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The first one is called "killmessages", it comes with default resources when you install MTA.

I don't understand the second one though.

yes i know its killmessages but there isnt come with modified pics and i search on google images and doesnt show D:

second ONLY FOR BASEMODE OR A/D ASPECT : when u put /arena 20 says in chat Arena Started by : x person that is the same for /base 20 /add 20 or /end commands :)

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for first, they replace the image, you can do this like they do(hard? :shock:)

for second, use addCommandHandler


outputChatBox("Arena Started by "..getPlayerName(player),root,255,255,0) 

hard? -_-

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TAPL But this if any player write /arena ..name

its well be bugged

i suggest he use getPlayerAccount if admin then outputChatBox('blablabla')

Of course

that why i put this (Example:) with big size and differences color and underline?

also command (add) if he admin and type it and there wasn't player with this id or the map wasn't started etc..

he's need to adjust this code to work with BaseMode, that's his work, we're not going make for him full code.

or what do you think?

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