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Help with two errors..

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I have edited one resource and previously it worked but today i have some problems.

Here server log :

[2012-05-19 15:01:21] Server started and is ready to accept connections! 
[2012-05-19 15:01:21] Type 'help' for a list of commands. 
[2012-05-19 15:02:43] CONNECT: Gytis-JDM connected (IP: xx.x.x.x.x  Serial: xxxx  Version: 1.3.0-9.03916.0) 
[2012-05-19 15:02:46] JOIN: Gytis-JDM joined the game (IP: xx) 
[2012-05-19 15:02:49] WARNING: [gamemodes]\gangwars\login_panel_s.lua:70: Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] 
[2012-05-19 15:02:49] WARNING: [gamemodes]\gangwars\login_panel_s.lua:71: Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] 
[2012-05-19 15:02:49] WARNING: [gamemodes]\gangwars\login_panel_s.lua:72: Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean] 
[2012-05-19 15:03:02] QUIT: Gytis-JDM left the game [[color=#FF0000]Timed out[/color]] 
[2012-05-19 15:03:02] WARNING: [gamemodes]\gangwars\spawn_panel_s.lua:145: Bad argument @ 'destroyElement' 

(i won't edited these lines):

function quitPlayer() 
local playername = getPlayerName(source) 
local theAccount = getPlayerAccount(source) 
setAccountData(theAccount, "money", getPlayerMoney(source))   
addEventHandler("onPlayerQuit", getRootElement(), quitPlayer) 

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Oh sorry forgot that one:

function getSavePassword(Login) 
local playerAccount = getAccount(Login)  
local getSavePassword = getAccountData(playerAccount, "savePassword") 
local Password = getAccountData(playerAccount, "password") 
 if (getAccountData(playerAccount, "serial") == getPlayerSerial(getPlayerFromName(Login))) then    
  if (getSavePassword == true) then 
  triggerClientEvent("addPassword", getRootElement(), Password, Login) 
addEvent("getSavePassword", true) 
addEventHandler("getSavePassword", getRootElement(), getSavePassword) 

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The log says: "Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean]". It means your variable "playerAccount" have a boolean value. And "getAccount()" function returns false when the account data (username and password) can not be found. So, maybe your username and password can not be found.

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The log says: "Bad argument @ 'getAccountData' [Expected account at argument 1, got boolean]". It means your variable "playerAccount" have a boolean value. And "getAccount()" function returns false when the account data (username and password) can not be found. So, maybe your username and password can not be found.

maybe but my error is when i connect to server game restarts.... you can see in server log my TIMEOUT

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