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Hi All , my script not working at all. I don't know why because i am beginner :P

here it's my scripte

    function(theVehicle, command, source) 
        if source then 
            if getVehicleFromName(vehicle) then 
                local vehicle = getVehicleFromName(vehicle) 
                local theVehicle = thevehicle 
                    setCameraTarget(thePlayer, player) 
                    toggleAllControls(vehicle, false) 
                    toggleControl(vehicle, "chatbox", true) 
                    toggleControl(vehicle, "playerlist", true) 
                    function bindEightDown() 
                        setElementData(theVehicle, "Player Pressing 8", true) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_8", "down", bindEightDown) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_8", "up", bindEightUp) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_4", "down", bindFourDown) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_4", "up", bindFourUp) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_6", "down", bindSixDown) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_6", "up", bindSixUp) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_2", "down", bindTwoDown) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_2", "up", bindTwoUp) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_5", "down", bindFiveDown) 
                    bindKey(thePlayer, "num_5", "up", bindFiveUp) 
                                setControlState(player, "brake_reverse", true) 
                                setControlState(player, "brake_reverse", true) 
                                setControlState(player, "accelerate", true) 
                                setControlState(player, "accelerate", true) 
                                setControlState(player, "vehicle_left", true) 
                                setControlState(player, "vehicle_left", true) 
                                setControlState(player, "vehicle_right", true) 
                                setControlState(player, "vehicle_right", true) 
                    addEventHandler("onConsole", thePlayer, releaseControlCommand) 

EDIT: I want to control my vehicle with distance by using num keys.

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Why don't you tell him what /debugscript is for?

If you are logged in as an admin, you can use the "/debugscript 3" command. It creates some sort of chatbox at the bottom of your screen and if a script isn't working, it outputs the reason for it in there. For example, it says syntax error in server.lua at line 32: bad argument at 'getElementPosition'. This means that in server.lua, line 32 there's something wrong in 'getElementPosition'.

As for your script, you should start reading the page about 'addCommandHandler':


First parameter in the function you call is a player and yours is 'theVehicle'. Would be pretty weird if vehicles could use commands :D . You have to change it to 'player' for example and after that, you write 'theVehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle ( player )'.

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because i gave him a link.

Debug console

MTA features a built-in debug console that shows debug messages output from MTA functions or from scripts. You can open it by typing debugscript x in console, while x is the debug level:

1: only errors

2: errors and warnings

3: errors, warnings and info messages

Thus, by typing debugscript 3 all messages are visible, that or level 2 are recommended for most occasions. You should have debugscript enabled most of the time you are testing your scripts, this will help you detect typos or other simple issues and solve them easily.

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