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sql table with gridlist


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if i return a table like this

function getOwnedCars(accountName) 
        local vehicles = executeSQLSelect("vehicles", "vehicleID", "owner = '"..accountName.."'") 
        return vehicles 

how can i get vehicle names from all the id rows in the table and add them to a gridlist?

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local vehicles = executeSQLQuery [[ SELECT vehicleID FROM vehicles WHERE owner = '"..accountName.."' ]] 
for _, veh in ipairs ( vehicles ) do 
      row = guiGridListAddRow ( yourGridList ) 
      guiGridListSetItemText ( yourGridList, row, column, tostring(veh), false, false ) 


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function getOwnedCars(accountName) 
        local vehicles = executeSQLQuery [[ SELECT vehicleID FROM vehicles WHERE owner = '" .. accountName .. "' ]] 
        return vehicles 
addEventHandler ( "onResourceStart", root, 
       function ( ) 
             triggerClientEvent ( "setOwnedCars", localPlayer, getOwnedCars(getAccountName(getPlayerAccount(source))) ) 


addEvent ( "setOwnedCars", true ) 
addEventHandler ( "setOwnedCars", root, 
      function ( carList ) 
           for _, vehID in ipairs ( carList ) do 
                guiGridListSetItemText ( yourGridList, row, column, tostring(vehID), false, false ) 

not tested.

This will only get the vehicle ID from "vehicles" because you are only selecting "vehicleID" column.

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I am making a SQL system with exported functions to use in scripts later

now im making the vehicle storage functions and was going to start creating the vehicle system in another resource wich uses theese exported functions but i need to knopw how to take all rows from the table returned and change the vehicleID wich is in the table to vehiclename then add them to gridlist...

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addEvent ( 'setOwnedCars', true ) 
    uGridList - your grid list 
    nColumn - your column number 
addEventHandler ( 'setOwnedCars', root, 
    function ( tVehicleList ) 
        if tVehicleList then 
            for _, varVehicleId in pairs ( tVehicleList ) do 
                local nRow = guiGridListAddRow( uGridList ) 
                guiGridListSetItemText ( uGridList, nRow, nColumn, tostring( varVehicleId ), false, false ) 


addEvent ( 'triggerToClientOwnerCars', true ) 
function fGetVehicleIds( uPlayer ) 
    if isElement( uPlayer ) then 
        local uAccountPlayer = getPlayerAccount( uPlayer ) 
        if uAccountPlayer and not isGuestAccount( uAccountPlayer ) then 
            local sAccountName = getAccountName( uAccountPlayer ) 
            return executeSQLQuery ( " SELECT vehicleID FROM vehicles WHERE owner = '" .. sAccountName .. "' " ) 
        return false 
    return false 
addEventHandler ( 'triggerToClientOwnerCars', root, 
    function ( ) 
        triggerClientEvent( 'setOwnedCars', source, fGetVehicleIds( source ) ) 

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i think you didnt get me right

I have one resource called SQL wich i export every sql function i need from and i aleready got that part done

then when i create another resource and use the exported function i got the table in that resource too so i dont need help with my SQL part of the script i just need help turning the vehicleIDs from the table i returned to vehicle names and add them as rows in a gridlist...

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