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Is this a bug or "feature"?



look at the commented lines "bAlreadyInited = true;//":

 * This adds the local player to the ped pool, nothing else 
 * @return BOOL TRUE if success, FALSE otherwise 
BOOL CGameSA::InitLocalPlayer(  ) 
    DEBUG_TRACE("BOOL CGameSA::InitLocalPlayer(  )"); 
    // Added by ChrML - Looks like it isn't safe to call this more than once but mod code might do 
    static bool bAlreadyInited = false; 
    if ( bAlreadyInited ) 
        return TRUE; 
    //bAlreadyInited = true;//Current MTA Code, wtf is this doing here? 
    CPoolsSA * pools = (CPoolsSA *)this->GetPools (); 
    if ( pools ) 
        //* HACKED IN HERE FOR NOW *// 
        CPedSAInterface* pInterface = pools->GetPedInterface ( (DWORD)1 ); 
        if ( pInterface ) 
            pools->AddPed ( (DWORD*)pInterface ); 
            bAlreadyInited = true;//only set to true when local player was succesfully added, right? 
            return TRUE; 
        return FALSE; 
    return FALSE; 

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