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ID Number (Like WonID(HL: Counter-Strike))

Guest DarkDeviL

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It would be useful with a ID Number, like the one called WonID in Counter-Strike. Such as if people get banned from a VC Server, It will be used through an IP or the ID. And when registration, it shall only be able to register once, Example only one account per email/per whatever, realname, nickname, etc...

An example, If I register, I will get a ID Number, and a password

I can use to login with, then I can pick my nick, and so...

if I example do things not allowed on that server, otherwise if I cheat

(as I dont do, because I'am anti-cheater :P)

They can ban through IP or that ID.

and if then people can use the T button, and write /STATUS, or like,

to see the persons ID/NICK... etc.. he can contact the server admin, or owner/whatever you name it as. And then give the ID and contact an admin, with he did that and that.. and then with some servers

and a anticheat system, and if the anticheat system finds any cheats, he's id gets banned from being used on ALL servers using that system..

It would be cool :)



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