RekZ Posted August 12, 2012 Share Posted August 12, 2012 como quito los el codigo HEX del resource mapnames ? se que es con el dxDrawColorText pero no se usarlo.. y no entiendo bien el ejemplo de la wiki Link to comment
Alexs Posted August 12, 2012 Share Posted August 12, 2012 Podes postear la parte del recurso "mapnames" ?? Link to comment
RekZ Posted August 12, 2012 Author Share Posted August 12, 2012 se , claro es el de la comunidad -- Settings variables local textFont = "default-bold" -- The font of the tag text local textScale = 1 -- The scale of the tag text local heightPadding = 1 -- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the vertical axis local widthPadding = 1 -- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the horizontal axis local xOffset = 8 -- Distance between the player blip and the tag local minAlpha = 10 -- If blip alpha falls below this, the tag won't the shown local textAlpha = 255 local rectangleColor = tocolor(0,0,0,230) -- Other variables local floor = math.floor local w,h = guiGetScreenSize() local function drawMapStuff() if isPlayerMapVisible() then local sx,sy,ex,ey = getPlayerMapBoundingBox() -- Map positions local mw,mh = ex-sx,sy-ey -- Map width/height local cx,cy = (sx+ex)/2,(sy+ey)/2 -- Center position of the map local ppuX,ppuY = mw/6000,mh/6000 -- Pixels per unit local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(textScale,textFont) -- Height of the specified font local yOffset = fontHeight/2 -- How much pixels the tag should be offsetted at local blips = getElementsByType("blip") for k,v in ipairs(blips) do local attached=getElementAttachedTo(v) if isElement(attached) and getElementType(attached)=="player" then local px,py = getElementPosition(attached) -- Player's position local x = floor(cx+px*ppuX+xOffset) -- X for the nametag local y = floor(cy+py*ppuY-yOffset) -- Y for the nametag local pname = getPlayerName(attached) -- Player name local nameLength = dxGetTextWidth(pname,textScale,textFont) -- Width of the playername local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(attached) -- Player's nametag color local _,_,_,a = getBlipColor(v) -- Blip alpha if a>minAlpha then dxDrawRectangle(x-widthPadding,y+heightPadding,nameLength+widthPadding*2,fontHeight-heightPadding*2,rectangleColor,false) dxDrawText(pname,x,y,x+nameLength,y+fontHeight,tocolor(r,g,b,textAlpha),textScale,textFont,"left","top",false,false,false) end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapStuff) Link to comment
Alexs Posted August 12, 2012 Share Posted August 12, 2012 No se como el color Text te serviria aca pero para usarlo reemplazar el dxDrawText por este y ademas agregas su codigo: function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY) bx, by, color, scale, font = bx or ax, by or ay, color or tocolor(255,255,255,255), scale or 1, font or "default" if alignX then if alignX == "center" then ax = ax + (bx - ax - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font))/2 elseif alignX == "right" then ax = bx - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) end end if alignY then if alignY == "center" then ay = ay + (by - ay - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font))/2 elseif alignY == "bottom" then ay = by - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) end end local alpha = string.format("%08X", color):sub(1,2) local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" local s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, 1) local last = 1 while s do if cap == "" and col then color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then local w = dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + w, by, color, scale, font) ax = ax + w color = tocolor(getColorFromString("#"..col..alpha)) end last = e + 1 s, e, cap, col = str:find(pat, last) end if last <= #str then cap = str:sub(last) dxDrawText(cap, ax, ay, ax + dxGetTextWidth(cap, scale, font), by, color, scale, font) end end Link to comment
RekZ Posted August 12, 2012 Author Share Posted August 12, 2012 lo siento Alexs pero no lo entendi lo que explicaste ? reemplazo el dxdrawtext por eso ? tan largo y le cambio el codigo a que ? al color de los names ? Link to comment
Alexs Posted August 12, 2012 Share Posted August 12, 2012 lo siento Alexs pero no lo entendi lo que explicaste ? reemplazo el dxdrawtext por eso ? tan largo y le cambio el codigo a que ? al color de los names ? function dxDrawColorText(str, ax, ay, bx, by, color, scale, font, alignX, alignY) bx, by, color, scale, font = bx or ax, by or ay, color or tocolor(255,255,255,255), scale or 1, font or "default" if alignX then if alignX == "center" then ax = ax + (bx - ax - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font))/2 elseif alignX == "right" then ax = bx - dxGetTextWidth(str:gsub("#%x%x%x%x%x%x",""), scale, font) end end if alignY then if alignY == "center" then ay = ay + (by - ay - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font))/2 elseif alignY == "bottom" then ay = by - dxGetFontHeight(scale, font) end end -- Settings variables local textFont = "default-bold" -- The font of the tag text local textScale = 1 -- The scale of the tag text local heightPadding = 1 -- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the vertical axis local widthPadding = 1 -- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the horizontal axis local xOffset = 8 -- Distance between the player blip and the tag local minAlpha = 10 -- If blip alpha falls below this, the tag won't the shown local textAlpha = 255 local rectangleColor = tocolor(0,0,0,230) -- Other variables local floor = math.floor local w,h = guiGetScreenSize() local function drawMapStuff() if isPlayerMapVisible() then local sx,sy,ex,ey = getPlayerMapBoundingBox() -- Map positions local mw,mh = ex-sx,sy-ey -- Map width/height local cx,cy = (sx+ex)/2,(sy+ey)/2 -- Center position of the map local ppuX,ppuY = mw/6000,mh/6000 -- Pixels per unit local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(textScale,textFont) -- Height of the specified font local yOffset = fontHeight/2 -- How much pixels the tag should be offsetted at local blips = getElementsByType("blip") for k,v in ipairs(blips) do local attached=getElementAttachedTo(v) if isElement(attached) and getElementType(attached)=="player" then local px,py = getElementPosition(attached) -- Player's position local x = floor(cx+px*ppuX+xOffset) -- X for the nametag local y = floor(cy+py*ppuY-yOffset) -- Y for the nametag local pname = getPlayerName(attached) -- Player name local nameLength = dxGetTextWidth(pname,textScale,textFont) -- Width of the playername local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(attached) -- Player's nametag color local _,_,_,a = getBlipColor(v) -- Blip alpha if a>minAlpha then dxDrawRectangle(x-widthPadding,y+heightPadding,nameLength+widthPadding*2,fontHeight-heightPadding*2,rectangleColor,false) dxDrawColorText(pname, x,y,x+nameLength,y+fontHeight, tocolor(r,g,b,textAlpha), textScale,textFont,"left","top") --Asi te digo, pero para lo q buscas usa el de abajo end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapStuff) Usa este: -- Settings variables local textFont = "default-bold" -- The font of the tag text local textScale = 1 -- The scale of the tag text local heightPadding = 1 -- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the vertical axis local widthPadding = 1 -- The amount of pixels the tag should be extended on either side of the horizontal axis local xOffset = 8 -- Distance between the player blip and the tag local minAlpha = 10 -- If blip alpha falls below this, the tag won't the shown local textAlpha = 255 local rectangleColor = tocolor(0,0,0,230) -- Other variables local floor = math.floor local w,h = guiGetScreenSize() local function drawMapStuff() if isPlayerMapVisible() then local sx,sy,ex,ey = getPlayerMapBoundingBox() -- Map positions local mw,mh = ex-sx,sy-ey -- Map width/height local cx,cy = (sx+ex)/2,(sy+ey)/2 -- Center position of the map local ppuX,ppuY = mw/6000,mh/6000 -- Pixels per unit local fontHeight = dxGetFontHeight(textScale,textFont) -- Height of the specified font local yOffset = fontHeight/2 -- How much pixels the tag should be offsetted at local blips = getElementsByType("blip") for k,v in ipairs(blips) do local attached=getElementAttachedTo(v) if isElement(attached) and getElementType(attached)=="player" then local px,py = getElementPosition(attached) -- Player's position local x = floor(cx+px*ppuX+xOffset) -- X for the nametag local y = floor(cy+py*ppuY-yOffset) -- Y for the nametag local pname = getPlayerName(attached) -- Player name local nameLength = dxGetTextWidth(pname,textScale,textFont) -- Width of the playername local r,g,b = getPlayerNametagColor(attached) -- Player's nametag color local _,_,_,a = getBlipColor(v) -- Blip alpha if a>minAlpha then dxDrawRectangle(x-widthPadding,y+heightPadding,nameLength+widthPadding*2,fontHeight-heightPadding*2,rectangleColor,false) dxDrawText(pname,x,y,x+nameLength,y+fontHeight,tocolor(r,g,b,textAlpha),textScale,textFont,"left","top",false,true,false) end end end end end addEventHandler("onClientRender",getRootElement(),drawMapStuff) Link to comment
BorderLine Posted August 13, 2012 Share Posted August 13, 2012 copias la funcion de color text y la pegas en el mismo resource de los mapnmames.. y en vez de poner dxDrawText pones dxDrawColorText Link to comment
Alexs Posted August 13, 2012 Share Posted August 13, 2012 copias la funcion de color text y la pegas en el mismo resource de los mapnmames..y en vez de poner dxDrawText pones dxDrawColorText Para lo q el busca bastaba con poner esto: dxDrawText(pname,x,y,x+nameLength,y+fontHeight,tocolor(r,g,b,textAlpha),textScale,textFont,"left","top",false,false,false) Asi: dxDrawText(pname,x,y,x+nameLength,y+fontHeight,tocolor(r,g,b,textAlpha),textScale,textFont,"left","top",false,true,false) Link to comment
BorderLine Posted August 13, 2012 Share Posted August 13, 2012 No me abia fijado en esos nuevo argumentos, que bueno que lo hayan hecho asi Link to comment
RekZ Posted August 13, 2012 Author Share Posted August 13, 2012 pues lo siento pero lo que tu dices no funciona EDIT: Ya lo aregle , te faltaron poner algunos argumentos dxDrawText(pname,x,y,x+nameLength,y+fontHeight,tocolor(r,g,b,textAlpha),textScale,textFont,"left","top",false,false,false,true,false) Link to comment
Alexs Posted August 13, 2012 Share Posted August 13, 2012 Si lo siento, pense que el tuyo los tenia completo y no me di el animo de contarlos Link to comment
RekZ Posted August 13, 2012 Author Share Posted August 13, 2012 si .. bueno gracias igual ,alexs y yakuza Link to comment
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