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That's a 1100+ lines script code, do you expect us to read it all just because you don't know how to debug it?

Learn to debug your scripts: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/Debugging


WARNING: gui.lua:78: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil]

WARNING: gui.lua:82: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil]

WARNING: gui.lua:86: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil]

WARNING: gui.lua:90: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil]

WARNING: gui.lua:94: Bad argument @ 'addEventHandler' [Expected function at argument 3, got nil]

i dont know mean of these

edit: code updated

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The syntax of the following event handlers are incorrect.

GUI["water"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.1826,0.7674,0.0708,"Beautiful Water",false,true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 
GUI["roadshining"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.2752,0.7674,0.0708,"Roads Shining",false,true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 
GUI["bloom"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.376,0.7674,0.0708,"Ambiant lightning( Bloom)",false,true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 
 GUI["showfps"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.5839,0.7674,0.0708,"Show FPS",false,true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 

Since your have the 6th argument as 'false', you cannot provide x, y, width, height between 1 and 0. You need to change the sixth argument to true for that.

The 7th argument is supposed to be a gui-element, not a boolean value.

GUI["water"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.1826,0.7674,0.0708,"Beautiful Water",true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 
GUI["roadshining"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.2752,0.7674,0.0708,"Roads Shining",true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 
GUI["bloom"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.376,0.7674,0.0708,"Ambiant lightning( Bloom)",true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 
 GUI["showfps"] = guiCreateCheckBox( 0.062,0.5839,0.7674,0.0708,"Show FPS",true,GUIEditor_Tab[6]) 

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