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How can i animate a gui?

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this is my sample. Just edit guiSetAlphat to guiSetPosition.

     guiSetVisible(window,not guiGetVisible(window)) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.1 ) 
     , 100, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.2 ) 
     , 2000, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.3 ) 
     , 300, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.4 ) 
     , 400, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.5 ) 
     , 500, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.6 ) 
     , 600, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.7 ) 
     , 700, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.8 ) 
     , 800, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 0.9 ) 
     , 900, 1) 
     guiSetAlpha( window, 1 ) 
     , 1000, 0) 

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Thanks for that, Im using it differently for a spawn GUI though but thanks :)

Another question, How can i check if a gridlist already has a row with the same name? Like say i make a command /addrow [ROWNAME]

And then i type /addrow FWCentral then again i type /addrow FWCentral how can i check if there is already one to stop it?

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I want a GUI to slide in from the side how can i do it?

Take a look at arc_'s client_anim library, it is located in the "race" resource.

Example of usage:

Animation.createAndPlay(pict, { from = 0, to = 100, time = 2000, fn = guiMove }) 

Where the 'pict' is an GUI element.

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I don't need help with the sliding anymore thanks CapY, I need to know how to check if a gridlist row already contains the same text how can i do that??

Why would you check if there is already an equal row, just clear the gridlist and load the information again.


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Because im getting the data for the list from a DB and it creates the row even if its got the same names

An example:

if guiGridListGetItemText ( gridlist element, row, column ) == 'yourtext' then 
-- do stuff 

' == ' checks is it equal or not.

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Ok that would work but when the gridlist first comes up its empty so i tried doing it like this;

function updateLocations(location) 
local amount = guiGridListGetRowCount ( locationsList ) or 1 
for row = 1, amount do 
if guiGridListGetItemText ( locationsList, row, 1 ) == location then 
local row = guiGridListAddRow(locationsList) 
guiGridListSetItemText ( locationsList, row, 1, location, false, false ) 
addEventHandler("UpdateLocation", getLocalPlayer(),updateLocations) 

It doesn't give an error and doesn't show any rows :P

And Kenix i meant how could i make a table out of all the rows in the gridlist

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addEvent ( "UpdateLocation", true ) 
function updateLocations ( location ) 
    local amount = guiGridListGetRowCount ( locationsList ) or 1 
    for row = 1, amount do 
        if ( guiGridListGetItemText ( locationsList, row, 1 ) ~= location ) then 
            local row = guiGridListAddRow ( locationsList ) 
            guiGridListSetItemText ( locationsList, row, 1, location, false, false ) 
addEventHandler ( "UpdateLocation", localPlayer, updateLocations ) 

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addEvent ( "UpdateLocation", true ) 
function updateLocations ( location ) 
    outputChatBox ( type ( location ) ..": ".. tostring ( location ) ) 
    local amount = guiGridListGetRowCount ( locationsList ) or 1 
    for row = 1, amount do 
        if ( guiGridListGetItemText ( locationsList, row, 1 ) ~= location ) then 
            local row = guiGridListAddRow ( locationsList ) 
            guiGridListSetItemText ( locationsList, row, 1, location, false, false ) 
addEventHandler ( "UpdateLocation", localPlayer, updateLocations ) 

Tell me what does it output in the chat.

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maybe here's the problem

 addEventHandler ( "UpdateLocation", localPlayer, updateLocations ) 

shouldn't it be like this?

 addEventHandler ( "UpdateLocation", getRootElement(), updateLocations )  

Edited by Guest
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