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explain me please


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local theTable = { 
[1]={1812.65198, -1889.86047, 13.41406}, 
[2]={1825.22791, -1635.03711, 13.38281}, 
[3]={1855.01685, -1430.47449, 13.39063}, 
[4]={1732.81580, -1296.87122, 13.44294}, 
[5]={1473.19226, -1295.77124, 13.48315}, 

This is the table

how can I make when player hits a maker it destroys marker id 1 and show the marker ID 2?

Sory but I don't know anything about tables.

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local theTable = 
        [ 1 ] = { 1812.65198, -1889.86047, 13.41406 }, 
        [ 2 ] = { 1825.22791, -1635.03711, 13.38281 }, 
        [ 3 ] = { 1855.01685, -1430.47449, 13.39063 }, 
        [ 4 ] = { 1732.81580, -1296.87122, 13.44294 }, 
        [ 5 ] = { 1473.19226, -1295.77124, 13.48315 } 
function getMarkerPositionFromIndex ( index ) 
    local index = ( tonumber ( index ) or 1 ) 
    if ( theTable [ index ] ) then 
        return unpack ( theTable [ index ] ) 
    return false 

You must set element data on the player and increase it every time you hit the marker, and create the new marker with the position returned from: getMarkerPositionFromIndex.

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P.S Define indexes is optional in table

local Array =  
    { '1' }; 
    [ 2 ] = { [ 1 ] = '2' }; 
print( Array[ 1 ][ 1 ] ) -- 1 
print( Array[ 2 ][ 1 ] ) -- 2 

Index auto-defined from 1.

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