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add new models

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I think it would be nice to be able to add new models instead of replacing current ones. Like have a certain range of numbers you can use (like 10000 to 10999) to assign completely new txd/dff and have a setting to determine the element type (ped,vehicle,map object, etc). Then use the new model like normal with the current functions.

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The point would be to add a much higher level of customization. I think it would be awesome to allow players of my server to design their own ped skins and vehicles to use in game without anyone else being able to use the same one.

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Sorry, kaos057,

It's not possible,

If it was possible, then MTA would've implanted it when 1.1 came in,

but it's not possible to create an object in to a game that already has objects loaded...

think of it this way,

You burned a cd then try to add songs later on, but can't....

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