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MTAsg Stats problem..


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Im running a private server to play mta w/my friends sometimes.. but I can't get the stats thing working.. I installed apache, configged the config.php file but when I open mtasg.php it sais:

MTASG 0.3 - Multi Theft Auto Statistics Generator by Wartech Parsing logfile: mtaserver.log 
Warning: First argument to array_keys() should be an array in c:\program files\mta\mtasg.php on line 228

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in c:\program files\mta\mtasg.php on line 228

Warning: First argument to array_keys() should be an array in c:\program files\mta\mtasg.php on line 239

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in c:\program files\mta\mtasg.php on line 239

Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in c:\program files\mta\mtasg.php on line 257

Warning: Variable passed to key() is not an array or object in c:\program files\mta\mtasg.php on line 259
Done! 17 lines parsed in 0 seconds Saving statsfile: public_html/stats/index.php 

I even made the apache server directory the same as the mta directory (shown in the code) but than it still display's no names and other stuff, while there have been 2 people in the game...

I run mta 0.2 with all the new stuff (config tool etc..)

My logfile only shows what people said, and if someone enters a game.. that weird :?

I hope someone can help me... :wink:

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Guess i was a little lazy checking the variables before i used functions on them, but just ignore those warnings, the stats are generated anyway. Check the stats/ directory in your public_html/ directory. :)

EDIT: Oh, and, the mtasg.php is designed to run using PHP's CLI interface. There should be a cli/ directory in your php directory, and inside that there should be a php.exe. Make a shortcut to it with the following target line:

"C:\Program Files\php\cli\php.exe" "C:\Program Files\MTA\mtasg.php"

Adjust the paths ofcourse. You may have to put full paths in your config.php too. Try running the shortcut and a MS-DOS window should appear for a few seconds. Now check the directory that you set in the config.php. :)

Hope this helps.

EDIT2: Argh, read your post again, to get the server to log everything you need to put "StatLogging 1" in your mtaserver.conf.


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