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Image when downloading


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You can set the image resource as map and everything else as script/gamemode/misc, as maps downloads before the scripts.

Then use a timer or so to check every sec maybe if it's done, unless it's a event for that.

And kill the timer when it finds out that it's done.

Edit: Removed lua.

Was never ment to be a copy/paste script, just an idea for how it could be done.

Edited by Guest
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local nWidth, nHeight = guiGetScreenSize( ) 
local sImage = 'image.png' 
local tDownloadFiles = 
    -- ... 
local fDraw = function( ) 
    dxDrawImage( 0.5 * nWidth, 0.5 * nHeight, 0.5 * nWidth, 0.5 * nHeight, sImage ) 
addEventHandler( 'onClientFileDownloadComplete', root, 
    function( sFile, bSucces ) 
        if sFile == sImage and bSucces then 
            addEventHandler( 'onClientRender', root, fDraw ) 
            for _, s in ipairs( tDownloadFiles ) do 
                downloadFile( s ) 
        elseif sFile == tDownloadFiles[1] then   
            local uTxd = engineLoadTXD ( sFile ) 
            engineImportTXD ( uTxd, 587 ) 
        elseif sFile == tDownloadFiles[2] then   
            local uDff = engineLoadDFF ( sFile, 587 ) 
            engineReplaceModel ( uDff, 587 ) 
addEventHandler( 'onClientResourceStart', resourceRoot, 
    function( ) 
        downloadFile( sImage ) 


    <script src='c.lua' type='client' /> 
    <file src='image.png' download='false' /> 
    <file src='car.txd' download='false' /> 
    <file src='car.dff' download='false' /> 


This function downloads a file from the HTTP server. This can only be used on files on the HTTP server associated with the MTA server and will only download files from within the folder of the resource that is calling it. The file should also be included in meta.xml with the download attribute set to "false", see meta.xml for more details. If the file has been previously downloaded and the CRC matches, the file will not be downloaded again but onClientFileDownloadComplete will still run.

Who want test it




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It seems to work, it has nothing related to version in the wiki.

- downloadFile

the latest stable version is 1.3.0.

I tested your script Kenix but downloadFile didn't work, and the files were downloaded as normally before the script started.

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