GhostXoP Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 Is there a way i can incorporate my scripts into a map, and have the map start out like a "play" game mode map, but without the Play game mode cars spawning everywhere. (like grove street how it spawns the two monster trucks) Or is there a function that removes all cars spawned by the game mode on the map, so i may place mine instead Link to comment
Castillo Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 You can just add the scripts to the "meta.xml" of your map resource. Link to comment
GhostXoP Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 Thanks for the fast response Would this remove the cars that spawn by default by the map? Link to comment
Castillo Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 I don't understand what do you mean, the "play" cars are only there because they're in the map file. Link to comment
GhostXoP Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 Sorry if my question isnt clear. What i mean is, i want to be able to make the map in the map editor, but be able to use it in the Play game mode. However, When i initialize a server using this map, it runs it in play game mode, and spawns default cars. How do i get it not to spawn those cars? The map file only lists my changes torward it, but not the cars it automatically spawns Link to comment
Castillo Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 You don't want it to start the "play" game mode with your map? if so then remove then go to the "meta.xml" of your map and search for: "gamemodes", then clear that attribute. Link to comment
GhostXoP Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 No i do, I want it to start out in the Play game mode, and use my scripts. But if i start in the Play game mode, whether or not i want it to, it will spawn these cars by default. They are not listed in the map file, how do i keep the map from doing this? As far as i know, in Play game mode, it spawns cars in default spots where the user spawns by default. How do i remove the cars? (They arent in the map file) Straight to the point, i know how to get it to use my scripts while in the Play game mode, but no matter what map i use while in the play game mode, it spawns default cars at the default spawn positions. I want the play game mode, but how do i get rid of the cars that spawn by default? These cars are not in the map file Link to comment
Castillo Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 All these vehicles are in: "play/". "Monster" model="557" posX="-676.43225097656" posY="962.98449707031" posZ="12.507791519165" rotX="0.041015625" rotY="0.002777099609375" rotZ="92.063659667969" color="1 1 0 0"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="-676.67596435547" posY="968.88238525391" posZ="12.507817268372" rotX="0.0118408203125" rotY="359.99993896484" rotZ="89.458343505859" color="1 1 0 0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-696.71008300781" posY="947.44274902344" posZ="11.961327552795" rotX="0.61502075195313" rotY="0.50155639648438" rotZ="43.260345458984" color="0 0 0 0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-700.66668701172" posY="946.43811035156" posZ="12.032683372498" rotX="0.59564208984375" rotY="0.66677856445313" rotZ="41.218505859375" color="3 1 0 0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="-708.88635253906" posY="939.77947998047" posZ="12.079864501953" rotX="359.51644897461" rotY="0.46926879882813" rotZ="180.60076904297" color="6 0 0 0"/> "BMX" model="481" posX="-679.98175048828" posY="931.08044433594" posZ="11.648596763611" rotX="358.77349853516" rotY="0" rotZ="88.025115966797" color="14 1 0 0"/> "BMX" model="481" posX="-679.97430419922" posY="932.28381347656" posZ="11.64875125885" rotX="358.79806518555" rotY="0" rotZ="87.565948486328" color="46 46 0 0"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="-655.177734375" posY="963.35192871094" posZ="12.175182342529" rotX="0.28692626953125" rotY="359.76095581055" rotZ="89.811737060547" color="1 3 0 0"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-681.74114990234" posY="912.31903076172" posZ="11.776277542114" rotX="0.20944213867188" rotY="0.05963134765625" rotZ="189.92041015625" color="5 46 0 0"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-680.06512451172" posY="912.44622802734" posZ="11.779381752014" rotX="0.21258544921875" rotY="0.04974365234375" rotZ="191.75022888184" color="6 46 0 0"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-678.29089355469" posY="912.71087646484" posZ="11.77979183197" rotX="0.21450805664063" rotY="359.99993896484" rotZ="200.86721801758" color="53 53 0 0"/> "Jetmax" model="493" posX="-649.33892822266" posY="867.71429443359" posZ="-0.10552111268044" rotX="3.1608276367188" rotY="359.79431152344" rotZ="228.00956726074" color="1 6 0 0"/> "Dinghy" model="473" posX="-661.28826904297" posY="876.15618896484" posZ="-0.30112856626511" rotX="5.7645263671875" rotY="359.92028808594" rotZ="227.04466247559" color="56 53 0 0"/> "Marquis" model="484" posX="-647.07635498047" posY="876.42327880859" posZ="0.22773677110672" rotX="1.3659973144531" rotY="359.89028930664" rotZ="226.89096069336" color="1 7 0 0"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="-696.35430908203" posY="929.35675048828" posZ="12.135828971863" rotX="359.94763183594" rotY="359.08135986328" rotZ="178.99200439453" color="56 29 0 0"/> "Beagle" model="511" posX="-696.59759521484" posY="897.68084716797" posZ="13.838381767273" rotX="2.5280456542969" rotY="358.68106079102" rotZ="176.86285400391" color="3 0 0 0"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="-686.66400146484" posY="969.24591064453" posZ="11.975840568542" rotX="0.35421752929688" rotY="0.002593994140625" rotZ="89.380676269531" color="79 45 0 0"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="-687.01416015625" posY="963.00555419922" posZ="11.94958114624" rotX="0.247802734375" rotY="359.99755859375" rotZ="89.711608886719" color="86 29 0 0"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="-686.92352294922" posY="966.03717041016" posZ="11.767498970032" rotX="0.49252319335938" rotY="359.99969482422" rotZ="89.163909912109" color="13 1 0 0"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="2526.2568359375" posY="-1677.2841796875" posZ="20.030225753784" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="92"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2508.7180175781" posY="-1680.5684814453" posZ="13.306875228882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="48"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2506.615234375" posY="-1682.3541259766" posZ="13.306875228882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="47.999267578125"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2504.4423828125" posY="-1684.2093505859" posZ="13.306875228882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="47.999267578125"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2512.29296875" posY="-1675.3764648438" posZ="13.848390579224" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="90"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2512.6125488281" posY="-1669.4129638672" posZ="13.848390579224" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="90"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="2473.427734375" posY="-1692.5140380859" posZ="13.454607009888" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="2466.70703125" posY="-1687.7796630859" posZ="13.490362167358" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="272.5"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="2505.1008300781" posY="-1651.4028320313" posZ="13.346396446228" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="136"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="2459.9895019531" posY="-1670.2042236328" posZ="13.395637512207" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0" color="86,1,0,0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="2452.68359375" posY="-1670.0334472656" posZ="13.1951379776" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2447.8659667969" posY="-1669.9348144531" posZ="13.169283866882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2443.0258789063" posY="-1669.8189697266" posZ="13.254557609558" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="0"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="-2398.5610351563" posY="-611.85290527344" posZ="133.04846191406" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="36"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="-2393.6850585938" posY="-608.3828125" posZ="133.04846191406" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="35.996704101563"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="-2393.4907226563" posY="-599.73876953125" posZ="132.58843994141" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="125.5"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="-2396.79296875" posY="-594.94836425781" posZ="132.74308776855" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="125.49682617188"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="-2407.7419433594" posY="-577.97015380859" posZ="132.47640991211" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="126"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="-2403.4738769531" posY="-585.46215820313" posZ="132.54843139648" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="126" color="86,1,0,0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="-2399.7482910156" posY="-590.07781982422" posZ="132.34843444824" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="123.99987792969"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-2416.1259765625" posY="-589.61535644531" posZ="132.3984375" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="213.99719238281"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="-2411.0979003906" posY="-586.19421386719" posZ="132.3984375" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="213.99719238281"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-2389.4606933594" posY="-604.095703125" posZ="132.53031921387" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="124"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-2388.0568847656" posY="-606.24896240234" posZ="132.53031921387" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="123.99719238281"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="-2386.5554199219" posY="-608.55224609375" posZ="132.53031921387" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="123.99719238281"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="-2444.1838378906" posY="-604.26513671875" posZ="132.51147460938" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="300"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2030.5123291016" posY="1557.0339355469" posZ="10.580312728882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="272"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2030.7028808594" posY="1559.1748046875" posZ="10.580312728882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="271.99951171875"/> "Sanchez" model="468" posX="2031.1046142578" posY="1561.4478759766" posZ="10.580312728882" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="271.99951171875"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2025.6492919922" posY="1535.8363037109" posZ="11.120292663574" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Monster" model="557" posX="2024.8865966797" posY="1526.9187011719" posZ="11.120292663574" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Buffalo" model="402" posX="2024.3311767578" posY="1519.9007568359" posZ="10.760312080383" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Bandito" model="568" posX="2024.1086425781" posY="1515.0710449219" posZ="10.79531288147" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Caddy" model="457" posX="2024.5035400391" posY="1510.8114013672" posZ="10.549660682678" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Sabre" model="475" posX="2024.2908935547" posY="1506.1636962891" posZ="10.72031211853" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270" color="86,1,0,0"/> "Bullet" model="541" posX="2024.7091064453" posY="1499.3103027344" posZ="10.520312309265" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2025.9349365234" posY="1490.2434082031" posZ="10.5703125" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Banshee" model="429" posX="2025.6474609375" posY="1494.671875" posZ="10.5703125" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> "Sparrow" model="469" posX="2024.5600585938" posY="1623.0500488281" posZ="12.002040863037" rotX="0" rotY="0" rotZ="270"/> Just remove them and restart the resource. 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GhostXoP Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 Thank you very much, really. Probably the first one to most of my questions on here. Sorry if my question wasnt clear. Link to comment
Castillo Posted June 14, 2012 Share Posted June 14, 2012 You're welcome. It's ok, I may haven't understood you correctly, in which case, it would be my fault. I'm not here to punish these who aren't clear. Link to comment
GhostXoP Posted June 14, 2012 Author Share Posted June 14, 2012 I come from an OSDev forum, I in fact have created a MS-DOS 2.1 Clone for a project of mine in assembler (to show i know what im doing and had a huge interest in systems design, and have attempted a full OpenGL 2.1 graphics engine which ended because of school). Forum questions were strict and clearness was generally the responsibility of the person asking the question. I understand what you mean, but i will try to be more clear next time. Thanks again Link to comment
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