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'guiSetText()' with two Colours


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I created a label, as you can see here:

uhrzeit3 = guiCreateLabel(0.1494,0.383,0.4689,0.0638,"",true,zeit_Window) 

Colour: white

How can I do that 'London' is red? This doesn't work:

guiSetText(uhrzeit3, "Uhrzeit in #FF0000London:") 


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function guiCreateColorLabel( ax, ay, bx, by,str, bool, parent ) 
    local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" 
    local s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, 1 ) 
    local last = 1 
    local r,g,b 
    while s do 
        if cap == "" and col then r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) end 
        if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then 
            local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
            avc321 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
            if not r then r = 255 end 
            if not g then g = 255 end 
            if not b then b = 255 end 
            guiLabelSetColor( avc321,r,g,b ) 
            ax = ax + w 
            r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) 
        last = e + 1 
        s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, last ) 
    if last <= #str then 
        local cap = str:sub( last ) 
        local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
        local avc123 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
        guiLabelSetColor( avc123,r or 255,g or 255,b or 255 ) 
        return avc123 

If that doesn't work, then search for "guiCreateColorLabel".

P.S: I didn't make that function.

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But don't change the function name itself.


--You use the function like this: 
guiCreateColorLabel( 0.6639,0.383,0.1826,0.0638,"",true,zeit_Window) 
--but define the function as it is: 
function guiCreateColorLabel( ax, ay, bx, by,str, bool, parent ) 
    local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" 
    local s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, 1 ) 
    local last = 1 
    local r,g,b 
    while s do 
        if cap == "" and col then r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) end 
        if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then 
            local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
            avc321 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
            if not r then r = 255 end 
            if not g then g = 255 end 
            if not b then b = 255 end 
            guiLabelSetColor( avc321,r,g,b ) 
            ax = ax + w 
            r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) 
        last = e + 1 
        s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, last ) 
    if last <= #str then 
        local cap = str:sub( last ) 
        local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
        local avc123 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
        guiLabelSetColor( avc123,r or 255,g or 255,b or 255 ) 
        return avc123 

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Yea, you're right! ;)

Still having a problem:

Error (line1): attempt to call glocal 'guiCreateColorLabel' (a nil value)

guiCreateColorLabel(0.1494,0.383,0.4689,0.0638,"#FFFFFFTime in #FF0000London",true,zeit_Window) 
function guiCreateColorLabel( ax, ay, bx, by,str, bool, parent ) 
    local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" 
    local s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, 1 ) 
    local last = 1 
    local r,g,b 
    while s do 
        if cap == "" and col then r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) end 
        if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then 
            local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
            avc321 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
            if not r then r = 255 end 
            if not g then g = 255 end 
            if not b then b = 255 end 
            guiLabelSetColor( avc321,r,g,b ) 
            ax = ax + w 
            r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) 
        last = e + 1 
        s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, last ) 
    if last <= #str then 
        local cap = str:sub( last ) 
        local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
        local avc123 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
        guiLabelSetColor( avc123,r or 255,g or 255,b or 255 ) 
        return avc123 


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The problem is, you're calling the function as soon as the script starts, and the script starts from up all the way down.

So it first meats your call to the function guiCreateColorLabel, while you haven't even defined it yet.

So you have to put the call for the function below the function declaring.

function guiCreateColorLabel( ax, ay, bx, by,str, bool, parent ) 
    local pat = "(.-)#(%x%x%x%x%x%x)" 
    local s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, 1 ) 
    local last = 1 
    local r,g,b 
    while s do 
        if cap == "" and col then r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) end 
        if s ~= 1 or cap ~= "" then 
            local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
            avc321 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
            if not r then r = 255 end 
            if not g then g = 255 end 
            if not b then b = 255 end 
            guiLabelSetColor( avc321,r,g,b ) 
            ax = ax + w 
            r,g,b = tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 1, 2 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 3, 4 ) ), tonumber( "0x"..col:sub( 5, 6 ) ) 
        last = e + 1 
        s, e, cap, col = str:find( pat, last ) 
    if last <= #str then 
        local cap = str:sub( last ) 
        local w = dxGetTextWidth( cap ) 
        local avc123 = guiCreateLabel( ax, ay, ax + w, by,cap,bool,parent ) 
        guiLabelSetColor( avc123,r or 255,g or 255,b or 255 ) 
        return avc123 
guiCreateColorLabel(0.1494,0.383,0.4689,0.0638,"#FFFFFFTime in #FF0000London",true,zeit_Window) 

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