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[Help]Attach Music

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This is only client, so, you are the only who is hearing it.

function attach() 
pl = getLocalPlayer()  -- get the local player 
if isPedInVehicle ( pl ) then  -- if it's in a vehicle 
car = getPedOccupiedVehicle (pl) -- get the player's car 
sound = playSound3D ( "lol.mp3", 0, 0, 0 ) -- creating the sound 
speakerobject = createObject ( id , 0 ,0 ,0 ) -- You need to input the id on yourself, 0,0,0 = x,y,z 
attachElements ( speakerobject, car, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset )  -- attach the speaker on the car, the xyz offset is where the speaker will be attached, so change the xyz offset. 
attachElements ( sound, speakerobject ) -- attaching the sound to the object. 
addCommandHandler ( "attachmeup", attach ) 

Btw, I maded something like this too but then in a gui and while it's visible to evryone.

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attachElements ( speakerobject, car, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset )   

-- the xyz offset is where the speaker will be attached, so change the xyz offset.

So, 0 , 0, 0 = in the middle off the car

and 0, 0, 6 = In the middle off the car but then the object is higher attached, and so one... just changes the xyz offset what I sayd before.

btw, here's one that I maded in a GUI, I don't give it away

I'm now busy with my next version to attach speakers, almost done.

But that doesn't matter xD

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attachElements ( speakerobject, car, xoffset, yoffset, zoffset )   

-- the xyz offset is where the speaker will be attached, so change the xyz offset.

So, 0 , 0, 0 = in the middle off the car

and 0, 0, 6 = In the middle off the car but then the object is higher attached, and so one... just changes the xyz offset what I sayd before.

btw, here's one that I maded in a GUI, I don't give it away

I'm now busy with my next version to attach speakers, almost done.

But that doesn't matter xD

That's right .. well it's done i guess

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