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Joe's World Freeroam|Fun Scripts & Maps

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Hi fellow MTA users! I've just started a new freeroam server (actually been up before- but this is a complete overhaul for us!). Come on down to see what it's like! My staff and I have been working incredibly hard to pull this together and I feel like it's been an incredible turnout. We have gamemodes that are great fun, some great scripts & mods, and our awesome staff that is growing with modest members to help you around the server and answer any questions you might have! Go and register at our forums at http://joesworldfreeroam.webs.com! We're also looking for great scripters and moderators, you can work your way up to supermod and even admin if you prove that you are a loyal JWF member, and then applying for the higher position. If you wish to apply, go to the forums and register, then apply in the correct area in the forums section!

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