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Creating GUIs



Sorry if this is the wrong section, but I thought that this is more of a discussion than help topic.

I think that creating a GUI could be really challenging without guieditor or QtToLua, I don't think that anyone creates GUI with a different way.

guieditor is amazing, offers a lot of features that makes creating a GUI easy. However it's outdated, ComboBox is not supported.

Qt To Lua is also nice, creating GUI outside MTA is cool. However I think there are some bug and well it's kinda hard if you don't know how to use Qt Designer.

Currently I'm using guieditor, creating edits to get x,y then manually making it combobox.

What do you think? How are you creating your GUI? Any recommendations?

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Okay, I've tried that way, using a paper with lines.

Gave it my resolution, made a GUI and obtained coordinates by dividing the resolution on the lines.

That's how you do it? But it would take alot of time to make a simple GUI.

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i use text with cords, because, believe or not, i can't ever make it look balanced or good with guieditor, but with text all it takes is 3tests and done, not even speaking of perfect alignment.

Also doing it by code usually makes it cleaner code-wise, as you can use simple name table and for loop to create perfectly aligned buttons etc.

TIP: DON'T use relative position, absolute positions give far better opportunities to scale in your head.

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