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Calculate the rotation.


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I got a question,

How can I calculate a rotation of something without using "getElementRotation".

I have 1 ped that is watching an object.

This object will be moving arround the ped.

The ped will change it's rotation when the object is moving "setElementRotation".

It isn't in the sample, because this ped will be a player.


I have 2 locations. The one of the ped and the one of the object.

This is a sample:

local ped = createPed ( 63, 0, 0, 3 ) 
local object = createObject ( 1337, 5540.6654, 1020.55122, 1240.545, 90, 0, 0 ) 
function setrotation() 
    local rotate = getPedRotation(ped) 
    setPedRotation ( ped, rotate+40 ) 
setTimer(setrotation, 100, 0) 
-- how can I calculate the rotation of a ped when I have the locations of the direction were the ped is watching to. 
local x,y,z = getElementPosition( ped ) 
local x2,y2,z2 = getElementPosition( object ) 

NO USING getElementRotation, because I have to compare with that one.

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