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Looking For Scripts MUST KNOW SQL AND LUA


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Need Scripts for SQL and LUA i will pay you good money But need somone to debug script for me If you debug and alittle extra i will pay arund 80-100 dollors in America money please email:

[email protected]

skype is agame2821((Always Online))

Server Deadric RolePlay Mssg me any time skype me from hours 4:30 Eastern time to 12:30 Please talk to me ASAP and we will set up payment plan or somthing Thanks. :D

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because you most likely dont know how to debug a script this advanced which Neversay need help with and do you know mySQL and SQLite scripting ?

Yes Kimmis is right i know him and he know what i need bascly so anything about the scripts and etc You can talk to him there very ADVANCED TO THE FULLIST hard and i Don't like to fuck around i don't have time for it and if you can do it just add me on skype talk to me on my server Deadric Roleplay. I would ask Kimmis to do it but he just learnig SQL so that is why like i said money no problem but im not paying very highly for fixing bugs and maybe fixing a couple of factions when you add me i will tell you what i really need done and that is it :D

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What you would be Debuging It would be SQL and LUA also it a roleplay server like vg there is some other stuff i would like done if possible of course i will pay you for it but there maybe some side stuff Maybe if i like your work. If you are very good at this then i will be willing to call you alot and you will get paid more money just like that But if i felt you just did a quick ass job and not taking your time then im going to never call you again for your help. I like people who take there time becuase if you take your time then that means you are careful and not just fucking up everything then letting it take a longer time then it has to be.But :D if you can do add me on Skype.

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