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few problems

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client side

mywindow1 = guiCreateWindow(168,286,725,375,"<|6arh|>  ~<| chat window |>~",false) 
tarahImage = guiCreateStaticImage(9,23,707,343,"images/6arh.png",false,mywindow1) 
mytappanel = guiCreateTabPanel(29,18,643,191,false,tarahImage) 
exitbutton = guiCreateButton(0,321,188,19,"EXIT",false,tarahImage) 
tap1 = guiCreateTab("Support",mytappanel) 
theedit = guiCreateEdit(16,133,545,24,"",false,tap1) 
sendbutton = guiCreateButton(564,132,68,28,"send",false,tap1) 
mymemo = guiCreateMemo(16,7,615,117,"",false,tap1) 
tap2 = guiCreateTab("Request",mytappanel) 
theedit2 = guiCreateEdit(16,133,545,24,"",false,tap2) 
sendbutton2 = guiCreateButton(564,132,68,28,"send",false,tap2) 
mymemo2 = guiCreateMemo(16,7,615,117,"",false,tap2) 
tap3 = guiCreateTab("Main",mytappanel) 
theedit3 = guiCreateEdit(16,133,545,24,"",false,tap3) 
sendbutton3 = guiCreateButton(564,132,68,28,"send",false,tap3) 
mymemo3 = guiCreateMemo(16,7,615,117,"",false,tap3) 
-- set window with bindkey 
function showMyWindow() 
    if ( guiGetVisible ( mywindow1 ) == false ) then 
     guiSetVisible ( mywindow1 ,true ) 
     showCursor (false ) 
    elseif ( guiGetVisible ( mywindow1 ) == true ) then 
     guiSetVisible ( mywindow1 ,false ) 
     showCursor (false ) 
     bindKey("N","down", showMyWindow) 
-- the exit button 
function exitthechat() 
    if ( source == exitbutton ) then 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIClick", root, exitthechat) 
-- tap 1 
function wonderful(state,thePlayer) 
    if state == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton ) then 
            local Player = getLocalPlayer() 
            local mytext = guiGetText(theedit) 
            local mytext2 = guiGetText(mymemo) 
                if mytext ~= "" then 
                if not mytext2 then mytext2 = "" end 
                mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) ..": "..mytext.."\n" 
                guiSetText(mymemo, mytext2) 
                guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo, string.len(mytext2)) 
                    triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood", getLocalPlayer(), Player, mytext) 
                    guiSetText(theedit, "") 
addEventHandler( "onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), wonderful) 
addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit) 
-- tap 2 
function wonderful(state,thePlayer) 
    if state == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton2 ) then 
            local Player = getLocalPlayer() 
            local mytext = guiGetText(theedit2) 
            local mytext2 = guiGetText(mymemo2) 
                if mytext ~= "" then 
                if not mytext2 then mytext2 = "" end 
                mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) ..": "..mytext.."\n" 
                guiSetText(mymemo2, mytext2) 
                guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo, string.len(mytext2)) 
                    triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood2", getLocalPlayer(), Player, mytext) 
                    guiSetText(theedit2, "") 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), wonderful) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2) 
-- tab 3 
function wonderful(state,thePlayer) 
    if state == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton3 ) then 
            local Player = getLocalPlayer() 
            local mytext = guiGetText(theedit3) 
            local mytext2 = guiGetText(mymemo3) 
                if mytext ~= "" then 
                if not mytext2 then mytext2 = "" end 
                mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer()) ..": "..mytext.."\n" 
                guiSetText(mymemo3, mytext2) 
                guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo, string.len(mytext2)) 
                    triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood3", getLocalPlayer(), Player, mytext) 
                    guiSetText(theedit3, "") 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), wonderful) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3) 

onClientGUIAccepted doesn't work ?

server side

addEvent("Soundsgood", true) 
function Soundsgood(Player,mytext) 
local name = getPlayerName(Player) 
outputChatBox("* < Support >  "..name..": #ffffff"..mytext, getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) 
addEventHandler("Soundsgood", getRootElement(), Soundsgood) 
addEvent("Soundsgood2", true) 
function Soundsgood2(Player,mytext) 
local name = getPlayerName(Player) 
outputChatBox("* < Request >  "..name..": #ffffff"..mytext, getRootElement(),255,0,0,true) 
addEventHandler("Soundsgood2", getRootElement(), Soundsgood2) 
addEvent("Soundsgood3", true) 
function Soundsgood3(Player,mytext) 
local name = getPlayerName(Player) 
outputChatBox(name..": #ffffff"..mytext, getRootElement(),0,0,0,true) 
addEventHandler("Soundsgood3", getRootElement(), Soundsgood3) 

the text and the player name into the memo only show up for me and the other players don't see anything of mytext !

this is not a stolen script by the way " solid "

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addEventHandler(" onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), wonderful) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3) 

It's wrong. You can't use spaces in event name. You should use original event name. Read wiki before post something.

Also you don't use function in this handlers

addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3) 

Edited by Guest
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addEventHandler(" onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), wonderful) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3) 

It's wrong. You can't use spaces in event name. You should use original event name. Read wiki before post something.

Also you don't use attach element in this handlers

addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3) 

he attach it to element but he didn't attach it to function.


about this

the text and the player name into the memo only show up for me and the other players don't see anything of mytext !

you will need to trigger to server side and then trigger to client side for all players in the server.

Edited by Guest
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addEventHandler(" onClientGUIClick", getRootElement(), wonderful) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3) 

It's wrong. You can't use spaces in event name. You should use original event name. Read wiki before post something.

Also you don't use attach element in this handlers

addEventHandler( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2) 
addEventHandler(" onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3) 

he attach it to element but he didn't attach it to function.

Even though

addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3, wonderful) 

it doesn't send by ENTER key

but have i to change the functions names for the event handlers ?

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Guest Guest4401
Even though
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3, wonderful) 

it doesn't send by ENTER key

but have i to change the functions names for the event handlers ?

onClientGUIClick and onClientGUIAccepted, both have different parametres. Hence, these two conditions fail:

function wonderful(state,thePlayer) 
    if state == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton3 ) then 

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Even though
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3, wonderful) 

it doesn't send by ENTER key

but have i to change the functions names for the event handlers ?

onClientGUIClick and onClientGUIAccepted, both have different parametres. Hence, these two conditions fail:

function wonderful(state,thePlayer) 
    if state == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton3 ) then 

i guess

function wonderful(button,thePlayer) 
    if button == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton3 ) then 

is better

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Even though
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2, wonderful) 
addEventHandler("onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3, wonderful) 

it doesn't send by ENTER key

but have i to change the functions names for the event handlers ?

onClientGUIClick and onClientGUIAccepted, both have different parametres. Hence, these two conditions fail:

function wonderful(state,thePlayer) 
    if state == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton3 ) then 

i guess

function wonderful(button,thePlayer) 
    if button == "left" then 
        if ( source == sendbutton3 ) then 

is better

It's same.

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@teteomar@ you have mess with the parameters.

I advise you to read wiki, also you have functions with same name it's may make a problems.



well i had enough

that's the one

-- make send messages with ENTER tab1 
function letsmakeitwithenter ( element ) 
                    local mytext = guiGetText ( theedit ) 
                    local mytext2 = guiGetText(mymemo) 
                    local Player = getLocalPlayer( ) 
                         if ( ( mytext ) and ( mytext ~= "" ) ) then 
                         mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer( )) ..": "..mytext.."\n" 
                         guiSetText(mymemo, mytext2) 
                        guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo, string.len(mytext2)) 
                            triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood", getLocalPlayer( ), Player, mytext) 
                                guiSetText(theedit, "") 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit, letsmakeitwithenter) 
-- make send messages with ENTER tab2 
function letsmakeitwithenter ( element ) 
                    local mytext = guiGetText ( theedit2 ) 
                    local mytext2 = guiGetText( mymemo2 ) 
                    local Player = getLocalPlayer( ) 
                         if ( ( mytext ) and ( mytext ~= "" ) ) then 
                         mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer( )) ..": "..mytext .."\n" 
                         guiSetText(mymemo2, mytext2) 
                        guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo2, string.len(mytext2)) 
                            triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood2", getLocalPlayer( ), Player, mytext ) 
                                guiSetText(theedit2, "") 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2, letsmakeitwithenter) 
-- make send messages with ENTER tab3 
function letsmakeitwithenter ( element ) 
                    local mytext = guiGetText ( theedit3 ) 
                    local mytext2 = guiGetText( mymemo3 ) 
                    local Player = getLocalPlayer( ) 
                         if ( ( mytext ) and ( mytext ~= "" ) ) then 
                         mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer( )) ..": "..mytext .."\n" 
                         guiSetText(mymemo3, mytext2) 
                        guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo3, string.len(mytext2)) 
                            triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood3", getLocalPlayer( ), Player, mytext ) 
                                guiSetText(theedit3, "") 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3, letsmakeitwithenter) 

server side

i will not show it

but my problem is here

the text and the player name into the memo only show up for me and the other players don't see anything of mytext !

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Guest Guest4401

Because when you edit memo clientside, only that client sees the modification. You must send the memo text, from client to server and finally to everyone.

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@teteomar@ you have mess with the parameters.

I advise you to read wiki, also you have functions with same name it's may make a problems.



well i had enough

that's the one

-- make send messages with ENTER tab1 
function letsmakeitwithenter ( element ) 
                    local mytext = guiGetText ( theedit ) 
                    local mytext2 = guiGetText(mymemo) 
                    local Player = getLocalPlayer( ) 
                         if ( ( mytext ) and ( mytext ~= "" ) ) then 
                         mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer( )) ..": "..mytext.."\n" 
                         guiSetText(mymemo, mytext2) 
                        guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo, string.len(mytext2)) 
                            triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood", getLocalPlayer( ), Player, mytext) 
                                guiSetText(theedit, "") 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit, letsmakeitwithenter) 
-- make send messages with ENTER tab2 
function letsmakeitwithenter ( element ) 
                    local mytext = guiGetText ( theedit2 ) 
                    local mytext2 = guiGetText( mymemo2 ) 
                    local Player = getLocalPlayer( ) 
                         if ( ( mytext ) and ( mytext ~= "" ) ) then 
                         mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer( )) ..": "..mytext .."\n" 
                         guiSetText(mymemo2, mytext2) 
                        guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo2, string.len(mytext2)) 
                            triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood2", getLocalPlayer( ), Player, mytext ) 
                                guiSetText(theedit2, "") 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit2, letsmakeitwithenter) 
-- make send messages with ENTER tab3 
function letsmakeitwithenter ( element ) 
                    local mytext = guiGetText ( theedit3 ) 
                    local mytext2 = guiGetText( mymemo3 ) 
                    local Player = getLocalPlayer( ) 
                         if ( ( mytext ) and ( mytext ~= "" ) ) then 
                         mytext2 = mytext2 .. getPlayerName(getLocalPlayer( )) ..": "..mytext .."\n" 
                         guiSetText(mymemo3, mytext2) 
                        guiMemoSetCaretIndex(mymemo3, string.len(mytext2)) 
                            triggerServerEvent("Soundsgood3", getLocalPlayer( ), Player, mytext ) 
                                guiSetText(theedit3, "") 
addEventHandler ( "onClientGUIAccepted", theedit3, letsmakeitwithenter) 

server side

i will not show it

but my problem is here

the text and the player name into the memo only show up for me and the other players don't see anything of mytext !

Read my post again, i've told you that function with same name will make problems and you didn't change the function name.

and about your problem i've already told you what you need in my previous post, also karthik_184 told you too.

Because when you edit memo clientside, only that client sees the modification. You must send the memo text, from client to server and finally to everyone.
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Read my post again, i've told you that function with same name will make problems and you didn't change the function name.

i already changed the functions names. sigh but i still looking for the solve which makes the texts are public for all ..

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Read my post again, i've told you that function with same name will make problems and you didn't change the function name.

i already changed the functions names. sigh but i still looking for the solve which makes the texts are public for all ..

We already given you the solution.

Read the previous post, if you want ignore the solution then it your problem, I'm not going make the code for you.

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Read my post again, i've told you that function with same name will make problems and you didn't change the function name.

i already changed the functions names. sigh but i still looking for the solve which makes the texts are public for all ..

We already given you the solution.

Read the previous post, if you want ignore the solution then it your problem, I'm not going make the code for you.

listen, i didn't asked you to make this code for me. but i just want the codes


you can use this


and this


etc .. that's all and i will fix it with my self and thanks all for help.

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you can use this

triggerServerEvent("sendToServer", localPlayer, text) 

and this

triggerClientEvent(root, "sendToClient", root, text) 

and this


and this

guiSetText(memo, text) 

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