in range of a-z, A-Z, underscores and 0-9 and require at least one of those with no maximum

check out RegExr to build and test your own regular expression

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probably use a regular expressions like so
username = 'whatever32$#@(*$59' 
if username:match('[a-zA-Z0-9]+') ~= nil then  
    print 'It is alright' 
    print 'It contains illegal characters or is not long enough' 

tested for syntax and functionality

the regex I used ([a-zA-Z0-9]+) means: allow any character in range of a-z, A-Z, underscores and 0-9 and require at least one of those with no maximum

check out RegExr to build and test your own regular expression

Could add to this script code that prohibits the use of color codes?

Thank you.

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Okay, I shall formulate it so it is better to understand or translatable by a machine:

Indeed. The code I have posted won't work instantly. Because you must replace the values I have set manually by functions such as guiGetText. Instead of the lines where I put "print", you must put the actual handling. Such as showing a pop-up window when the check fails. And when the check succeeds, put code so your server does things like SQL "INSERT"-commands. If you are checking if the username is okay in a client-side script, you also must put a trigger for the code on the side of your server (server-side). Because you can not use SQL-commands directly on the client-side.

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