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Format/delete a table..


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For example, I have this:

local table = { value1 = {}, value2 = {}, value3 = {} } 
for i = 1, math.random(9999, 99999) do 
    table.insert(table, { value1 = math.random(1, 10), value2 = math.random(500, 1000), value3 = "wawawa" ..i }) 

Now, how could I clear the table, leaving it empty again?


PD: That is an example.

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local table = { value1 = {}, value2 = {}, value3 = {} } 
for i = 1, math.random(9999, 99999) do 
    table.insert(table, { value1 = math.random(1, 10), value2 = math.random(500, 1000), value3 = "wawawa" ..i }) 
-- makes the table to an empty table 
table = {} 

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