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Detect jump into wall


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Sorry that i haven't really looked into this myself. Just wondering what a good way to detect a player jumping into a wall is.

you can use thes in your script

if you need commandhandler

like this example

server side :

toggle = false 
function jump(player) 
    if (player) then 
        if toggle == false then 
            toggleControl ( player, "jump", false ) -- disable 
            outputChatBox("Jump is now diable", player, 255, 0, 0, true)             
            toggle = true 
        elseif toggle == true then  
            toggleControl ( player, "jump", true ) -- enable 
            outputChatBox("Jump is now enable", player, 255, 0, 0, true)             
            toggle = false 
addCommandHandler ( "Jump", jump ) 

to enable or disable


you can see here

in wiki

control name


if you need use in player join tell me

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@LI7IL, Not this what he is looking for, he wants to know if the player is into wall (wall bug).

sorry if i wasn't clear, i mean if a player is hitting a wall while running. I want to do a parkour script where when you run into a wall you run up it for a bit but i need to detect if the player is in contact with a wall

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awesome so if i used

float, float, float getWorldFromScreenPosition ( float x, float y, float depth )  

and set the x and y to center screen and the depth to 10 it would get the point in the world 10 units away which if i was facing a wall would be on the other side? then i could use processLineOfSight to check if there was a wall there? or is there a better way?

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local x1, y1, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
local r = math.rad(getPedRotation(localPlayer)) 
local x2, y2 = x1+math.sin(r)*2, y1+math.cos(r)*2 

Now x1, y1, z will be player's position and x2, y2, z will be position in front by 2 distance units. You can change the distance by multiplying sin and cos by something else than 2 in line 3. Also, you may need to make r negative (use -r instead of r) to get the correct position.

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Ok thanks alot, its midnight but ill test it in the morning. You've been a great help

Edit: i used this and it seems to work fine (just used output chatbox to test the detection

function wallrun() 
    local x1, y1, z = getElementPosition(localPlayer) 
    local r = math.rad(getPedRotation(localPlayer)) 
    local x2, y2 = x1+math.sin(-r)*2, y1+math.cos(-r)*2 
    if isLineOfSightClear(x1,y1,z,x2,y2,z) then 
        outputChatBox("not clear") 

I had to make it -r as just using r made it only work when facing at some angles.

thanks for you're help

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