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[RESOLVED] When use removeWorldObject the server lags...


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Hy guys,

Recently I get a code from one of the forum members which deletes the fence in area51 because I wanted the players to enter that area, now the fence has dissapeared but all the players of the server gets lagged, even I am lagged and the server runs on my computer.

The code is:

    if res == getThisResource() then 

the code is Serverside but when I made him Clientside doesn't work so that's not the problem, if can you give me any suggestions it would be great.


Edited by Guest
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This isn't related to lag, but checking whether res == getThisResource() is totally pointless, as the event is only triggered for resourceRoot. Due to this, the function params doesn't need the res declaration.

It behaves like lagging....

And how to edit the function to be right?!

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just write it as old school .lua.

function remove( resourcename ) 
addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, remove ) 

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Try to put

setOcclusionsEnabled( false ) 

after removeElementModel. So the final result will be:

function remove( resourcename ) 
    setOcclusionsEnabled( false ) 
addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, remove ) 

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Try to put
setOcclusionsEnabled( false ) 

after removeElementModel. So the final result will be:

function remove( resourcename ) 
    setOcclusionsEnabled( false ) 
addEventHandler( "onResourceStart", resourceRoot, remove ) 

Is the same, it's like the FPS goes up and down dramatically......:-?? dunno what's the problem to resolve it.

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Maybe reïnstal gta or check if you have mods running(on that object).

the object is the fence around area51 because there I created the Army base and it was closed, but I have like 74 - 75 resources running, idk, if that's the problem....

My computer specifications are:

Windows 7

Intel 2 Core Quad Q8300 @ 2,50 GHZ (4 CPU's)


250 GB HDD

On-Board Video Graphics NVidia GeForce 7100/ nForce 630i 256MB

And the down/up speed on aprox 800km's is:


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