SOAP10 Posted October 26, 2012 Share Posted October 26, 2012 (edited) I have This Spawn Selection The Old Style : And i wanna Edit The Spawn Selection Like That Style: Edited October 26, 2012 by Guest Link to comment
SOAP10 Posted October 26, 2012 Author Share Posted October 26, 2012 Plz I need Your Help Guys Link to comment
Castillo Posted October 26, 2012 Share Posted October 26, 2012 Both scripts are different, you'll have to learn Lua to understand the script and then edit it. Link to comment
SOAP10 Posted October 26, 2012 Author Share Posted October 26, 2012 Ok Thanks i i will learn the Lua and i edit it i f i got any Problemei told yea Link to comment
SOAP10 Posted October 27, 2012 Author Share Posted October 27, 2012 (edited) Guys i dont Understand The Older Spawn Selection i readed All The lua andi dont Understand It 100% Guys Plz This is The File Name : s_main.lua g_root = getRootElement( ); classGroups = { }; addEvent( "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", true ); addEventHandler( "spawn_clientRequestSpawn", g_root, function( categoryIndex, classIndex, skinIndex, password ) if skinIndex then local class = classGroups[ categoryIndex ].classes[ classIndex ]; if class.password then if not password or password == "soap" then triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_requestPassword", root, ); return; elseif password ~= class.password then outputChatBox( "The password you typed in is incorrect! Try again or cancel to choose different class.", client, 200, 50, 50 ); triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_requestPassword", root, ); return; end end local skin = class.skinMngr.skins[ skinIndex ]; local spawn = true; local spawned; --[[if not classGroups[ cetegoryIndex ].owner then -- if there is NO owner of the clan/gang spawn player spawn = true; else -- if there IS owner of the clan/gang then check if he's member of the clan/gang end]] if spawn then if not then = createTeam(,,, ); end local plrTeam = getPlayerTeam( client ); if ( ( plrTeam ) and ( plrTeam ~= ) and ( countPlayersInTeam( plrTeam ) == 1 ) ) then destroyElement( plrTeam ); end spawned = spawnPlayer( client, skin.spawnLoc.x, skin.spawnLoc.y, skin.spawnLoc.z, skin.spawnLoc.rot, skin.modelId, 0, 0, ); end if spawned then setElementData( client, "team", ) setElementData( client, "skin", ) fadeCamera( client, true ); setCameraTarget( client, client ); setTimer( setCameraTarget, 200, 1, client, client ); triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_SpawnedSuccessfully", client ); --setPlayerMoney( client, 500 ); for _, weapon in ipairs( class.weaponMngr.weapons ) do giveWeapon( client,, weapon.ammo, false ); end createBlipAttachedTo( client, 0, 2,,, ) else triggerClientEvent( client, "spawn_FailedToSpawn", client ); if countPlayersInTeam( ) == 0 then destroyElement( ); = nil; end end end end ); addEvent( "spawn_receivePassword", true ); addEventHandler( "spawn_receivePassword", g_root, function( ) end ); addEventHandler( "onPlayerSpawn", g_root, function ( ) end ); addEventHandler( "onPlayerWasted", g_root, function( ) fadeCamera( source, false, 4 ); setTimer( requestMenu, 5000, 1, source ); deleteAllPlayerBlips( source ) end ); function requestMenu( player ) callClientFunc( player, "showSpawnMenu", true, true ); callClientFunc( player, "classSelected" ); end addCommandHandler( "kill", function( plr ) killPed( plr ); end ) function preloadClassesInfo( ) local groups = getElementsByType( "category" ); for _, group in ipairs( groups ) do table.insert( classGroups, Group:New( group ) ); end end addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), preloadClassesInfo ) function deleteAllPlayerBlips(player) local elements = getAttachedElements(player) if (elements) then for i, element in ipairs(elements) do if (getElementType(element) == "blip") then destroyElement(element) end end end print( "number of players in team: " .. tostring( countPlayersInTeam( getPlayerTeam( player ) ) ) ); end addEventHandler( "onPlayerQuit", g_root, function() deleteAllPlayerBlips(source) end ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function callClientFunc( player, funcName, ... ) if #{ ... } ~= 0 then triggerClientEvent( player, "_clientCallFunction", root, funcName, ... ) else triggerClientEvent( player, "_clientCallFunction", root, funcName ) end end addEvent( "_serverCallFunction", true ) addEventHandler( "_serverCallFunction", root, function( funcName, ... ) _G[ funcName ](...) end ) thi is file name!: s_spawnclasses.lua Group = { }; Group.__index = { };[*] function Group: New( groupElement ) local group = { name = "", classes = { }, }; if getElementType( groupElement ) == "category" then setmetatable( group, self ); self.__index = self; = getElementData( groupElement, "id" ); local children = getElementChildren( groupElement ); for _, child in ipairs( children ) do table.insert( group.classes, Class:New( child ) ); end return group; end return false; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- Class = { }; Class.__index = Class; function Class: New( classElement ) local class = { name = "", info = "", color = { red = 255, green = 255, blue = 255 }, skinMngr = SkinManager:New( ), weaponMngr = WeaponManager:New( ), cameraMngr = CameraManager:New( ), } if getElementType( classElement ) == "class" then setmetatable( class, self ); self.__index = self; class.weaponMngr.__index = class.weaponMngr; = getElementData( classElement, "name" ); local classData = getElementChildren( classElement ); for _, data in ipairs( classData ) do if getElementType( data ) == "info" then = getElementData( data, "text" ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "color" then = tonumber( 0 and getElementData( data, "red" ) or 255 ); = tonumber( 0 and getElementData( data, "green" ) or 255 ); = tonumber( 0 and getElementData( data, "blue" ) or 255 ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "skin" then class.skinMngr:AddSkin( data ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "weapon" then class.weaponMngr:AddWeapon( data ); elseif getElementType( data ) == "camera" then local camChildren = getElementChildren( data ); for _, camInfo in ipairs( camChildren ) do if getElementType( camInfo ) == "position" then class.cameraMngr:Position( camInfo ); elseif getElementType( camInfo ) == "lookAt" then class.cameraMngr:LookAt( camInfo ); end end end end return class; end return false; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- CameraManager = { }; CameraManager.__index = CameraManager; function CameraManager: New( ) local cameramngr = { pos = { }, lookAt = { }, }; setmetatable( cameramngr, self ); self.__index = self; return cameramngr; end function CameraManager: Position( cameraPosElement ) if cameraPosElement then self.pos.x = tonumber( getElementData( cameraPosElement, "x" ) ); self.pos.y = tonumber( getElementData( cameraPosElement, "y" ) ); self.pos.z = tonumber( getElementData( cameraPosElement, "z" ) ); else return self.pos.x, self.pos.y, self.pos.z; end end function CameraManager: LookAt( cameraLookAtElement ) if cameraLookAtElement then self.lookAt.x = tonumber( getElementData( cameraLookAtElement, "x" ) ); self.lookAt.y = tonumber( getElementData( cameraLookAtElement, "y" ) ); self.lookAt.z = tonumber( getElementData( cameraLookAtElement, "z" ) ); else return self.lookAt.x, self.lookAt.y, self.lookAt.z; end end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- Skin = { }; Skin.__index = Skin; function Skin: New( skinElement ) local skin = { name = "", modelId = 0, weaponMngr = WeaponManager:New( ), spawnLoc = { x, y, z }, } if getElementType( skinElement ) == "skin" then setmetatable( skin, self ); self.__index = self; --setmetatable( skin.weaponMngr, WeaponManager ); skin.weaponMngr.__index = skin.weaponMngr; = getElementData( skinElement, "name" ); skin.modelId = getElementData( skinElement, "id" ); local children = getElementChildren( skinElement ); for _, child in ipairs( children ) do if getElementType( child ) == "spawnpoint" then skin.spawnLoc.x = tonumber( getElementData( child, "x" ) ); skin.spawnLoc.y = tonumber( getElementData( child, "y" ) ); skin.spawnLoc.z = tonumber( getElementData( child, "z" ) ); skin.spawnLoc.rot = tonumber( getElementData( child, "rot" ) ); elseif getElementType( child ) == "weapon" then skin.weaponMngr:AddWeapon( child ); end end return skin; end return false; end function Skin: GetSpawnPosition( ) return self.spawnLoc.x, self.spawnLoc.y, self.spawnLoc.z; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- SkinManager = { }; SkinManager.__index = SkinManager; function SkinManager: New( ) local skinmngr = { skins = { }, }; setmetatable( skinmngr, self ); self.__index = self; return skinmngr; end function SkinManager: AddSkin( skinElement ) table.insert( self.skins, Skin:New( skinElement ) ); end function SkinManager: GetSkins( ) return self.skins; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- Weapon = { }; Weapon.__index = Weapon; function Weapon: New( weaponElement ) local weapon = { id = 0, ammo = 0, }; if getElementType( weaponElement ) == "weapon" then setmetatable( weapon, self ); self.__index = self; = tonumber( getElementData( weaponElement, "id" ) ); weapon.ammo = tonumber( getElementData( weaponElement, "ammo" ) ); return weapon; end return false; end --[[================================================================================]]-- --[[================================================================================]]-- WeaponManager = { }; WeaponManager.__index = WeaponManager; function WeaponManager: New( ) local weaponmngr = { weapons = { }, }; setmetatable( weaponmngr, self ); self.__index = self; return weaponmngr; end function WeaponManager: AddWeapon( weaponElement ) table.insert( self.weapons, Weapon:New( weaponElement ) ); end function WeaponManager: GetWeapons( ) local weapons = { }; for i, weapon in ipairs( self.weapons ) do weapons[ i ] = { }; weapons[ i ].id =; weapons[ i ].ammo = weapon.ammo; end return weapons; end function WeaponManager: WeaponCount( ) return #self.weapons; end fILE NAME: c_main.lua g_Me = getLocalPlayer( ); g_root = getRootElement( ); g_ResRoot = getResourceRootElement( ); screenSize = { guiGetScreenSize( ) }; --local stripHeight = .15 * (screenSize[ 2 ]*2); letterBox = { stripHeight = screenSize[ 2 ] * .15, stripAlpha = .93, -- 0-1 animLength = 01, -- seconds animStartTick = 0, animFinishTick = 0, keepAnimating = true, flyIn = function ( ) letterBox.animStartTick = 0; addEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, animateLetterBox_flyIn ); setTempPedRotating( true ); end, flyOut = function ( ) letterBox.animStartTick = 0; setTempPedRotating( false ); removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, animateLetterBox_flyIn ) addEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, animateLetterBox_flyOut ); end, } local pedRot = 0; allHUDElements = { "ammo", "area_name", "armour", "breath", "clock", "health", "money", "radar", "vehicle_name", "weapon", } iconWidths = { [0] = 21, [1] = 15, [2] = 97, [3] = 55, [4] = 83, [5] = 72, [6] = 55, [7] = 138, [8] = 104, [9] = 59, [10] =40 , [11] =31 , [12] =41 , [14] =10 , [15] =71 , [16] =13 , [17] =10 , [18] =4 , [19] =17, [22] =35 , [23] =50 , [24] =37 , [25] =75 , [26] =67 , [27] =66 , [28] =17 , [29] =35 , [30] =70 , [31] =71 , [32] =22 , [33] =75 , [34] =86 , [35] =74 , [36] =75 , [37] =19 , [38] =54 , [39] =8, [42] = 14, } icons = { [0] = ":killmessages/icons/fist.png", [1] = ":killmessages/icons/brassknuckle.png", [2] = ":killmessages/icons/golfclub.png", [3] = ":killmessages/icons/nitestick.png", [4] = ":killmessages/icons/knifecur.png", [5] = ":killmessages/icons/bat.png", [6] = ":killmessages/icons/shovel.png", [7] = ":killmessages/icons/poolcue.png", [8] = ":killmessages/icons/katana.png", [9] = ":killmessages/icons/chnsaw.png", [10] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_dildo1.png", [11] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_dildo2.png", [12] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_vibe1.png", [14] = ":killmessages/icons/flowera.png", [15] = ":killmessages/icons/gun_cane.png", [16] = ":killmessages/icons/grenade.png", [17] = ":killmessages/icons/teargas.png", [18] = ":killmessages/icons/molotov.png", [19] = ":killmessages/icons/explosion.png", [22] = ":killmessages/icons/colt45.png", [23] = ":killmessages/icons/Silenced.png", [24] = ":killmessages/icons/desert_eagle.png", [25] = ":killmessages/icons/chromegun.png", [26] = ":killmessages/icons/sawnoff.png", [27] = ":killmessages/icons/shotgspa.png", [28] = ":killmessages/icons/micro_uzi.png", [29] = ":killmessages/icons/mp5lng.png", [30] = ":killmessages/icons/ak47.png", [31] = ":killmessages/icons/m4.png", [32] = ":killmessages/icons/tec9.png", [33] = ":killmessages/icons/cuntgun.png", [34] = ":killmessages/icons/sniper.png", [35] = ":killmessages/icons/rocketla.png", [36] = ":killmessages/icons/heatseek.png", [37] = ":killmessages/icons/flame.png", [38] = ":killmessages/icons/minigun.png", [39] = ":killmessages/icons/satchel.png", [42] = ":killmessages/icons/fireextinguisher.png", }; classGroups = { }; classesInfo = { }; classesWeapons = { }; classesSkins = { }; addEventHandler( "onClientResourceStart", getResourceRootElement(), function ( ) fadeCamera( true ); setTimer( setCameraMatrix, 50, 1, 1967.71, 1342.9, 26.63, 2034.47, 1343.02, 20.01 ); --letterBox.flyIn( ); preloadClassesInfo( ); createClassSelectionWnd( ); createGroupSelectionWnd( ); createClassDescriptionWnd( ); createClassWeaponWnd( ); createPasswordWnd( ); --setTimer( createTempPed, 100, 1 ); showCursor( true ); showSpawnMenu( false, true ); --showHUDComponents( allHUDElements ); end ); function createTempPed( model ) -- 7474 - object id -- 8661 local x, y, z = getWorldFromScreenPosition( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size(false) / 2 - 70, ( screenSize[ 2 ]/2) --[[/ 1.6 ) * .8]], 10 ); local cX, cY, cZ = getCameraMatrix( ); x, y, z = getWorldFromScreenPosition( screenSize[ 1 ] - gridList:Size(false) / 2 - 70, ( screenSize[ 2 ]/2 )--[[ / 1.6 ) * .8]], 10 ) g_ground = createObject( 7474, x, y, z - 1.02, 0, 0, 90 ); tempPed = createPed( 0 and model or 0, x, y, z ); setPedRotation( tempPed, pedRot ); setElementFrozen( tempPed, true ); setPedAnimation( tempPed, "dancing", "dnce_m_b", -1, true, true, false ) --setPedAnimation( tempPed, "cop_ambient", "Coplook_nod", -1, true, true, false ) --setPedRotation( tempPed, 90 ); setElementAlpha( g_ground, 0 ); setTempPedRotating( true ); end function destroyTempPed( ) if tempPed then destroyElement( g_ground ); destroyElement( tempPed ); g_ground = nil; tempPed = nil; end end function setTempPedRotating( rotate ) if ( ( rotate ) and ( not pedRotating ) ) then addEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, rotatePed ); pedRotating = true; elseif ( not rotate ) then removeEventHandler( "onClientRender", g_root, rotatePed ); pedRotating = nil; end end function rotatePed( ) if tempPed then pedRot = pedRot + 1; setPedRotation( tempPed, pedRot ); end end function preloadClassesInfo( ) local groups = getElementsByType( "category" ); for _, group in ipairs( groups ) do table.insert( classGroups, Group:New( group ) ); end end function preloadClassesInfo( ) local groups = getElementsByType( "Town" ); for _, group in ipairs( category ) do table.insert( classGroups, Group:New( group ) ); end end function hideHUDComponents( components ) for i, comp in pairs( components ) do showPlayerHudComponent( comp, false ); end --showChat( false ); end function showHUDComponents( components ) for i, comp in pairs( components ) do showPlayerHudComponent( comp, true ); end --showChat( true ); end --addEventHandler( "onClientRender", getRootElement(), function animateLetterBox_flyIn ( ) if letterBox.animStartTick == 0 then letterBox.animStartTick = getTickCount(); letterBox.animFinishTick = letterBox.animStartTick + letterBox.animLength * 1000; letterBox.keepAnimating = true; end local stripH; local currentStripHeight = letterBox.stripHeight; if letterBox.keepAnimating then local currentTick = getTickCount(); Edited October 27, 2012 by Guest Link to comment
Cadu12 Posted October 27, 2012 Share Posted October 27, 2012 Please do not multi-posts, just press "Edit" button at top right. Link to comment
Castillo Posted October 27, 2012 Share Posted October 27, 2012 @SOAP10: Of course you don't understand them, because you know nothing about Lua, how do you expect to understand it? Lua: viewtopic.php?f=148&t=40809 Link to comment
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