iFoReX Posted May 7, 2012 Author Share Posted May 7, 2012 Ook Thank you I will use triggerServerEvent Link to comment
iFoReX Posted May 7, 2012 Author Share Posted May 7, 2012 I done it now I cant put San Fierro in the Text D: cl-side GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Edit = {} rotation = 0 addEvent("onVisibleButtons", true) addEventHandler("onVisibleButtons", getLocalPlayer(), function() GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.3688,0.84,0.0625,0.055,"<",true) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.5013,0.84,0.0625,0.055,">",true) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(0.4013,0.9067,0.1287,0.065,"Empezar a Jugar",true) GUIEditor_Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.4412,0.8367,0.05,0.0567,"0",true) guiEditSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Edit[1],true) lsT() showCursor(true) bindKey("space", "down", theR) ped = createPed( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end) numero = 0 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root,function(button,state) if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then local elements ={GUIEditor_Button[1],GUIEditor_Button[2],GUIEditor_Button[3],GUIEditor_Edit[1]} for i,v in ipairs(elements)do destroyElement(v) end showCursor(false) setCameraTarget( localPlayer ) destroyElement(ped) unbindKey("space") removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, texto) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, theR) local table = {{731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375}} setElementPosition( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) setPedSkin(localPlayer,numero) setElementFrozen(localPlayer,false) elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[1] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if(numero == 0) then numero = 288 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero - 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[2] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (numero == 289) then numero = 0 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero + 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") end end,true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,function( ) if isElement ( ped ) then rotation = rotation + 1 if ( rotation > 359 ) then rotation = 0 end setPedRotation ( ped, rotation ) end end) function lsT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) dxDrawText("Los Santos",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function theR() if(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LS")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) setTimer(lvT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLV", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LV") ped = createPed( 0, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LV")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,lvT) setTimer(sfT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraSF", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","SF") ped = createPed( 0, -1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="SF")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,sfT) setTimer(lsT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLS", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end end function lvT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lvT) dxDrawText("Las Venturas",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function sfT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, sfT) sf = dxDrawText("San Fierro",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end sv-side addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function() triggerClientEvent(source, "onVisibleButtons", root) setCameraMatrix(source,755.94171142578, -1258.78125, 18.399745941162, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043) end) addEvent("onCameraLV", true) addEventHandler("onCameraLV", getRootElement(), function() setCameraMatrix( source, 2322.7954101563, 1257.611328125, 102.61512756348, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) end ) addEvent("onCameraSF", true) addEventHandler("onCameraSF", getRootElement(), function() setCameraMatrix( source, -1509.7048339844, 921.08612060547, 75.827659606934, -1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453 ) end ) addEvent("onCameraLS", true) addEventHandler("onCameraLS", getRootElement(), function() setCameraMatrix( source, 755.94171142578, -1258.78125, 18.399745941162, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) end ) Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 here: GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Edit = {} rotation = 0 addEvent("onVisibleButtons", true) addEventHandler("onVisibleButtons", getLocalPlayer(), function() GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.3688,0.84,0.0625,0.055,"<",true) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.5013,0.84,0.0625,0.055,">",true) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(0.4013,0.9067,0.1287,0.065,"Empezar a Jugar",true) GUIEditor_Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.4412,0.8367,0.05,0.0567,"0",true) guiEditSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Edit[1],true) lsT() showCursor(true) bindKey("space", "down", theR) ped = createPed( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end) numero = 0 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root,function(button,state) if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then local elements ={GUIEditor_Button[1],GUIEditor_Button[2],GUIEditor_Button[3],GUIEditor_Edit[1]} for i,v in ipairs(elements)do destroyElement(v) end showCursor(false) setCameraTarget( localPlayer ) destroyElement(ped) unbindKey("space") removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, texto) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, theR) local table = {{731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375}} setElementPosition( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) setPedSkin(localPlayer,numero) setElementFrozen(localPlayer,false) elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[1] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if(numero == 0) then numero = 288 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero - 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[2] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (numero == 289) then numero = 0 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero + 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") end end,true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,function( ) if isElement ( ped ) then rotation = rotation + 1 if ( rotation > 359 ) then rotation = 0 end setPedRotation ( ped, rotation ) end end) function lsT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) dxDrawText("Los Santos",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function theR() if(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LS")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) setTimer(lvT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLV", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LV") setElementPosition(ped, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LV")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,lvT) setTimer(sfT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraSF", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","SF") setElementPosition(ped,-1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="SF")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,sfT) setTimer(lsT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLS", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end end function lvT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lvT) dxDrawText("Las Venturas",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function sfT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, sfT) sf = dxDrawText("San Fierro",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end I've changed the createPed to setElementPosition addEventHandler("onPlayerLogin",root,function() triggerClientEvent(source, "onVisibleButtons", root) setCameraMatrix(source,755.94171142578, -1258.78125, 18.399745941162, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043) end) addEvent("onCameraLV", true) addEventHandler("onCameraLV", root,function() setCameraMatrix( client, 2322.7954101563, 1257.611328125, 102.61512756348, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) end) addEvent("onCameraSF", true) addEventHandler("onCameraSF",root, function() setCameraMatrix( client, -1509.7048339844, 921.08612060547, 75.827659606934, -1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453 ) end ) addEvent("onCameraLS", true) addEventHandler("onCameraLS", root, function() setCameraMatrix( client, 755.94171142578, -1258.78125, 18.399745941162, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) end) Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 Do you mean for when the player spawns? Link to comment
iFoReX Posted May 7, 2012 Author Share Posted May 7, 2012 yeh when I press the button doesnt disappear the text : I done it : GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Edit = {} rotation = 0 addEvent("onVisibleButtons", true) addEventHandler("onVisibleButtons", getLocalPlayer(), function() GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.3688,0.84,0.0625,0.055,"<",true) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.5013,0.84,0.0625,0.055,">",true) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(0.4013,0.9067,0.1287,0.065,"Empezar a Jugar",true) GUIEditor_Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.4412,0.8367,0.05,0.0567,"0",true) guiEditSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Edit[1],true) lsT() showCursor(true) bindKey("space", "down", theR) ped = createPed( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end) numero = 0 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root,function(button,state) if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then local elements ={GUIEditor_Button[1],GUIEditor_Button[2],GUIEditor_Button[3],GUIEditor_Edit[1]} for i,v in ipairs(elements)do destroyElement(v) end showCursor(false) setCameraTarget( localPlayer ) destroyElement(ped) unbindKey("space") removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, texto) removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, theR) setPedSkin(localPlayer,numero) setElementFrozen(localPlayer,false) elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[1] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if(numero == 0) then numero = 288 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero - 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[2] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (numero == 289) then numero = 0 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero + 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") end end,true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,function( ) if isElement ( ped ) then rotation = rotation + 1 if ( rotation > 359 ) then rotation = 0 end setPedRotation ( ped, rotation ) end end) function lsT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) dxDrawText("Los Santos",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function bLV() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 2137.7775878906, 1480.8577880859, 10.8203125 ) end end function bSF() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, -1695.2707519531, 950.0751953125, 24.890625 ) end end function bLS() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) end end function theR() if(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LS")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) setTimer(lvT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLV", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LV") setElementPosition(ped, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLV) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LV")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,lvT) setTimer(sfT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraSF", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","SF") setElementPosition(ped,-1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bSF) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="SF")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,sfT) setTimer(lsT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLS", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") setElementPosition(ped,756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLS) end end function lvT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lvT) dxDrawText("Las Venturas",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function sfT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, sfT) sf = dxDrawText("San Fierro",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end I add the spawns in 3 citys But the text doesnt disappear Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 (edited) here: GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Edit = {} rotation = 0 addEvent("onVisibleButtons", true) addEventHandler("onVisibleButtons", getLocalPlayer(), function() GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.3688,0.84,0.0625,0.055,"<",true) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.5013,0.84,0.0625,0.055,">",true) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(0.4013,0.9067,0.1287,0.065,"Empezar a Jugar",true) GUIEditor_Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.4412,0.8367,0.05,0.0567,"0",true) guiEditSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Edit[1],true) lsT() showCursor(true) bindKey("space", "down", theR) ped = createPed( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end) numero = 0 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root,function(button,state) if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then local elements ={GUIEditor_Button[1],GUIEditor_Button[2],GUIEditor_Button[3],GUIEditor_Edit[1]} for i,v in ipairs(elements)do destroyElement(v) end showCursor(false) setCameraTarget( localPlayer ) destroyElement(ped) unbindKey("space","down",theR) local renders = {lsT,lvT,sfT} for k,b in ipairs(elements)do removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,b) end setPedSkin(localPlayer,numero) setElementFrozen(localPlayer,false) elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[1] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if(numero == 0) then numero = 288 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero - 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[2] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (numero == 289) then numero = 0 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero + 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") end end,true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,function( ) if isElement ( ped ) then rotation = rotation + 1 if ( rotation > 359 ) then rotation = 0 end setPedRotation ( ped, rotation ) end end) function lsT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) dxDrawText("Los Santos",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function bLV() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 2137.7775878906, 1480.8577880859, 10.8203125 ) end end function bSF() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, -1695.2707519531, 950.0751953125, 24.890625 ) end end function bLS() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) end end function theR() if(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LS")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) setTimer(lvT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLV", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LV") setElementPosition(ped, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLV) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LV")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,lvT) setTimer(sfT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraSF", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","SF") setElementPosition(ped,-1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bSF) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="SF")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,sfT) setTimer(lsT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLS", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") setElementPosition(ped,756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLS) end end function lvT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lvT) dxDrawText("Las Venturas",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function sfT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, sfT) sf = dxDrawText("San Fierro",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end added table Edited May 7, 2012 by Guest Link to comment
iFoReX Posted May 7, 2012 Author Share Posted May 7, 2012 Again the text doesnt disappear Link to comment
iFoReX Posted May 7, 2012 Author Share Posted May 7, 2012 I copied it, again doesnt disappear D: Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 (edited) try this: GUIEditor_Button = {} GUIEditor_Edit = {} rotation = 0 addEvent("onVisibleButtons", true) addEventHandler("onVisibleButtons", getLocalPlayer(), function() GUIEditor_Button[1] = guiCreateButton(0.3688,0.84,0.0625,0.055,"<",true) GUIEditor_Button[2] = guiCreateButton(0.5013,0.84,0.0625,0.055,">",true) GUIEditor_Button[3] = guiCreateButton(0.4013,0.9067,0.1287,0.065,"Empezar a Jugar",true) GUIEditor_Edit[1] = guiCreateEdit(0.4412,0.8367,0.05,0.0567,"0",true) guiEditSetReadOnly(GUIEditor_Edit[1],true) lsT() showCursor(true) bindKey("space", "down", theR) ped = createPed( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") end) numero = 0 addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root,function(button,state) if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then local elements ={GUIEditor_Button[1],GUIEditor_Button[2],GUIEditor_Button[3],GUIEditor_Edit[1]} for i,v in ipairs(elements)do destroyElement(v) end showCursor(false) setCameraTarget( localPlayer ) destroyElement(ped) unbindKey("space","down",theR) local renders = {lsT,lvT,sfT} for k,b in ipairs(renders)do removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,b) end setPedSkin(localPlayer,numero) setElementFrozen(localPlayer,false) elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[1] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if(numero == 0) then numero = 288 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero - 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") elseif source == GUIEditor_Button[2] then if (button == "left" and state == "up") then if (numero == 289) then numero = 0 setElementModel(ped,numero) end numero = numero + 1 setElementModel(ped,numero) end guiSetText(GUIEditor_Edit[1], " "..getElementModel(ped).."") end end,true) addEventHandler("onClientRender", root,function( ) if isElement ( ped ) then rotation = rotation + 1 if ( rotation > 359 ) then rotation = 0 end setPedRotation ( ped, rotation ) end end) function lsT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) dxDrawText("Los Santos",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function bLV() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 2137.7775878906, 1480.8577880859, 10.8203125 ) end end function bSF() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, -1695.2707519531, 950.0751953125, 24.890625 ) end end function bLS() if source == GUIEditor_Button[3] then setElementPosition( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) end end function theR() if(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LS")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lsT) setTimer(lvT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLV", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LV") setElementPosition(ped, 2323.7517089844, 1283.2214355469, 97.592704772949 ) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLV) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="LV")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,lvT) setTimer(sfT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraSF", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","SF") setElementPosition(ped,-1480.8948974609, 920.17132568359, 71.350372314453) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bSF) elseif(getElementData(ped,"City")=="SF")then removeEventHandler("onClientRender",root,sfT) setTimer(lsT,1000,1) triggerServerEvent("onCameraLS", getLocalPlayer()) setElementData(ped,"City","LS") setElementPosition(ped,756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043) addEventHandler("onClientGUIClick", root, bLS) end end function lvT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, lvT) dxDrawText("Las Venturas",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end function sfT() addEventHandler("onClientRender", root, sfT) sf = dxDrawText("San Fierro",433.0,539.0,641.0,585.0,tocolor(255,255,255,255),3.0,"default","left","top",false,false,true) end Edited May 7, 2012 by Guest Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 doesnt disappear D: lol, I found my mistake, copy the code again please and tell me if it works Link to comment
iFoReX Posted May 7, 2012 Author Share Posted May 7, 2012 very THAAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU ! Work 100000000000000000% Now I put giveWeapon and the SpawnGUI will finished When I start it Script all screen in black D: Link to comment
Jaysds1 Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 add this server-side: fadeCamera(source,true) Link to comment
Michael# Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 Samething. addEvent ( 'onVisibleButtons', true ) local iRotation = 0 aLocations = { 'Los Santos'; 'San Fierro'; 'Las Venturas'; } aGUI = { guiCreateButton ( 0.3688, 0.84, 0.0625, 0.055, '<', true ) guiCreateButton ( 0.5013, 0.84, 0.0625, 0.055, '>', true ) guiCreateButton ( 0.4013, 0.9067, 0.1287, 0.065, 'Empezar a Jugar', true ) guiCreateEdit ( 0.4412, 0.8367, 0.05, 0.0567, '', true ) } guiEditSetReadOnly ( aGUI[4], true ) for _, guiElement in pairs ( aGUI ) do guiSetVisible ( guiElement, false ) end -- addEventHandler ( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function ( ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', root, btnSource ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, rotatePed ) end ) -- addEventHandler ( 'onVisibleButtons', localPlayer, function ( ) for _, guiElement in pairs ( aGUI ) do guiSetVisible ( guiElement, true ) end showCursor ( true ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextOne ) bindKey ( 'space', 'down', changeLoc ) uPed = createPed ( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) end ) function drawTextOne ( ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( aLocations[1] ), 433, 539, 641, 585, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 3, 'default', 'left', 'top', false, false, true ) cCity = aLocations[1] end function drawTextTwo ( ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( aLocations[2] ), 433, 539, 641, 585, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 3, 'default', 'left', 'top', false, false, true ) cCity = aLocations[2] end function drawTextThree ( ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( aLocations[3] ), 433, 539, 641, 585, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 3, 'default', 'left','top', false, false, true ) cCity = aLocations[3] end function btnSource ( ) if ( source == aGUI[3] ) then for _, guiElement in pairs ( aGUI ) do guiSetVisible ( guiElement, false ) end showCursor ( false ) setCameraTarget ( localPlayer ) destroyElement ( uPed ) unbindKey ( 'space' ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawText ) setElementPosition ( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) elseif ( source == aGUI[1] ) then if ( getElementModel ( uPed ) == 0 ) then setElementModel ( uPed, 288 ) else setElementModel ( uPed, getElementModel ( uPed ) - 1 ) end guiSetText ( aGUI[4], getElementModel ( uPed ) ) elseif ( source == aGUI[2] ) then if ( getElementModel ( uPed ) == 288 ) then setElementModel ( uPed, 0 ) else setElementModel ( uPed, getElementModel ( uPed ) + 1 ) end guiSetText ( aUI[4], getElementModel ( uPed ) end end function rotatePed ( ) if ( not isElement ( uPed ) ) then return end iRotation = iRotation + 1 setPedRotation ( uPed, iRotation ) end function changeLoc ( ) if ( cCity == aLocations[1] ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextOne ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextTwo ) elseif ( cCity == aLocations[2] ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextTwo ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextThree ) elseif ( cCity == aLocations[3] ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextThree ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextOne ) end end Try that. Oh fuck! I forgot commas on table Link to comment
ben_wright Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 end the table with ; not the whole thing. (not like it matters, but it is a lot more organized) --example: tTable = { '1', '2', '3'; } addEvent ( 'onVisibleButtons', true ) local iRotation = 0 aLocations = { 'Los Santos', 'San Fierro', 'Las Venturas'; } aGUI = { guiCreateButton ( 0.3688, 0.84, 0.0625, 0.055, '<', true ), guiCreateButton ( 0.5013, 0.84, 0.0625, 0.055, '>', true ), guiCreateButton ( 0.4013, 0.9067, 0.1287, 0.065, 'Empezar a Jugar', true ), guiCreateEdit ( 0.4412, 0.8367, 0.05, 0.0567, '', true ); } guiEditSetReadOnly ( aGUI[4], true ) for _, guiElement in pairs ( aGUI ) do guiSetVisible ( guiElement, false ) end -- addEventHandler ( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, function ( ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientGUIClick', root, btnSource ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, rotatePed ) end ) -- addEventHandler ( 'onVisibleButtons', localPlayer, function ( ) for _, guiElement in pairs ( aGUI ) do guiSetVisible ( guiElement, true ) end showCursor ( true ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextOne ) bindKey ( 'space', 'down', changeLoc ) uPed = createPed ( 0, 756.03051757813, -1239.4184570313, 13.552116394043 ) end ) function drawTextOne ( ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( aLocations[1] ), 433, 539, 641, 585, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 3, 'default', 'left', 'top', false, false, true ) cCity = aLocations[1] end function drawTextTwo ( ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( aLocations[2] ), 433, 539, 641, 585, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 3, 'default', 'left', 'top', false, false, true ) cCity = aLocations[2] end function drawTextThree ( ) dxDrawText ( tostring ( aLocations[3] ), 433, 539, 641, 585, tocolor ( 255, 255, 255, 255 ), 3, 'default', 'left','top', false, false, true ) cCity = aLocations[3] end function btnSource ( ) if ( source == aGUI[3] ) then for _, guiElement in pairs ( aGUI ) do guiSetVisible ( guiElement, false ) end showCursor ( false ) setCameraTarget ( localPlayer ) destroyElement ( uPed ) unbindKey ( 'space' ) removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawText ) setElementPosition ( localPlayer, 731.21276855469, -1276.6033935547, 17.6484375 ) elseif ( source == aGUI[1] ) then if ( getElementModel ( uPed ) == 0 ) then setElementModel ( uPed, 288 ) else setElementModel ( uPed, getElementModel ( uPed ) - 1 ) end guiSetText ( aGUI[4], getElementModel ( uPed ) ) elseif ( source == aGUI[2] ) then if ( getElementModel ( uPed ) == 288 ) then setElementModel ( uPed, 0 ) else setElementModel ( uPed, getElementModel ( uPed ) + 1 ) end guiSetText ( aUI[4], getElementModel ( uPed ) ) end end function rotatePed ( ) if ( not isElement ( uPed ) ) then return end iRotation = iRotation + 1 setPedRotation ( uPed, iRotation ) end function changeLoc ( ) if ( cCity == aLocations[1] ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextOne ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextTwo ) elseif ( cCity == aLocations[2] ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextTwo ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextThree ) elseif ( cCity == aLocations[3] ) then removeEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextThree ) addEventHandler ( 'onClientRender', root, drawTextOne ) end end also, take a closer look on line 115. Link to comment
Michael# Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 It's samething, I do how I want lol -.- Link to comment
ben_wright Posted May 7, 2012 Share Posted May 7, 2012 I'm just trying to help. As I said, it looks more organized. And everyone here complains about tabulating codes & designing it properly. As you said, do as you wish. Link to comment
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