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[Timecyc] Add and Extend Timecyc functions


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There are some functiosn related to timecyc.dat, like

-- Sky Gradient Functions 
-- Sun Functions 
-- Far Clip Functions 
-- Fog Functions 

So, why not add more functions? We already messed with some part of timecyc.dat, so why not the rest?

Such as

-- Light Functions 
setAmbientLightColor( string type, int r, int b, int b) 
"Static Objects" -- Objects without movement 
"Dynamic Objects" -- Moveable objects 
"Direct Light" -- Light reflected to buildings, vehicles and peds ( i think ) 
"Light on ground" -- nuff' said. 
int, int, int = getDynamicAmbientLightColor() 
resetAmbientLightColor( bool true/false ) 
setAmbientLightEnabled( bool true/false ) 
--Shadow functions 
setShadowIntensity( int intensity ) 
int = getShadowIntensity() 
resetShadowIntensity( bool true/false ) 
setShadowsEnabled( bool true/false ) 
-- Cloud functions 
setCloudColor( int r, int b, int b ) 
int, int, int = getCloudColor() 
resetCloudColor( bool true/false ) 
-- Sun Functions 
setSunBrightnessLevel( int level ) 
int = getSunBrightnessLevel() 
resetSunBrightnessLevel( bool true/false ) 

Maybe there could be more... and i'm sure this can be done, but that's all i thought off.

What do you guys think?

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Shadow functions already exist in MTA as user settings. Server owners shouldn't be allowed to manipulate shadows because some users may encounter fps drop or other issues.

True, but... Hey let's be realistic with this part. You can also encounter massive FPS drop if you mess enough with the "setRainLevel" function.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Shadow functions already exist in MTA as user settings. Server owners shouldn't be allowed to manipulate shadows because some users may encounter fps drop or other issues.

Those aren't the same as the functions explained here. setShadowIntensity( int intensity ) shouldn't change the kind of the shadow, it would change the intensity of it which would mean changing its alpha which is already possible, using shaders.

All functions mentioned here should be added because, as mentioned here, they're part of 'timecyc' functions.

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