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I'm new around here as you can prolly tell :) I would just like to say that you guys r doing a create job on 0.3 can't wait to play it.

The only problem i've been having is i can't get 0.2 to work :( every time i try to join a server it just says joining server and never seems to connect, i don't no if this is cuz of my connection speed or what. when it says joining server does that mean i must launch GTA3 and start a new game or what?

sorry if this question makes me sound dumb, cuz i prolly am :)

but n e ways great work! its about time some one made a MP mod for GTA3 as it was the only thing really missing as both the others had it.

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yeah i thought it mite be my connectin speed, I would test it over my LAN but my other computer isn't good enough to play GTA3 not enough video memory on the gfx card dam voodoo 3, n e ways next time my mate comes over i'll get him to bring his PC and test it that way. thanks

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wow. like everyone in this thread so far is uber-n00b (no offensive to anyone) but for the 20 billionth time, the severs are full.. so you can't connect to them.. its in like a millions places on theses forums.. i cant believe no ones locked this but hey. welcome to mta, Raziel :)

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